Aki's Ferocity

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There is crowd gathering around a large stake and tied to this stake is Miranda, The Tyrant comes out from the castle he walks up on to a wooden stage.

The Tyrant: Here I stand before you, here on public execution, My beloved wife and your Queen will burned at the stake under high treason against the Kingdom.

The Tyrant begins to give the orders when Griffith is shown standing along side Aku and Kichi.

Griffith: Stop!

Murmur over the audience.

Griffith: Father you have Killed for far to long you have taken the lives of innocents, the lives of loved ones, and you killed my love and friend, your years of tyranny is at it's end, Aki is Coming.

Murmur over the audience.

The Tyrant: Tie up that Boy!!!!

Miranda: Run away, my Son hurry!!

Guards begin to grab Griffith when then the clouds in the sky begin to grow and cover the sky, when then a large Blue ball of light, fly across the sky over the Tyrants men and the people and landing with a large Boom outside the Kingdoms walls, in the distance the sky glowed red and a figure walking past the wall, as archers try to fire on to Aki, Aki stopped and looked at them, the fear in there eye's was enough for them to realize they were not going to make it as Aki's fist smashed down on to the wooden structure causing it to crumble, Aki moved onward as the Tyrant stood there shocked, Aki went over to the stake that Miranda was being held, he grabbed the stake and ripped it out from the ground and gently put her down, Aki moved toward the wall, the Tyrant ran to go inside and shut the door with half of his men holding the door shut, and the other half trying to get in, there fates were sealed when Aki approached them and smashed the wall to pieces, Aki moved onward into the Kingdom as many as the tyrants men try to run some tripped and met the fate of Aki's foot, The Tyrant running away past soldiers trying to hold off Aki. Using chains trying to make him trip by having the chains attached to houses, but Aki just walked past them he was looking for The Tyrant all these ants were just in the way, The Tyrant was trying to run to the castle but got lost, he ran through the small village trying to find his way when then he finally finds the way there, but stops to look up in fear to see Aki looking through a house and turning to see he, Aki's eye's glowed with rage, Aki begins to walk over to the tyrant, when then the Tyrant runs into a house he tries to hold the doors shut when they burst open causing him to then run up the stairs to the second floor he catches his breathe when he then hears someone screaming and something cracking he looks out at the window to see a solider screaming and being crushed by the hand of Aki, Aki then looks at the Tyrant, The Tyrant then tries to runaway when he realizes Aki's hand went through the window the large hand is trying to grab him, when The Tyrant believes he escaped from Aki's grasp he's grabbed by the other hand, The Tyrant is then lifted out from the house, Griffith, Miranda, Aku, and Kichi watch as the Tyrant is carried.

The Tyrant: (in fear) Help someone, Please, put me down!!!!

The Tyrant is then taken to a cross like plank of wood, next to the Pit where he sent many a poor soul to. Aki puts The Tyrant on the cross like figure and hold him there.

The Tyrant: Please have mercy, please god have mercy.!!!!!

Aki pulls out the Large nail out from his forehead, Aki rearranges the nail in his hand to make a stabbing motion, Aki lifts the nail up and then Stabs the Tyrant through the wood pinning him there Killing him instantly, Aki then turns and walks away from the now dead Rat, Aki walked past Griffith he stops to look at Griffith, Aki walks up to Griffith and looks down at him.

Griffith: Aki, Your job is done, Avalon I............I hope she is now in peace.

Aki tilts his head.

Griffith: I hope that all who died can rest in peace.

Aki then stands straight as the ground begins to quake as Aki is now falling apart, Griffith see's inside as the great statue god falls to pieces a figure can be seen, and finally all to dust Griffith walks up to the pile of dust and notices a woman curled up Naked.

Griffith: Avalon???

Avalon opens her eye's born again.

Avalon: Griffith? is that you?

Griffith: Yes.

Avalon: I had a dream that I killed the....

Griffith: Aki did it.... he killed my father.

Griffith hugs Avalon.

Avalon: I was dead, but you came back for me.

Griffith: yes..... Yes I did.

Griffith then noticed that Avalon was different, she had horns on top of her head, she had long pointy ears, her skin was tough like Dragon scales, and she had a long tail.

Griffith: Avalon, you changed?

Avalon: I know.

As She smiled she went in for a kiss, and Griffith Kisses back, and there The Tyrant was dead, and so the world can live a new...... But there is still more.

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