The Death of Beauty, The Rise of a Beast

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Avalon sat alone on top a the tree for hours, Aku and Kichi climbed along side her.

Kichi: Are you okay?

Avalon: No, I told him to never come back, do you think it was the right thing to do?

Aku: I don't know, but we've gone for quite a while, maybe we should go home rest and think things over.

Avalon: Yeah, I guess your right, and besides I am hungry.

Kichi: Do you think your dads are going to make some of that sazafraz I'm hungry myself, Hey don't worry Avalon maybe he might return and ask for, forgiveness, I don't want to not see him, I like him, he's a great friend.

Avalon: Come on, Lets go home.

Avalon, Aku, and Kichi walk back to the cave. Griffith sitting in a cage being carried back home when the guard falls asleep next to the cage, Griffith grabbed the key's, he unshackled himself and then unlocked the cage.

Griffith: How convenient.

He Fled back to the cave, as Avalon, Aku, and Kichi made it back to the cave they stop before entering in as Aku sniffed the air.

 Aku: There's something wrong, enter with caution.

As they entered in the smell in the air was thick, like fire was burning or the aftermath of a battle, the closer they got to the civilization they all saw it dead women, men, children Dragons laying dead on the ground as many held weapons and many changed into there full form, all lay dead Avalon looked at the carnage as she then ran back to her home.

Avalon: (Under breathe) They're going to be fine, they're going to be there, they're going to smile when they see......

She saw the cave broken in, all around the place she saw as books, little stone figures were all burned, she moved in closer as she saw her Fathers laying down next to each other dead, Avalon holds her breathe as she then backed out of the home, Aku and Kichi standing by, Kichi Crying as he realized his own parnets and friends were all dead, Avalon looked at them and then ran down to the Statue of Aki, Griffith ran all the way down in to the cave, he see's the massacre as he stood there in shock, he ran down to see Aku and Kichi as they chase Avalon, Avalon knelt at the feet of the statue.

Avalon: (Cryin) Why, Please Aki, why.

The Tyrant: I'll tell you why, princess, (chuckle) You were hidden very well and for a long time, I believe you dead, But you escaped through my grasp, I let your Mother die and I killed your Father, I destroyed everything you ever loved and Now I must finish what I started.

Avalon goes into fighting stance.

Avalon: You unlucky soul, I won't let you.

Avalon charged up to the Tyrant punching, kicking as the the tyrant moved away from the hits, Griffith, Aku, and Kichi watch as these two duel it out, one a Demon, and the other a Fiery spirit of a dragon. The Tyrant then punched Avalon in the face, and then stabs her in gut, Griffith watches as her body falls to the ground, the leading Minion comes out as armed soliders come out and capture the three.

The Leading Minion: My lord, what shall I do here, with the two capture and your son?

The Tyrant: Destroy the statue, Kill them all.

Avalon begins to move as her head looks up toward the men she bleed out from her wound.

Avalon: (Last bit of soul remaining) This will not be my final breathe, I will not let you have this victory, I will crush you under my foot, I will not fail, me and Aki, will show you fear as we tear you to shreds, and we will destroy everything that is foul that you created, we will burn it all down, your life is near it's end. (dead)

The Tyrant: Break the statue in Two, I'm going back.

The Leading Minion: Yes My lord.

The minions hold the Three, as they begin to set up a ladder to hammer a nail into the statues forehead, The Leading Minion walks over to the three.

The Leading Minion: watch as we take your God, and break him into little tiny pieces.

The Minion begin to Hammer the Nail into the Statues forehead, pound in the nail one, two, three times until, someone felt something drip on top there heads a red liquid, Blood was pouring out from the statue, as the whole place went dark, lightning flashing As Green fire engulfed the spring, the ground began to quake as the ground open up green flames swallow the Minions along with the Leading Minion, all tried to hold on to something but all fell in as the ground closed, Griffith got up and went to Avalon still laying on the ground, he picked up her body, taking it over to the foot of the statue.

Griffith: Please bring her back, please have the power to bring back the dead, I'm sorry my father is an evil man he hurts my Mother, he kills the citizens of my home, he killed her parents, please I pray to you, save her, you can take me if you have to.

A light floats up from Avalon's body and into the statue the ground begins to quake Griffith backs away with Avalon's body as the statue begins to move the tail moving out from under rocks, he begins to walk off the pedestal and he opens his eye's and looks down at the tiny people and out to the Kingdom with fury in his eye's.

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