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To be honest, I still can't stop thinking about Marc hugging me at the French GP, it was amazing. I don't hear from Ruby for months now, I admit I also don't give her news. I think she's busy with her studies in New York. I posted the photos with the MotoGP riders and some liked the post, Marc also liked it. Him, his brother, Espargaro brothers, Valentino, Jack, and Maverick started following me and it made me happier. Fabio and Johann weren't at the meeting but I hope I will meet them as well. 

I'm getting ready for tonight, I have a party with my new friends. To be honest, I'm not really up for it but I try to be nice. I brush my hair and I straighten it. I take my keys and I close my apartment. I walk to the nightclub and I wait for my friends. I sit on a chair, near a table.

My friends see me and they join me. We give each other a kiss and we order our drinks, I'm the only one who doesn't drink alcohol. I hate it, but I'm okay with beers, wine, and champagne. There are also people from our university, they join us and sit next to us. We enjoy being together and we forget about university for a while. Then, we dance a bit on the dance floor, I come back to the table with a friend of mine. I feel good but I feel like there is something wrong, my friend notices it and she tries to make me laugh, it works but it pisses me off to not know what's wrong. Our friends come back as well and they sit on their chairs. I try to act like I'm fine even if I still feel pissed off. 

I raise my head and I see my ex (who cheated on me). How long has he been there? He looks at me smiling but I don't smile. I get up grabbing my phone.

"Where are you going to ?" - A friend asks

"I need to come back home." - I say


I walk through the nightclub, my ex comes to me but I ignore him. I'm finally outside and I hear my ex calling my name.

"Why do you ignore me like that ?" - He asks

"What do you want ?" - I say

"I want you back." 

"Fuck you !" 

"I'm not bad."

"You fucking cheated on me so yeah you're bad."

"I was drunk !"

"It's not an excuse !"

"Come on !"

"Leave her alone !" - Someone says

I turn around and I see Jack Miller, a MotoGP rider. He looks at my ex badly and he grabs me by the waist. My ex looks irritated and comes back into the nightclub. I see Cal is also here with his wife (her name is Lucy). They come with me to my apartment. 

"Thanks, Jack." - I say

"It's okay. He is your ex ?" - He asks


"He is stupid." - Cal says

"I agree. By the way, how is Willow ?"

Willow is Cal and Lucy's daughter.

"She's fine, she's at her grandparent's place in England." - Lucy says. 


"Is it okay if we sleep here ?" - Cal asks

"Yeah. I have another bedroom and I can lend you my bedroom."

"Where will you sleep ?" - Jack asks

"On the couch." - I reply

I show them my apartment and we all go to sleep. I take a blanket and a pillow, I lay on the couch and I fall asleep. 

                             *Some days later*

Jack, Cal, and his wife stayed a bit, Lucy came back to England and the boys joined the MotoGP riders for the next grand prix. I prepare my bag to go to school, I leave my apartment and I listen to music while walking to the university. I feel tired and I wanted to stay at home. I enter my university, I already see people I didn't want to see. I sigh and I walk to my classroom,  I sit on my chair and I continue to listen to music. I'm already bored.

                              *After school*

I'm on the couch and I'm on call with Ruby, she's talking about her classmates. To be honest, I don't pay attention to it, I'm lost in my mind. I'm thinking about Marc, I miss him and I loved his hugs. 

"You think about Marc ?" - Ruby asks

"Yeah, I miss him." - I reply

"You will see him soon."

"When ?" 

"I thought we could go to another grand prix together ?"

"Which one ?"

"Sachsenring ?"

"Why not."

Sachsenring is the grand prix in Germany.

"I can't wait to see you there Lélé !"

"Me too. I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Okay. Bye Lélé !"

"Bye !"

I hang up. I know lying is bad but yeah I lied. I have nothing to do, I just wanted to be alone. I turn my phone off and I set an alarm clock at 11 am, school will begin at 1:30. I try to sleep because it's midnight here. 

                             *P.O.V Marc*

I can't stop thinking about this girl, at the French GP. I hope I will see her again. I'm at Cervera with my family, Alex is in the kitchen with our parents and I'm walking outside. I sit on a bench and I look at the landscape. I miss her, I liked taking her in my arms. I loved her perfume, I got lost in her eyes and I want to see her again. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see my brother Alex.

"Estás bien ?" - Alex asks

"Si, estoy bien." - I reply

"Estás pensando en ella ?"

"Una y otra vez."

Alex sits next to me and he sighs. We stay like this for 10 minutes and then, we come back to our home. We have dinner and I go to my room. I don't feel good and I also feel tired. I fall asleep 5 minutes later. 

                                 *P.O.V Léanne*

I just woke up. I dreamt about Marc, it was amazing. I get ready for another day of school. I just can't wait to see Marc again.

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