S.H.E.I.L.D. Profile

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Okay, so I was thinking of ways to explain more of Luke's backstory, but then I remembered that S.H.I.E.L.D. had these special files on certain people because...their S.H.I.E.L.D., so here we go. I hope you enjoy this story, but before we start, here is everything you will need to know about Luke.

 I hope you enjoy this story, but before we start, here is everything you will need to know about Luke

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REAL NAME Lucas Anthony Stark
Luke - primary nickname


BASED IN Sokovia (Currently)

AGE 15

SEX Male



ETHNICITY American (I don't really know what else to put)

FATHER Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark

PERSONALITY Luke is a fearless and confident teenage boy with some emotional fragility and trouble opening up to people due to his past and upbringing.  In contrast with his father, Stark displays a more serious attitude and direct anger, not only against his dad but against anyone that he perceives as his enemy.

Due to childhood trauma from him being sold, his father's abandonment, and being beaten, he is emotionally reserved and does not allow just anyone in, he is also vengeful and does not forgive others easily. At his core and when his guard is down, however, Luke is a nice and friendly boy who tries to find his place in the world and secretly desperately yearns for love and affection.

Although capable of acknowledging his mistakes and learning from them as well, Luke feels the burden of guilt and remorse for his actions, which has led to times of inaction, even though he is generally action-oriented.

Don't cross Luke if he's determined or threatened. He plays to win. Luke's hostility can be toned down, but he is still prone to fits of powerful anger.  Luke is barely ever impressionable towards figures of authority and prefers to go against it, especially his father, despite his young age. 

Unlike Peter Parker, Stark doesn't have a desire to prove his worth because he's confident in himself and knows he has what it takes, so he doesn't have to prove himself to anyone else.  

IQ over 250/one of the highest

BACKSTORY A teen with no family and no place to call home.

Luke was conceived during Tony Stark's affair with another mystery woman.  When he was born, his mysterious mother sold him into H.Y.D.R.A., an authoritarian paramilitary-subversive terrorist organization bent on world domination.  As he grows up, he develops a deep enmity towards Tony for not coming to save him and the Avengers.

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