chapter twenty-five

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Nate's pov

Liam has somehow convinced us all to go clubbing tonight. I don't know why we agreed, why I agreed. I just wanted to stay at home with Lilac. I need to tell her that I love her. Yes, I love her. I think it was last week when we were watching a movie and I started thinking about all the things we've been through and I realised I love her. I wanted to have a date tonight with her and then tell her. But I guess that will have to be put on hold. Liam and the girls have claimed the house, so us guys have to go to Gary's apartment. We were about to leave when Lilac came back home. She said she wanted to go to Jess' grave. Needed a little alone time, which is totally okay with me. I am so utterly in love with Lilac. She came home and I couldn't stop the bright smile from forming on my lips. Luckily for me, she graced me with a bright smile of hers. But our moment was ruined when I was pushed out of the door. She gave me a little wave and her beautiful smile as a 'see you later'. I got into Gary's van reluctantly. I didn't want to leave her just yet. 

We're now sitting in Gary's living room. Apparently, this is where Lilac lived before she moved in with us. We're just drinking some beers. We have to wait three whole hours before we can come pick them up. 

"I've gotta hand it to you Nate, I've never seen Lilac so happy. She's very closed off, even to me. So, if you break her heart, I will murder you." Gary says, first playfully and then serious.

"I don't doubt you will." I say with a chuckle.

"Well, Lilac also solved this mystery. This man never liked to be touched. But he's hanging onto Lilac like she's a lifeline." Cody says while clapping on my back. I shoo his hand away. 

He's right though. I don't like to be touched. Except by Lilac. She makes me feel so loved. And makes me feel seen. I don't mind her touch, I actually crave her touch. 

"How long did you two live together?" Avian asks. 

"About three years I think. A little after Jess, she said she wanted to get an apartment somewhere nearby but not too far away from the Agency. Luckily for her, I didn't belong to one team. So I offered to look for something together and poof, here we are. In our apartment. She still pays the rent." he explains. "If you want Nate, you can check out her bedroom." he says with mischief in his eyes. But I'll take him up on that offer. 

"Sure. Which door?" I say. 

"Second door on the left." he says and I stand up.

I walk down the hall and take the second door on the left. It's a really big apartment, so I have no doubt that her room is going to be big. I open the door and walk in. I'm greeted by her lovely scent. I look around. It's a bit more personal than her room at the teamhouse. She has a few pictures around her room. I look at them. They're pictures of her, the Director and Jess. Smiling, looking like a family. Pictures of just her and Jess. And a picture of her, Jess and Mary. I think in Spain. They all have a mischievous look in their eyes. I think they'd be little devils together. I open a closet and see only a few clothes still left in there. I open a drawer and see some weapons and ammunition. I close it and walk into the bathroom. This smells even more like her. I don't want to wait anymore, I want to be with her again. It's a spacious but simple bathroom. I walk out of the bathroom and bedroom and make my way back to the guys. 

"Find anything interesting?" Gary asks me.

"Not really, it's just a little more personal than at the teamhouse." I explain.

"Yeah, it took about a month for her to actually bring some personal touch to her room." he responds. He checks his watch and hastily puts down his drink. 

"Uhm, we have to go. It's 6.50 p.m. Also, don't be surprised if Lilac is a little uhm, how do I say this? Crazy? When she and Mary go out, it's like she's a whole other person. Just be prepared, I guess." he says. 

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