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When he was alone again in his cell, he opened the heavily bound book at the top of the pile beside his bed and recoiled at the sights it contained. Angharad had described them as depraved and she was correct in her description. He thought that no person of decency would ever consider the acts so pictured, believing that any part of loving intimacy between a man and woman should at the very least, be respectful to the needs and wishes of both. He put the book from him in disgust and lay down, seeing the lovely face of his wife as he closed his eyes.

It was not his intention to sleep, but he was half awoken by the touch of those who were removing his clothing. There seemed no urgency in their actions and in his sleepy state, he allowed it.

He opened his eyes fully from slumber as he felt the warm oil upon his skin, then surrendered to the slow massaging palms and fingers, as it was softly pressed into every part of him.

To his shame, they paid special attention to what Auriel always referred to as his "treasures" but he either did not or could not respond, he was unsure of which. He saw that the women were as beautiful as they were skilled, but after an hour or so, his only response was to fall into slumber once more and after whispering together just out of his earshot, they left him.

He slept badly that night, after dressing himself again, and when he awoke he did not feel refreshed, fearing the return of more inroads into his dignity, and wondering what form they would take.

Provisions for his comfort were once more replenished, but he remained alone until the afternoon, then Angharad returned, along with two others bearing a large bathtub, which they proceeded to fill. When they had completed the task, they left as silently as they had come.

"I have been sent to seduce you further on her behalf," she said, "for she believes that our burgeoning friendship will aid in that seduction. It is possible we are overseen, but I do not believe she can hear us. I am so very sorry for the very intimate intrusions I am about to carry out, but you must remove your clothing and step into the bath, then I will join you. We must both attempt to appear genuine in our actions, for I believe if you are seen to respond, even a little, it may grant you a few more days of life. Then she began to weep. Please forgive me, this behaviour shames me, but there is no other recourse for me."

"I shall do as you ask," he replied, "but I see no shame in your actions, merely necessary acts with a view to the needs of your child. I am willing to comply, but I feel the need to tell you that my wife is the love of my life, and she will always be that to me, though my forthcoming actions may lead you to think otherwise. It is merely the game this Red Witch would have us play."

He undressed quickly and got into the warm water, finding that the wooden tub was lined with a large linen sheet. He averted his eyes as she removed her robe and then he heard her give a small laugh.

"Your chivalry does you credit Guy of Gisborne", she said, "but as we are about to pretend a small matter of intimacy between us, it seems a little unwarranted, though I thank you for your honourable intent," then she became a little flustered as she said, "dear God, did you take the potion today!"

He smiled back at her, leaning back in the tub to find a more comfortable positioning, "I did," he said, "and I apologise for what will be my seeming indifference to your not inconsiderable charms!"

He looked up at her as she got into the bath, kneeling low as she moved towards him. While not a great beauty, he thought her fair enough to merit the love of any man. She was of medium height and had honey coloured hair, with light blue eyes. He saw that her breasts were small, but more than adequate to satisfy a man's tastes and thought that her waist was the smallest he had ever seen, which made her hips appear more rounded. All this he saw with complete dispassion, but he was glad she was comely, as they began the strange dance of love.

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