Catching up at the Monaco Grand Prix

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A/N Since this fluff chapter is a little too long I have decided to skip straight to the race after it so please bear with me as it sets up some key things for Jess later on. As always feedback and/or votes are welcome. 

It has been a couple of days since then and the harbour of Monaco is a hive of activity. It is due to the fact that it is a race weekend. I realise that I have some mixed feelings about going to the race but at the same time, Charles invited me so I am going to go. The reason why I have mixed feelings is due to the fact that this is my first time being at a Formula 1 race since my brother's accident. At the same time, I am looking forward to seeing if Charles can shake his curse at Monaco. Right now I am catching up with Mick. We are walking along the harbour hence why I know that it is a hive of activity. I am finding it good that I have the chance to slow down. I need it.

"So how is Formula E going?" Mick decides to ask about my rookie season.

"To my surprise, I am on top of the standings. It will probably change after Monaco," I respond. Mick looks impressed. I put it down to the fact that he knows that Formula E is one of the more competitive forms of motorsports.

"I am sure you'll be fine," Mick reassures me. I am not entirely convinced as Monaco is one of the hardest circuits. I find myself wincing at the thought of Monaco being the track where I suffered my worst crash. The thing is that the crash wasn't my fault. A certain Russian thought it was a good idea to break way too early at the hairpin. Let's just say I had nowhere to go. The joke's on him anyway. He is now driving the worst car in Formula 1.

"Umm, you would be right but Formula E is harder than it looks," I retort. There is a lot more thinking that goes on. Don't get me wrong there is a lot that F1 drivers have to deal with but it is not the same as what I have to deal with. The debate goes on for a little while but it is fun. Whilst I dislike it when journalists ask about the differences it is fun to see what drivers of other series think about Formula E. The conversation soon drifts into territory that I don't really feel like confronting.

"Are you sure that you are not going to join the F1 grid?" Mick questions.

"Not really but I know for a fact that I am better off in Formula E," I say. The thing is I have a past with Formula 1 and if I join the F1 community I am not sure if I will handle the pressure. Don't get me wrong. I am not going to rule out the possibility of being a reserve driver but still, I know that I have found my place in Formula E. Thankfully Mick can see that I am uncomfortable so he changes the topic.

"I am guessing you are helping Susie with her woman in motorsports initiative," Mick remarks.

"Yeah. It gives me something to look forward to," I reply. It doesn't take long for us to get back to my apartment.

"Thank you for walking with me," I thanked him. It is the kind of relaxation that I need before the GP. Even though I am not partaking in it I am a little nervous about going since I have a past with the sport. Oh well, there is nothing that I can do about it.

"No problem," Mick responds. With that, we part ways. It doesn't take long for me to reach my apartment. It has been a day since then and I am currently walking through the Formula 1 paddock. I am hoping that I will be able to keep a low profile but something tells me that it is not going to be easy. Being in the paddock without needing to get ready for a race is a new feeling for me as I would be getting stuff done by now. Instead, I am heading to the Ferrari garage so I can catch up with Charles while he gets ready.

"Jess?" A familiar Australian accent calls out. Oh no. I recognise the accent. It belongs to one of my brother's best friends. Daniel Riccardo. So much for keeping a low profile.

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