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"The government and that jerk Doflamingo better know they just messed with." you tucked your boomerang in your pocket.

"𝕐/𝕟 𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕃/𝕟"

(End of Recap)
You and the rest of your crew tried to flee fishman island because you didn't want to be called a hero or savior or anything like that or at least Luffy and Zoro didn't. You could care less...you just couldn't stop thinking about your uncle and your dad.

Jimbe came up to you "Something seems to be troubling you, Y/n." you sighed "It's my uncle, the government took him, My dad said he might be taken to Doflamingo." you said.

"Hm, that's quite the predicament your in. Maybe you should start by figuring out where they took him and why." Jimbe said. You looked away at the clouds "Hey, don't worry I'm sure everything will work out in the end." He said. You hugged him "Thank you so much Jimbe, I don't know what I would do without you!" You said.

Shirahoshi came over an asked why we left without saying goodbye and then the King Called to ask us if we would at least come to the banquet that was originally planned, that's an offer that just Luffy couldn't say "no" to. Once you got there you saw all the amazing food and got to see performances.

After the amazing performance you ate a little bit and drank some saki before heading outside to enjoy some time away from all the commotion. Zoro followed you outside. "Hey Y/n, why did you leave so quick? we just got here" He said. You looked at him then looked away "something....came up...." You said.

Zoro laid his head down on your shoulder. "Tell me about it." he said. "What are you my new therapist or something?" you laughed. "Mm not really I'm just checking up on my girlfriend." he said nonchalantly. Your eyes widened, "Your such a softy." You said with a giggle. "No I'm not!" He yelled and the two of you got into a little argument. Once you had cooled down you were ready to talk.

You stroked his hair gently. "Alright then..." you said.

You wrapped your arm around him "my dad called me on some new technology that my uncle made and that was super cool but unfortunately my uncle wasn't there to celebrate because the government took him." You said with a sigh. "What?" Zoro said "why?" You sighed "We think Dolflamingo is the one who sent for him to be taken." You said before turning to face Zoro fully. "Zoro, if that's true he's going to die!" You couldn't hold back your tears. "Doflamingo wants him dead and I'm not strong enough to stop him. I don't want anyone else I care about to die on my hand. I already let that happen to Ace and Pops...I just- I j-" Zoro pulled your face into his muscular chest and hugged you as you cried all your emotion out. "I just can't lose anyone anymore." you whisper.

Ussopp, Chopper, Sanji, Nami, Jimbe, and Luffy started to come outside, tired from the party.

Jimbe told about you all about the fight between the two admirals, Akainu and Aokiji.  Apparently now that one of them has left and the other became the leader of the navy, their forces have gotten stronger. He also told about how Black beard is taking White beards place. That and all the other things that have been going on in the world.

Nami came looking for you all and shortly after Luffy got up "Zoro, Sanji is something a little strange to you?" He said as they both got up "Yeah, something does seem a little strange" Sanji said.

They both left with Luffy to go to princess Shirahoshi's room. You stayed with Nami and Jimbe. After Nami "kindly" told them to go get the mermaid kidnapper guy so that she could get the treasures he stole the three of you and the king of course left to go see the Hordy and his crew who looked like old geezards.

"It must be because of those steroids." Nami said. "Damn talk about not aging well." you said jokingly. "Just wait till I get out of here" Hordy said. "Ahh I'm so scared." you said sarcastically. "You think these bars can hold me, what a bunch of morons." Hordy said putting his hands on the bars "I'll break them in.." Hordy grunted trying to break the jail bars and then screamed in pain when his wrist broke instead making you laugh.

The next day you and your crew got ready to set sail and everyone came to say goodbye. You almost started crying but held in your tears and waved goodbye to everyone.

Once you were part way gone shirahoshi came and asked Luffy to take her to the surface one day and you all pinky swore that you would do it for her and then it was time to go to the new world.

But most importantly ...

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕖

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