Alyass wakes up

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Dr- family of alyass

Everyone- that's us

Dr- she awake now and asking for you guys so if you come with me

everyone- ok

Alyass- hey guys

Devon- hey

Katie- hey sweetie

Toby- hey baby girl

Amy- hey sissy

Todd- hi alyass

Alyass- bat bat bat bat bat out

Katie- what

Alyass- I want him out of here now I don't like him at all I don't want him around me at all

Todd- that's no way to talk to your dad
Alyass- your not my dad never have been never will be now get out of my room

Katie- he not going to hurt you sweetie he here to cheek on you and make sure your alright

Alyass- that's not true he don't care about me mom and you know that

Katie- don't say that

Alyass- that's right I forgot your back with him it's all about what he wants now you forget about me when your with him I want the mom back that was there when we was gone on are trip where that mom at

Katie- alyass don't start with me I won't put up with it

Toby- really Katie she layed up in the bed almost dead and you want to fight with her over todd when you know your self that he don't care about her

Katie- you don't know anything about nothing so don't put your mouth in the middle of it you shouldn't even be here right now why are you here

Toby- I'm alyass dad and I will be here I'm glad that I'm here cos she hads a low life for a mom

Alyass- stop fighting right now I swear I have had enough of everything I have enough of todd and outing up with him and I'm sick of you mom always haveing his back and being there for him and amy and not me and something else that's my dad your talking to like that and he can be here anytime he wants to be here and if you don't like it you can leave I wish that you would take todd out of here

Todd- alyass you think you can tell everyone want to do because your up here half dead well your only 16 your not the boss off anyone and you will not talk to your mother that way and I don't have to go anywhere that I don't want to do I been the one that been takeing care of you and for you talking to us like that is out of the line and you need to cheek your self little girl before you get cheek

Toby- she don't have to do nothing you say she don't have to listen to you at all and you call hitting on her takeing care of her you are something else and you won't be talking to my daughter like that ever again and before you think about doing anything to her you better just not do it

Katie- listen todd just go home before everything turns bad than what already it's and Toby is her dad so he hads a right to be here I guess just go home

Devon- alyass I'm sorry about everything that been going on right now you shouldn't have to put up with this with anything that's been going on right now

Alyass- thank you Devon that means a lot to me it really dose are the one that found me

Devon- yes and bring you here to save your life

Alyass- thank you but I wish you round have let me dead there and I wouldn't be in this mess than I'm in with everyone

Devon- no alyass I would never let you die not in my watch I could never let anything bad happened to you and I will be there to keep you safe from now on I promise you alyass no one will ever hurt you again

Alyass- why do you promise me things why would go that for me can you tell me that and maybe I might let you try and keep me safe

Devon- because I love you alyass and I couldn't live with myself even something ever happened to you

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