Looking back on my first F2 race

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It has been a week since I joined Nyck in the Netherlands and we are finally heading to Valencia. Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed my break especially my time with Nyck's family but I just want to race. It is one of those problems that most drivers face and I am no expectation. Right now Nyck, his parents and I are on our way to the airport. Another flight that I am not really looking forward to. I find it odd that I dislike getting to the destination but once I am there I am fine. I put it down to the fact that I prefer the destination rather than the journey. Thankfully we arrived at the airport quickly.   

"You seem worried, Jess," Nyck's dad speaks up.

"Well, the funny thing is I have never really liked getting to a destination," I explained. It seems that he can relate. Travelling to a destination is the most boring time of my job. At least the company I find myself with makes it tolerable. After a few hours waiting at the boarding gate, we finally make it onto the plane where I get comfortable in the seat next to Nyck. For some reason I find myself thinking back to my first year in Formula 2. For some reason, I was promoted alongside Charles when Nyck was faster than me. I guess the team had more faith in me at that stage. 

I am finding myself in a very interesting situation. Right now I am supposed to be getting ready to travel to Australia for the first race of my Formula 2 career however I am on the phone with Nyck. He seems a little annoyed. He has every reason to be. 

"Look Nyck, I explained everything to Rene but he still thought it was a better idea to promote me ahead of you," I responded. I am trying my best to reassure Nyck. It feels odd doing the reassuring myself. Normally Nyck is the one in charge. 

"Sorry for getting annoyed," Nyck decides to apologise. 

"You have every right to be annoyed. You should have been promoted ahead of me. Anyway, I have to get ready to go to Australia," I counter. I hate saying goodbye but Charles' dad won't be happy if I delay packing any further. Speaking of Charles' dad he joins me in my room. 

"Would you like some help?" Charles' dad asks. 

"Yes, please. Thank you, Herve,"  I reply. With his help, I soon finished packing. I find myself thinking about Nyck and how he was annoyed at me. The thing is there is nothing that I can do. I just have to focus on giving Charles a challenge. I notice that the look on Herve's face has changed. 

"Jess are you alright?" He comes out and asks. 

"Kind of. I believe that my F3 teammate, Nyck de Vries should have been promoted first and it has been bugging me for a while," I responded. I have left the fact that I was just talking to him out. It is something that we need to sort out on our own. We know each other well enough that I am sure that we can work something out. At least the trip to Australia should give me a chance to think about the issue at hand.

"Unfortunately you will have to trust that Rene is making the right decision," Harve confirms my original feeling. It is the day after our conversation and Charles and I are on our way to Australia. I am a little apprehensive as I am convinced that Nyck should be the one making this trip. I have however come to the conclusion that Rene owes me a chance at a top tier series. I just hate the fact that it has come at the expense of talent like Nyck. I am definitely overthinking things. It has been a few days since Charles and I arrived in Australia and despite the circumstances, I am looking forward to actually getting things done. 

"You seem happy Jess," Charles announces as he joins me in the garage. 

"Well, I get to prove to myself why I am here," I responded. I have decided that I am going to be optimistic. I am going to try my best to enjoy myself. I soon notice the slight smile on Charles' face. It doesn't take long for the first briefing of the weekend to start. Unlike the ones in F3, I am actually able to sit through it this time. It doesn't take long for the first practice session to begin. To my surprise, I find the car easier to drive than the F3 car. I guess it is due to the fact that it only took me a week of testing to adapt to the power of the new car. After forty-five minutes of driving the free practice session has come to an end. I soon brought the car back to the garage. It is there that I find out the fact that if I continued the way that I am going I would score second place behind Charles. 

"Thank you for letting me know, Paul," I thank my lead engineer. The thing is I have been too focused on driving to be bothered about the times.

"Don't worry Jess. You weren't going to ask so I told you anyway," Paul replies. That statement brings a smile to my face. It is the day after and I am about to get a rude awakening. I am currently trying to set some good laps for Q1. There is just one little problem. The car is being temperamental. The car locks up into turn one and I am lucky that I didn't hit any other driver or the barrier. Thankfully I am quick to rescue myself from the runoff area. After ten more minutes of trying to improve I have finally made it back to the garage. Unfortunately, I was unable to improve upon my sixth place. Oh well. At least I have a chance to win the sprint race. It has been a few hours since then and I am getting ready to race. I am hoping that I can pull off a miracle. The thing is I believe that I can do it but the other drivers in the top ten are slightly better. The first race soon gets underway. To my surprise, I managed to get a good start. I slowly worked my way up however I soon encountered a problem. The breaks of my car lock up. Unfortunately, I am not lucky this time. I hit the barrier.

"Dammit. I'm sorry guys. I locked up," I used the radio to let the team know what happened. 

"Don't worry. It's only your first race," Paul responds. It doesn't take long for me to rescue myself from the car. I find myself glancing back at the damage. I was right. Nyck deserved the seat more than I did. At least he wouldn't bin it on his first race. 

"Jess are you alright?" Nyck's dad breaks me out of my thoughts.

"I'm ok, Hendrik. I am just thinking," I reply. At least he is trying to be helpful. There is no way that I can tell him what I am thinking about. It may end up embarrassing Nyck.

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