A conversation remembered

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It has been a few days since the drama in New York and I am currently at home in Nice. In case you are wondering I am still angry at Nyck however, I have forgiven him. We all make mistakes. Plus there are still four races where I can catch up to Edo in the championship standings. I am just hoping that I can shake my anger before the London E-Prix. Right now I am helping my mum with a few things. We are preparing some food for dinner.

"Il y a quelque chose qui te tracasse ? N'est-ce pas (There's something bothering you? Isn't there)?" My mum asks. I didn't realise that my anger was obvious.

"Oui," I am not going to bother to deny it. I then go on to recount the events of race one in New York.

"La raison pour laquelle cela me dérange est que je suis toujours en colère contre Nyck. Même si je lui ai pardonné (The reason why it bothers me is because of the fact that I am still angry at Nyck. Even though I have forgiven him)," I conclude. My mother seems to consider what I am saying.

"Tu as juste besoin de laisser la colère s'éteindre.Vous avez juste besoin de laisser la colère s'éteindre. Il a fait une erreur (You just need to let the anger fizzle out. He made a mistake)," Her response reminds me of something that Anthoine said to me after the first time that Mick and I collided.

I am ready for the second feature race of the 2019 season. In fact, all I have to do is get my balaclava, helmet and gloves on. I am a little apprehensive due to the fact that the races are taking place in Baku. Despite my second place a couple of years ago I am unsure how I am going to do. The Baku city circuit is notoriously difficult. Still, I am looking forward to the challenge. I have the added bonus of overtaking people. The thought puts a smile on my face as I head to the garage.

"You seem happy," Anthoine remarks as he slides into position next to me. For some reason, Anthoine has decided to make it his mission to become one of my friends. The thing is he doesn't need to try. We are already friends. I wouldn't tell him that thought. It's fun to see him try.

"Well, Baku is one of my favourite tracks despite the challenges," I reply. Anthoine flashes me a befuddled look. It's clearly not his idea of a good race track. To be honest he has a point but I like the challenges of street circuits.

"Ok..." Anthoine trails off. After a couple of minutes of chatting, we made it to our respective garages. It is there that I am met by Paul. He seems desperate to tell me something.

"There you are, Jess. I wanted to warn you that tire deg is going to be a bit of an issue. Also good luck," Paul gives me the warning as he gives me a good luck pat on the shoulder. With that, I get the last bits of my gear on. After five minutes of waiting the time has come for the race to start. A single red light comes on to signify the start of the formation lap. As I guide the car around the track I go through my mental checklist of things to avoid. It doesn't take long for me to slot into the required grid slot. After a brief pause, the lights come on one by one. Lights out. I managed to launch the car quickly. With that, I slipped past Anthoine who was starting ahead of me.

"Ok, Jess eyes forward. Mick is not going to make your life easy," Paul reminds me of the task ahead via the radio.

"Of course," I would hope that Mick would make it harder. I don't want a teammate that would roll over for me. After a few laps of back and forth between Mick and I, I have made it past him. It was fun considering the fact that Mick is a rookie. I quickly glance at my mirrors to find that Mick is setting up for the lunge. I move to defend however I can feel the car spinning. The next thing I know I am looking at Mick as we collide with the wall. Dammit.

"Jess, are you ok?" Paul uses the radio to check on me.

"Yes. I am ok," I responded. Hopefully, he doesn't spot the anger in my voice. I have decided to confront Mick once we get back to the garage. With a few swift movements, I am out of the car and on my way back to the garage.

"Jess I'm sorry," Mick apologises as he catches up to me.

"Don't bother," I let my anger slip. I soon fly into a rant about how crazy his lunge was. Knowing me I am probably going to regret it later. Mick hangs his head in humiliation. It doesn't take us long to get to the garage. After forty minutes of calming down, I am trying to work up the courage to apologise to Mick. It is proving to be a difficult task. Right now I am wandering through the paddock while looking for him.

"Jess," A familiar French accent catches my attention.

"Yes, Anthoine?" I ask as I turn around.

"If you are looking for Mick he is in the hospitality area. I'd go easy on him. He made a mistake. He's also not happy. At himself of course," Anthoine warns me. He is right and that's why I am going to apologise for my outburst. I just hope that Mick won't take it too personally.

"Thank you for letting me know, Anthoine," I responded as I made my getaway. It doesn't take long for me to find Mick. I take a seat opposite him. Mick doesn't seem to budge from his phone.

"I've come to apologise. My anger was uncalled for," I announce. This time Mick looks up.

"Ok. You're not the problem," Mick responds. He is definitely mad at me. I can't blame him since I was rather harsh. After a few uncomfortable minutes, I leave. It is looking like I am going to have to try again later. At least I had the heads up from Anthoine that he is annoyed at himself. If it weren't for that I would be confused.

"Hey, maman ça te dérange si je fais une pause? Je veux appeler Nyck (Hey, mum, do you mind if I pause? I want to call Nyck)," The thing is I want to apologise as I feel that my anger is unjustified after Nyck helped me achieve my second win of the season.

"Fonce. Je pense que ce serait une bonne idée (Go for it. I think it would be a good idea)," My mum responded. With that, I head to my room. At least my mum was able to give me the answer that I needed. With that, I tentatively dial Nyck's number. Thankfully he is quick to answer. I am quick to spill my guts to Nyck about the issue at hand.

"Jess. Honestly, it is alright. I screwed up and you got mad. I'm not holding a grudge. That's your job," Nyck cuts me off with an attempt at humour. He is right. I am lucky that Nyck isn't the kind of guy to hold grudges for too long. Not holding grudges is a skill that I need to learn but that will come in due course.

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