Our first date

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It has been a couple of days since I confessed my feelings to Nyck and I am currently trying my best to stifle a giggle. My mum is acting motherly to Nyck. Yup, I made the fatal mistake of telling her. It was only because she was interrogating me which made me feel uncomfortable. The scene unfolding in front of me is ridiculous.

"I promise you mum Nyck will be fine. I'm sure he has packed enough and besides we leave tomorrow not tonight," I end the embarrassment for Nyck. Finally, the flood gates open. I let out a giggle. At least that gives Nyck and I a chance to go out on a date before we leave. I can feel the death stare belonging to Nyck. My giggling soon falls silent.

"Thank you for your help. We should get ready for tonight," Nyck says. He is right. I have a lot to do since we are going somewhere that requires a smart casual look which means I have to use some basic makeup. It will end in disaster for sure. I soon excuse myself from the living room. It doesn't take me long to reach the bathroom where I find that I am spoiled for choice. I get to work on the basics. After ten minutes of applying various bits and pieces, I am ready to go. I am greeted by shocked stares from both Nyck and my mum. It is a side that they only get to see once a year at the FIA gala.

"Has anyone told you that you look beautiful," Nyck takes the opportunity to compliment me. It kinda feels strange. Normally the only compliments I get is for my skills as a driver.

"Thank you," I can hear the fluster in my voice. It turns out that dating may end up being harder than I thought. It will be the first serious relationship I have had. Oh well, the embarrassment will be worth it plus I trust Nyck. We are quick to excuse ourselves. After a fifteen walk, I find myself reaching for Nyck's hand as we reach the right street. The reason is I am nervous. The thing is I know that Nyck will try not to hurt me but I dread the possibility that it will happen. After all, I have lost two people that are close to me. I shake the thought out of my head. I just want to enjoy my night before I get the pressure heaped upon me.

"Are you sure you want to do this Jess?" Nyck checks on me. He uses it as an excuse to pull me closer.

"Yes. I will be fine. I'm just feeling the pressure of a home race," I tell a half-truth. I feel a little guilty but I won't enjoy the night if Nyck is worried about me. It would ruin the night for sure. Oh well, hopefully, Nyck doesn't notice that I have something else on my mind. It looks like he hasn't.

"Well, the good thing is I will have your back if you out-qualify me," Nyck announces. That's what true teammates are for. The thought brings a slight smile to my face.

"Thank you Nyck," I responded as we reached the restaurant. We enter to find that it is quiet. Yes, there are a few people but not enough to call it busy. We are soon greeted by the head chef who happens to be a family friend. I can tell that he is happy to see me again. It is a nice coincidence if you believe in them.

" It is nice to see you again, Miss Bianchi," He says.

"Jay, please don't bother with the formalities," I retort. It makes me feel like a VIP when I am not. I am just a person on a date. Sure I am known but still. I am not on the same level as someone like Lewis Hamilton or Jean-Eric.

"Ok but I am still going to treat the karting world champion as a VIP," He responds as he takes us to an empty table. Nyck seems confused which is understandable. We only became friends in Formula 4. Jay soon shuffles away to get the food ready.

"What was that about?" Nyck asks.

"Jay is a family friend. We went to this place to celebrate my world karting championship win amongst other victories," I explained the situation. Now Nyck seems a little less confused. I am glad that Jay has lightened the mood. It doesn't take long for us to get the complimentary starter from Jay. I tuck in. The food brings back one of my more interesting memories involving my brother. It was what he said to me after my first Formula 4 victory. 'See Jess. I told you. No one can stop you.' He was right. I have someone like Nyck by my side. Even the rest of the team will support me.

"You seem happy Jess," Nyck remarks.

"Yeah, the food reminded me of the celebration after my first F4 victory. It was the first time that Jules told me that no one can stop me," I replied. Sure my luck might change but that is different to giving up. That is to be expected but I can always fight back. After a quick pause, Nyck and I soon settled on a share platter.

"And he was right if you keep being strong you might even be the first rookie to win the championship," Nyck responds. He seems sure that I will. There is a chance that he is right but I get the feeling that I will hit a rough patch soon. With that thought, Nyck orders the food and changes the subject. I am glad that he did. There is no point in talking about work. After ten minutes of talking, the food arrived. Both Nyck and I are impressed at the amount of food. It is a good thing that we are sharing. I am soon hit by a nagging feeling.

"Nyck I have to ask but did my mum tell me about this place?" I ask. Not that it matters because I am enjoying my night with Nyck.

"Yes. I thought it would be good if I got some advice from someone who knows the area," Nyck replies. I had a feeling that he was going to say something along those lines. The thought makes me giggle. I seem to be doing that a lot today. Not that I mind. It means that I am enjoying myself. I get to work on eating. The food is as good as I remembered. I think it is due to the good memories associated with it. After another hour we have finished with the food and now we are walking back home.

"Thank you for the food Nyck," I say. I am glad that we managed to get some peace and quiet as well.

"No worries," He replies. This time he reaches his hand out to me. I accepted the offer. It looks like I am going to be in good hands. The thought makes the smile on my face only grows with the thought. I feel like a new person. Now the only thing I have to worry about is surviving the upcoming media events. For now, I am just going to reflect on the good times. 

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