chapter ten

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Lilac's pov

I get back to the house. I walk inside and the whole team is in the living room. I walk into the living room and they all look at me.

"The Director will have a plane ready for us in four hours to go to Spain." I tell them. "I'm gonna go ahead and get packing. We can have some food on the plane." I finish and make my way upstairs. 

While I drove back to the house, I was thinking about everything that happened the past 24 hours. And out of everything I mad one conclusion: I can't get close to them. I already let Nate come too close to me. I can't let them in because I can't afford to lose another team, another family. So, I have decided to distance myself from them a little more. I walk into my room and grab a duffel bag. I grab some weapons and clothes I'll be needing. I then grab my toiletries. 

After probably two hours, I was packed and ready. I decided I would do some research on Alejandro's location. The hotel he's staying at. Maybe some information on his daughter as well, I know Dad has some agents in Barcelona.  I don't have to do much in order to find information on the location. Turns out the hotel he's staying at is actually hiring. We could use that to our advantage and spy on Alejandro and his daughter. I also see some information on his daughter. She goes to school close by and some of Alejandro's guards stay close to it everyday. We're going to need someone to work in the hotel and someone who will work at the school. I'm sure we can figure something out. Maybe as an intern or something. One is for sure: I can't be seen. At least not by Alejandro and his team. Maybe it'll be a good idea to get a hotel across from them. 

My research took about a little over an hour. I decided it was time to grab my things and make our way to the airport. It's about half an hour of a drive. So, if we want to install ourselves and such we should be a bit earlier. I lock all my windows and put the alarm on it on. I check my room one more time before grabbing my things and leaving. The door closes behind me and I make my way downstairs. I see a few bags at the door already and drop mine next to them. I walk into the living room and everybody is already there except Cleo and Cody. 

"Hey guys, I think we should leave. Be there on time and go over the plan a little more." I tell them and they nod in agreement. 

"I'll go get Cleo and Cody." Avian says and gets up, walking towards the stairs. 

A second later, we hear him yell for Cleo and Cody. We hear a muffled 'yes!' back and Avian walks back into the room. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and take it out.


Gary: I'm here.

ME: Okay, we'll be out in a second.

Just then, Cleo and Cody walk down the stairs with their bags in their hands. They walk towards the front door and I make my way over there as well. I grab my bags and walk outside, towards Gary. Gary sees me and has a big smile on his face. Like he didn't just see me this morning. 

"Hello again." he says.

"Hi. I'll put them in the back okay?" I ask and he nods. 

I walk to the back and drop my bags in the trunk. The others follow me my example while I take a seat on the passenger's side, next to Gary. The rest fills in soon after. I see Liam eyeing Gary. Jup, I'm positive. Liam is gay and he has a big fat crush on Gary. Gary starts the van and we are on our way to the airport. While we're driving, I look out through the window. I watch the scenery change from time to time. I think about Jess. I'm going to the guy who ratted us out and killed her. I'm on my way to avenge her death. And I know she'll probably be mad about me shutting out the others but I have to. I can't lose yet another team. I don't even notice when we get to the airport until Gary taps me on the shoulder. I get out of the car and grab my bags before handing them off to a guard. The others do the same and then make their way onto the plane. I wait outside with Gary. I saw Nate give me a confused and worried look. But I shrugged it off. I'm waiting for Dad. And I don't have to wait long because a second later he shows up. He gets out of the car and makes his way towards me. Gary stands in font of us so the others can't see us. Dad is very keen on keeping this a secret. Because it will not only be an advantage for enemies, other agents might come for me. With Gary in front of us, we give each other a big hug. Last time I left with a team didn't end really well. 

"Promise me you'll be careful." Dad says to me when we break apart.

"I promise I'll be careful, Dad. They can't kill me that easily." I tell him, almost the same thing I said when I left with Jess.

"I know. But stay safe please, I can't lose you too." he says while hugging me again. 

I take it all in. This won't end like the last time. I will avenge her death and make Dad proud. We'll show the world not to fuck with us. We'll show the entire crime world that the Agency is a organisation not to be messed with. They'll see. 

"I gotta go. But I'll call you when we land." I tell him and he nods. 

We break apart and Gary and I do our handshake. I look at both of them one last time before walking off towards the plane. I enter the plane and take a seat across from Cleo and Cody. The pilot walks in and I nod at him, signalling that we can take off now. The others eye me suspiciously but I ignore them. We do need to discuss the plan. 

"Alright, let's discuss the plan. I did some research before we left. I booked a penthouse suite for us at the hotel across from Alejandro's. He has the penthouse suite as well which will make it easy to watch him. Next we need someone to be able to roam around in the hotel without it being suspicious. I looked up his hotel and they're hiring. One of us will have to go and work there. Then we need someone to be close to his daughter. She's guarded every hour of the day. The only chance we have on getting to know her is through school. Someone will have to do an internship at the school she goes to and try to get to know her. The rest of us watch Alejandro's patterns without being suspicious or worse, being caught. Even though I would want to help with the two jobs, I can't. Alejandro knows who I am. I can't be seen by him or his men. Any questions?" I explain the whole plan to them. 

"Yes, when will I start the internship?" Cleo asks from across me with a small smile. 

"When will I start at the hotel?" Avian asks from across the aisle. 

"Cleo will start on Tuesday since we're landing late tonight and it's Sunday. Avian will start tomorrow afternoon." I tell them and they nod in agreement.  

Let's get this bastard.

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