Alyass and amy fight

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Katie- would you girls like to go see your gandma and gandpa?

Alyass- yes I would love to go see them mom but what about my face

Katie- I'm going call them before we go there and I will tell them about it don't worry it

Amy- whatever mom I don't care what we do I just can't wait to go the hell home and I don't want to know anything else about Toby or what ever his name is.

Alyass- why don't you stop being a brat for once in your life I have never said that about you never in my life but the one time that sometimes about me you act like a brat I hate haveing to fight with you amy I really do your my little sister that I alway look out for I keep you safe from harms way so you don't end up looking like me and now you want to treat me like crap I won't have that I sit back everyday and watch you with your dad watch you get everything that you want just handed to you while I get treated like crap bye him and my mom cos of your dad

Amy- yea I get everything I want handed to me cos he my dad and he loves me I alway ask myself why you never got nothing now I know why you don't get anything because your not his daughter and he don't love you and you want to call me names I'm not a brat your the brat you want to have it all when you have nothing at all you shouldn't even be here with her us mom should never had you she should give you up along with your shit head of a dad nos before you want talk crap about me and my dad just know that I can talk more crap than you could ever think about talking now get out my face you ugly black and blue face.

Alyass- I never talk crap about you but I'm not doing this with you I'm not fighting with you over this.

Amy- that's right you want to run your mouth but don't want to fight that just so like you I see why my dad don't like you

Katie- amy stop this shit now I'm sick of hearing you jump on your sister like this over nothing she didn't do nothing to you at all if you want to yell at someone yell at me it's my fault but don't you ever tell her that she shouldn't be here ever again now listen we are going to see my mom and my dad and I want you to change your mood right now amy do you hear me

Amy- so now I'm the one that gets in trouble for nothing why don't you jump on her for this she started this shit

Katie- no you did and I won't jump on to her for something she didn't do she was just telling the truth something that me and your dad told her to do now stop this shit or your be in trouble

Amy- that's not right mom it's not fair I don't like this shit at all

Katie- no I tell you what not right and not fair your dad leting you bye with everything when you do everything wrong oh wait you don't do no wrong in his eyes but trust me your dad not here and they ain't a thing you can do about that now if you want go see the day if light and not walls the rest of this trip then you need to clam down and stop acting the way that you are cos I won't put up with it.

Amy- don't I put up with it I don't care and I will do what I want your my mom not my boss my boss it's at home and put me in trouble and I will tell dad everything so don't you make me mad and for you alyass you better watch your back

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