Another life for now

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Katie- Amy listen to me what I'm about to talk to your sister about you can't not let dad know about it.

Amy- you want me to hide something from dad.

Katie- yes I do cos if he ever find out that you know about it he would be mad at me and might try to hurt me

Amy- I don't think he would hurt you mom but just to be on the safe side I won't let him know just keep me safe if he ever finds out that I knew and didn't tell him

Katie- you never have to worry about me not keeping you safe I am your mother and I will always keep you safe

Amy- mom did my dad hurt my sister and you didn't safe her it's that what you want to talk about to alyass

Alyass- he didn't hurt me amy don't you ever worried about that nothing like hads ever happened to me

Amy- are you sure he didn't hurt you in any way

Katie- stop amy that's enough she said he didn't now drop it sweetie don't make your sister upset

Amy- sorry alyass sorry mom I should have stay home with dad

Katie- why do you say that for

Amy- you yell at me

Alyass- she not trying to tell at you she just going though something right now and haveing a rough time puls she been diveing for 7 hours not stop

Katie- that's right just want your sister said and I don't want your sister upset I wasn't trying to yell I just didn't want you fighting with each other on are day

Amy- your right guys I'm sorry I don't know why I think you was trying to be mean to me your not the mean one dad is he won't let us do nothing at all

Katie- that's right I'm glad that you under stand that and that you said that

Amy- so what do you need to tell my sister

Katie- that will come in a bit but right now we need to sleep and get rested up so we can go out in the town later tonight when the real fun starts

They all when and got in the bed and when to sleep after the long drive they had.

5 hours later.

Alyass- mom are you up yet amy what about you is anyone up

Amy- I'm kinda up but I think mom still in bed sis

Alyass- well let her sleep then until we shower and everything you can lay back till I get out if you want but remnber keep the door shut and locked at all times and don't let anyone in

Amy- I'm not laying back down I'm good and I know can I come with you sister

Alyass- you can if you want to it's cool with me

Amy- thank you sis

Alyass- your welcome

Alyass in the shower now cleaning up

Amy- so lyss why do you think mom want this mom daughter date thing and why we had to come all this way for and why didn't we just have a family thing since we came this far away from home

Alyass- she loves us and she wanna to spent some much needed time with us since she don't get to much and you know how dad it's about everything and she didn't want to put up with that right now when she trying to spent time with us and everything.

Amy- oh I know what you mean about dad now I see why we when so far and I don't blame mom at all but do you know what she wants to talk about with you that I can't let dad know about

Alyass- listen amy that's not my place to tell you about but yes I do know all about it and what she wants to tell me that she don't want dad to know that you know about it's not nothing you need to worry about at all but just know that what you hear tonight or when she tells us it won't change anything with us your ways going to be my baby sister and I'm always going to keep you safe.

Amy- ok lyss I trust you I always do but sissy I don't think that dad will like me keeping things from him and I'm scared

alyass- he mite not but they are no need for you to be scared of anything at all I got your back and so dose mom

Alyass now out the shower and amy geting in

Amy- I hope your right about everything I hope you guys do got my back in everything and that you always will

Alyass- we will amy I will never let anyone hurt you I'm always going to have your back I'm never going to let anyone hurt you

Katie- hey girls I'm up and I over hear you guys and amy let me tell you this your my daughter I will never let anything bad have to you or your sister I will always have your backs and never let anyone hurt you guys for nothing in this world

Amy- thank you mom you and sister mean so much to me I thank you both for haveing my back and always being there for me but mom you let sissy get hurt already

Alyass- no amy she didn't let anything happened no one hurt me sweetie I fell don't you worry you will never look like me I promise you that

Katie- I didn't know that she fell I hate myself for leting that happened to her for not knowing that it happened if I did I would have been there to save her from the floor but you guys are both clean and i am already had a bath now let's go to dinner.

A/n sorry it's been a whole since I update this but here a update for you guys if anyone even reading this.

Next part Katie tells alyass about her real dad and everything kinda starts to get better with alyass but not all at onces

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