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Todd- amy go to the car I'm comeing down there soon

Amy- ok I will be there waiting on you dad

Todd- ok I'm just going wait in your mom and I will be there

Amy- alright tell mom I love her

Todd- will do amy

Katie- todd I though you was leaveing

Todd- I am I just wanna kiss you goodbye and tell you that I love you and so dose amy she told me to tell you and don't feel like you have to come home any time soon you stay here with alyass as long as you need to

Katie- ok bye

Todd- ok amy you ready to go home now

Amy- yea I am so I'm I really in trouble

Todd- yes you are amy I have never been upset with you like this before what you say to your sister was uncalled for and I told you not to go in there in the frist place didn't I now and you didn't listen to me did you

Amy- I'm sorry dad I didn't mean to upset you but what I said had to be done cos that's his I feel dad and you are the one that told me to stand up for what I feel in my heart and I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you about not going in there but I had to dad

Todd- save the shit amy your trying to sweet talk me like you always do now I know what alyass was talking about now

Amy- don't side with her she talks shit about you all the time why do you think I said what I did to her I never wanna to be without my sister but I can't let her talk bad about my dad after everything you done to help her

Todd- no you can't say that you don't know anything about what I have done for her amy you have no right to talk to her the way you did no matter what that's not your place your not her mom and your not her dad and you are not her boss and you never tell her that she not your sister all she ever done is be there for you and have your back and now you don't want that help from her but one day you will wish you listen to her and never said such things to her one day you will know everything about everything and when you do find out your going to find bad about everything you ever said to her amy sometimes people have to be taugh a hard lesson about stuff like that do you know that

Amy- I'm sorry I didn't know you cared all this much about alyass since she wasn't your daughter and everything and I know do here my phone I won't let it happened again daddy I'm sorry I really am

Todd- you think that giveing me your phone is going to fix everything

Amy- well yeah I did

Todd- you must be kidding me right do you know that your sister didn't get a phone just you

Amy- I do know and I didn't let her know I ever got one cos you told me not to let or mom know and I didn't

Todd- I know that that was a thing you listen to me about but you didn't want to lose the phone and now your willing to just give it up to me why is that

Amy- because I knew that you was going to take it anyways so I was just willing going to give it to you dad and I know that I messed up but they are no reason to be so mad at me over this dad I was takeing up for you she said mean things about you in there and I had to stand up for myself and for you

Todd- I heared the whole thing so stop lieing to me she didn't say anything about me untill we about to leave and I have told you time again that daddy don't need you to stand up for me that I can take care of things on my own and so what people are going to talk they are going to say things about me they are slot if people that don't like me but I don't lose any sleep at night over it and you shouldn't be worried about it amy but since you want to act like a big grown up your going get your whopping like a big girl now when we get the house I want you go to your room and change off of your school outfix and put something else on

Amy- can I use the bathroom frist dad and what do you want me to put on

Todd- yes you can and it don't matter I guess just put your night grown on cos your be going to bed after wards

Amy- ok daddy

Todd- I'm glad we are geting somewhere now and put your phone in my room for now you can get it back later

Amy- ok dad

They get to thier house and amy walks up to her dad and mom room and put her phone down and then she gos to the bathroom and dose everything she needs to do before going to her own room she took her time she didn't want to be whop bye her dad she never been and never though she would have to

Todd- amy where the hell are you at your not in your room and I said to your room after you got done in the bathroom now you better hurry and get in here before I come get you

Amy- I'm comeing I'm still in the bathroom

Todd- oh ok just hurry

Amy- ok

She walks in her bathroom and she don't see her dad anywhere so she gos and put her night grown on before he could get up here so she wouldn't get in anymore trouble with him

Amy- I'm in room dad and I am change into my night stuff can I just go to bed now and we forget about everything that happened today I promise it won't happened again

Todd- no you can't go to bed and I know it won't I'm going make sure of that I will be right up there in a few mintures

Todd wasn't thinking like him self today so he didn't even think about what he was going to do he just knew she had to pay for what she did for not listening to him

Todd- amy open the door

Amy- comeing daddy

Todd- thanks for leting me in now we can get to the matter at hand

Amy- yes I guess we can dad

Todd- I love that night grown it's looks sexy on you no other girl could put that off not your mom or your sister and trust me your sister is sexy

Amy- dad are you ok cos you should say things like that to me or talk about alyass like that

Todd- shut up don't try to talk when I'm talking to you little girl I won't have that you hear me

Amy- yes I hear you

Todd- good so you did something I told you not to do today and that makes me mad and do you know what I do to girls that make me mad

Amy was to scared to talk or say anything so she just shake her head saying no

Todd- that's right you don't know but your going to find out today now I hate that I have to do this to my own blood but you ask for it your self

Amy- ok dad I guess your right

Todd- that's right you know I am now listen I'm going to tell you what to do and your going to listen to everything that I tell you to do and you won't move at anytime do you hear me amy

Amy- yes I hear you

Todd- good to hear

Amy- ok

Todd- do over to your bed and lay down now in going to tell you a story about something

Amy- ok dad

Todd- I know this little girl that didn't listen to her dad and he had to put her in trouble he never wanna to hurt his little girl but he didn't have a choose to make she did mean things and she will have to do the time now amy put your under wear off and hand them to me

Amy didn't want to do that but she was scared to death so she what she was told to do

Todd- good job listening to me I'm glad that we get to do this the easy way and not the hard way

Amy- yes daddy whatever you say dad

Todd- good to know that you feel that way but after tonight you are to give that night grown to your sister I font like you haveing something like that even tho you look sexy as hell with it on

( pictures of amy night grown at the top)

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