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When you let go of him, breaking the hug, you pecked his neck causing him to blush."You're adorable." you said smirking, "shut up." he said, trying to cover his face with his hands while you giggled softly.

"𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦"

(End of Recap)
"S-shut up let's just go." he said as he started speed waking "You know Zoro....you've been like this since we were kids." you said with a small laugh as you stopped in place, "What are you talking about?" He asked, also stopping but not looking back at you, "You've just been.... I don't know...Zoro." you said chuckling.

He ran back to you and threw his arm around your shoulder, "You've been like this too." he said. You ruffled his hair then kissed his head, "Oh really?" You questioned with a smirk, "Really." he said getting off of you with a bright blush from the nonchalant kiss you had placed on his head. 'I can't believe she just did that.' Zoro thought feeling embarrassed.

You told Zoro where to go the rest of the way and then you got ready to leave but before you could......

"Y/n! Wait come back!" He shouted out to you "When are you coming back?" he asked. "I don't know but," you passed for a second with a sigh. "Probably not in a while....White beard is gonna be so pissed at me for trying to punish that bastard Black beard even though he told me and Ace not to go start anything, and even more pissed for leaving Ace alone." you answered him, "Don't miss me to much though." you said with a wink before running off into the bushes. "Y/n please come back."

After that he went in the direction you told him to go in where he met up with Luffy.

Soon they went to an auction where Luffy would make history for punching a celestial dragon square in the face and knocking him out cold.

Later admirals came searching for the straw hats and then just like that Kuma sent the straw hats one by one them flying in all separate directions, the crew powerless to stop him while you were flocking to go meet White beard.

Upon your journey you find that Ace had been taken out by Black beard and was going to executed, you immediately blamed yourself. Thanks to you, now one of your best friends would be slaughtered for the whole world to see, there had to be something, Anything you could do to make up for this!

Your P.O.V.
I start to go back to White beards ship awaiting the punishment from my fellow crew members or better yet White beard himself. I felt so bad about disobeying him and leaving Ace behind. It's all my fault that now he might be killed  and all because of my stupidity.

After about 2 days worth of sailing I finally reach White beard and the crew.

I sneak onto the ship trying to make as little sound as possibly can but before I get the chance I hear White beards voice "Y/n." he calls out my name as I stop and slowly turn around "Hehe Hi P-pops" I say with a nervous chuckle and a stutter. 'Please don't let him find out that I left Ace alone. I'm so dead.' I thought to myself as some of the other crew members came up to me.

"Y/n! Where were you? I thought you were dead!" Marco spoke. "I'm sorry! I left Ace. He-he told me he could handle Black beard on his own so I-" I spoke before getting cut off "Well obviously he couldn't if he's getting executed! Think for once Y/n." one of the crew members shouted at me making me whence, slowly the other crew members agreed. 

"Silence! It's not Y/n's fault. It pains a Father to see his children fight!" White beard spoke.
I look down, tears swelling in my eyes. "dammit. It's all my fault." I said feeling guilty, my head hung low and at that moment it felt impossible to stop the tears from flowing. I tried wiping my tears but it still didn't work, I ran away and hid in a closed off space on the ship.

After a while of weeping Marco came to me. "Y/n, crying isn't gonna help him." he said "I know but what else is there to do?! It's all my fault! It's should've been me! if only I would have told him not to go or not left him-" Marco cut off my ranting with a hug.

"We're gonna save Ace, ok Y/n?" He said in the most serious but soft voice he's ever spoken in while I nodded "Y-yeah....let's go....save Ace." I said as I started to stop my crying though my voice still quivered. "Together?" Marco said letting go of me as I looked up at the soft smile on his face.


I've been trying to make my chapters longer so......anyway the next few chapters are gonna be a lotttt of spoilers so I'll actually make the chapters before I post them and then on chapter 7 I'll tell you where to skip to if you don't want any spoilers for the anime. see you in the next one.


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