A thousand years ago, seven stars sat illuminated in the night sky, surrounded by the moon, wrapped around its comfort and loving embrace, secured in the safety net that always provided them protection.
Too soon, it all...
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[UPDATE AS OF 29/08/23]
Darcella: Abeyance (Book One of The Protectress Series) is now complete!
With that being said, the story will now go under a complete rewrite and revision (edit). I will say some scenes will be taken out, and new scenes will be added. A few niggles and pieces will be twisted and scrapped. Characters, chapters and the plot will be more defined and delved into deeper.
If you are a re-reader or a new reader, please don't fret; there will be not many changes other than the background of how Darcella came upon the Gilbert family, the main focus on developing the bond between Darcella/Stefan/Damon.
Also, I want to start by saying the amount of readers this story has gained over the years has been total madness! I'm honestly mindblown and full of appreciation for your love Darcella as I am. Thank you!!! <3 I'll be honest. When I began writing Darcella's story, she was nothing but a guinea pig to better my writing skills. I had no end goal, plot or storyline in place. I guess you could call her a y/n character. Darcella was nothing but a blank canvas.
I know it's been a while, I left you all hanging. I hit a dead-end and was close to scrapping the whole book. I felt like nothing was coming along, nothing that made the story or character click. So, I took a break, a several long months-year break (sorry about that). I almost didn't come back until life kicked me up the arse and made me open my eyes.
I had what you could call a soul search during that break, weird, right? I'm not even sure what it was. But during that time, everything fell into place and finally, Darcella's story came to light. Something I have never seen coming from a long shot, and now I hold her close to my heart.
Meaning any mean or rude comments shot at Darcy or any other OC characters I create... I'll have my murder weapon ready!
I hope you'll grow to love her as much as I do now, join her in her big adventure and witness her long-awaiting family reunion that will come in time.
I want to say. During my break, I didn't so much as glance at The Protectress, much less log into this account... I was ashamed of myself. But then, one day, I did and was floored with all comments and love Darcy has grown. That made my decision to come back final. And I'm glad I did. Look where she is now. Thank you! <3
Again, I'll state that the first half of this story is confusing. There's not much plot until you reach between 'Back A 1000 years ago and 'Unpleasantville 1.1'. If there's something you don't understand, please tag me, and I'll clear up any confusion you may have.
Darcy initially did not have a love interest, which has now changed to Stefan and Damon (poly). Yes, Stefan is still with Elena, up until 'Miss Mystic Falls 1.2'.
Finally, I want to thank you all for sticking around to read this annoying, frustrating, hella confusing, and batshit crazy story. It wouldn't have happened without you guys!
And if you're new, hold on tight! You're in for a wild ride! <3