Family drama

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A/N Just a heads up this chapter has conversations in French which means I have used google translate. Any corrections will be welcome. As per usual since this is an author's note I am going to remind you to vote and/or comment if you are enjoying this story.

It has been a few hours since the plane landed in Paris and right now I am debating whether or not I should head straight to Monaco or spend some time in Nice with my family. The thing is I haven't seen my family since the Paris E-Prix. At least I will be heading that way regardless. Right now Nyck and I are waiting for the train to Nice. Ok. I've decided that I am going to spend some time with my family. I tear myself away from Nyck and quickly dial my dad's number.

"Bonjour Jess. Comment allez vous (Hello Jess. How are you doing)?" My dad answers in French.

"J'ai été mieux. Est-ce que ça irait si je passais quelques jours avec toi et maman? j'attends le train (I've been better. Would it be alright if I spent a few days with you and mum. I am waiting for the train)?" I replied. The thing is I already know what my dad is going to say so me asking is going to serve as a heads up.

"Faites-moi savoir quand vous arrivez à Nice (Let me know when you arrive at Nice)," my dad says. That means he will want to meet me at the train station.

"Bien sûr. Je te parlerai plus tard (Of course. I'll talk to you later)," I reply as I hang up. With that over I fill Nyck in. Thankfully Nyck understands that I want some time alone with my family. After what feels like forever I have arrived at the train station. As per the instructions I phoned my dad when I made it to Nice. Right now I am scanning the small crowd for my dad who was insistent on picking me up. Not that I mind as I am exhausted. Travel does that to you. It has been a couple of days since I arrived at Nice and I am back at the graveyard. I am sitting just by the gravestone that bears my brother's name. I find myself reflecting on the past week. There was a lot that went wrong however it wasn't a complete disaster. For some reason, a sigh falls from my lips. I just need some time to recover and then prepare for New York. I am abruptly hit by the feeling of somebody watching me.

"Jess?" A familiar voice remarks. I look up to find my other older brother standing over me. It looks as though he has seen a ghost. In all fairness we haven't seen each other since I left for Monaco with Charles and his father.

"Hey Tom. C'est moi (It's me)," I replied, snapping my older brother out of his thoughts. I pull myself up so I can have a more comfortable conversation with him. What he does next catches me by surprise. He pulls me into the kind of hug that you give to a family member who has come back from a long trip. I guess I have. After a few more awkward seconds he reluctantly lets me go.

"Je suppose que tu es toujours en course (I guess you're still racing)?" Tom asks. Like Jules he wanted to race but unlike Jules and I he wasn't the greatest so he gave up.

"Oui. Je suis actuellement deuxième du championnat de Formule E (I'm currently second in the Formula E championship)," I respond. His head tilts with curiosity. With that I explain the circumstances that brought me to Formula E."

"Attendez. J'aurais juré que tu me détestais pour être parti. Pourquoi fais-tu comme si je n'étais jamais parti ? (Hold on. I could have sworn that you hated me for leaving. Why are you acting like I never left)?" I am confused as to why my brother wants to catch up as this is the first time in seven years that we have spoken. The thing is I know that my mother was against me being in Motorsports but I wasn't sure of how Tom and my older sister Melanie would have reacted.

"Pour être honnête, je savais que tu avais besoin de courir. De plus, je savais aussi que c'était ce que Jules aurait voulu (To be honest I knew you needed to race. Plus I also knew that it was what Jules would have wanted)," Tom reluctantly admits. He goes for the area in the back of the neck. I am suddenly hit by a wave of guilt hearing his name. Tom is right. It was what Jules wanted but it came at an uncomfortable cost. Again a sigh falls from my lips. There is not much that I can do about my past. I can either run from it or learn from it. All I can say about it is the fact that it has been a marathon. After a brief chat Tom leaves me alone. At least the revelation from Tom has given me a renewed sense of vigour in regards to the New York E-Prix. It has been a few hours since then and I am helping my mother get ready for a family reunion. It turns out that my older sister is in Nice and my dad thought it would be a good idea to invite her. Apprehension burns through my body at the moment. I really don't know how Melanie would react.

"Jesse tu vas bien (Jess are you alright)?" my mum asks. I don't want her to know how I am truly feeling.

"Oui," I responded. I should really tell her about the conversation that I had with Tom but for some reason I keep quiet. Obviously my mother can see through my white lie. I don't think it matters too much. She's not calling me out on it. Oh well there is nothing that I can do about it. I turn my attention back to the food that I am helping to prepare. After thirty minutes of helping my mum the moment has arrived. There is a knock on the door. It's Tom, closely followed by my sister. Well here goes. I brace myself. My sister soon joins my mum and I in the kitchen.

"Bonjour maman. Puis-je faire quelque chose pour vous aider (hello mum. Is there anything that I can do for you to help)?" My sister asks. She is clearly pretending that I am not here.

"Non merci. j'ai déjà de l'aide (No thanks. I have help already)," She replies to my sister's question. I feel a little awkward but it was my fault that we are in this position. I guess I'll have to wait for the right chance to confront my sister. With that I turn my attention back to the food that I am helping to prepare. After ten minutes of work, the food is ready. Now is my chance to talk to my sister.

"Mel, j'ai besoin de te parler (I need to talk to you)," I announce. With that the tension in the dining area spikes. My sister seems offended by the idea. My mum and dad watch intently. It is as if they knew this was going to happen.

"Ce serait une bonne idée d'écouter Jess pour une fois (It would be a good idea to listen to Jess for once)," Tom speaks up.

"Non. Donnez-moi une bonne raison de l'écouter (No. Give me one good reason to hear her out)," Melanie responds. I should have waited till we had finished dinner. Oh well, there is no going back now.

"Parce que c'est notre soeur (Because she's our sister)," Tom retorts.

"Si elle l'était, elle serait restée (If she was, she would have stayed)," Melanie counters. I can tell that she is getting frustrated. It is understandable as what I did was not the greatest idea. It is in the past and now I want to make amends.

"Je n'avais pas de choix. D'accord. Si je n'étais pas parti, je n'aurais jamais remboursé Jules pour ce qu'il a fait pour moi (I had no choice. Ok. If I didn't leave I would never have repaid Jules for what he did for me)," I say before grabbing my plate and storming off. I'll apologise later. There is no need for me to stay if I can't keep my emotions in check. I realise that I am being petty as the person that started this whole mess but still. I'm sure I'll get the chance to make amends at some other point. I find myself sitting on the bed, nibbling on the food that I have. After ten minutes of letting my mind wander there is a knock on my door.

"Puis-je entrer, Jess (Can I come in, Jess)?" It's my dad. He will probably be wanting to check on me.

"Oui," I responded. With that my dad enters my room and he takes a seat next to me.

"Tu ne devrais pas manger dans ta chambre (You shouldn't be eating in your room)," My dad awkwardly scolds me. It is clearly something he hasn't done for a while.

"Ce n'est pourtant pas de ça que tu voulais me parler (That's not what you wanted to talk to me about though)," I retort. He reluctantly nods.

"Non. Je voulais juste te faire savoir que Mélanie mettra du temps à te pardonner. Quand tu es parti, elle avait l'impression de t'avoir perdu aussi (No. I just wanted to let you know that it is going to take time for Melanie to forgive you. When you left she felt like she had lost you as well)," Oh. That explains why Melanie was ignoring me earlier. It still doesn't excuse the fact that we still hate each other. I feel like I should talk to Charles or Nyck about this. The only conclusion that I can come to is, like my dad said, it will take time for my relationship with Melanie to heal. Well at least I know where to start.

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