Katie fights with todd / katie thoughs

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After dropping the girls off at school I broken down and cryed like no one was watching. Why did I let him handle things with my daughter he will pay for what he did.

Katie- todd are you still home

Todd- yea sweetie I'm home

Katie- don't sweetie me basted

Todd- Katie did your friend came today or do you need stay home and give you some loveing

Katie- your funny and no to both I don't need nothing from a man like you but listen to me we got to talk and your going to let me say everything that I have to say before you say a thing

Todd- alright I'm listening to you and what ever you have to say to me but should I call work

Katie - yea you should it's going to be a long day and you are to stay right there where you are

Toby- ok let me call and then we will get back to whatever you got to say

Katie- ok but hurry

Toby on the phone with his boss telling him he can't make it to work cos his wife is being a bitch today and says she wants to talk but I think she just wants somes

Todd- ok I'm back now I'm all your

Katie- good cos things are about to go down here before my girls get home from school

Todd- are girls

Katie- hell no my girls don't you call your self a dad ever again you are nothing your not a man your nothing

Todd- that's not true and you know it how can you sit there and say that when you know everything you got it's from me and them girls are mine just as much as they are yours

Katie- do you hear your self right now you don't get alyass anything your always mean to her and she not your daughter do you under stand that you don't do nothing for her so don't you dare say you do everything for her

Todd- don't you start this shit with me today I'm not going to talk about how Amy gets everything and alyass gets nothing

Katie- it's ain't about amy it's about how you treat my daughter and I'm sick of the way you do that

Todd- blah blah that's all I hear from you right now you just want to fight with me over anything

Katie- nope not over anything and don't blah blah me that just makes me more mad I know that she didn't fell out the bed she can tell me what she wants but I know she covering for you and I won't let that happened to her anymore. Do you hear me you don't touch her again you don't go in her room ever again you don't get to tell her what to do anymore I'm outing my foot down on this she my daughter and you are not to ever do anything ever again do you under stand me

Todd- I don't know what your talking about I didn't do anything to her you crazy bitch she told you what happened to her and you can't listen the one time she tells the truth you want to say she lieing to you about it make up your mind do you want her to lie or tell the truth you can't have it both ways anyways what the hell is wrong with you today

Katie- I want her to tell me the truth about what happened to her the real truth but she to scared to tell me anything anymore and you are the reason why she scared of everything and I tell you what's wrong with me today I woke up this morning to see my daughter face black and blue with dried up blood all over her tell me how you would feel if you should your daughter that way my daughter alyass sister

Todd- I know what your saying I wouldn't like to see my daughter that way and my daughter will never look that way and if she ever did I would kill the basted that did it to her but alyass is telling you the truth she hads nothing to be scared of

How could he stand that and tell me that my daughter ain't got nothing to be scared of how it's you she scared of I just want to hit him in the face.

Katie- well I'm glad that you feel that way but she hads everything to worry about but since you are no longer going to tell my daughter want she can and can't do I have something else that I want to tell you about

Todd- yeah me not telling her what to do will be a cold day in hell I will tell her what to so when ever I want I'm the one that pays the bills around here and puts the food on the table and your liveing in my house

Katie- how many times do I have to fucking tell you it's ain't your house it's is my house it's from my dad and it don't have your name on it anymore and you won't be telling her anything

Todd- whatever as long as she here she will listen to what I tell her to do do you under stand that

Katie- well she won't be here then she will go live somewhere else then and so will me and Amy

Todd- no no don't do that I won't tell her want to do anymore just don't leave me

Katie- fine but I'm telling alyass about her real dad and everything and they are nothing you can do about it

Todd- oh yeah they are but if that's what you want to do then do it but I'm done fighting with your crazy bitch ass I'm going to make it to work

Today will be the day that I tell alyass about her real dad and about everything I should have told her along time ago about him and I know that Amy will hear the truth as well

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