Chapter 1

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I was laying on my cot in the tent that I shared with my little brother, Roland, while the rest of the Merry Men were outside talking around the fire. I was having a difficult time falling asleep, been like that since mine and Roland's dad died, every time I closed my eyes I would have nightmares of the event. It has already been six months since I witnessed my father's death, he was killed two weeks before my seventeenth birthday. Hades was planning on killing Regina but my dad jumped in front of her. I was supposed to stay at the camp that day while the adults dealt with the issue, but Henry and I wanted to help so we had snuck out together, and just as we walked threw the doors to Regina's office I saw my father get hit with an Olympian crystal.

It has been hours of me just laying in my cot now and still I wasn't able to fall asleep. The Merry Men had just gone to bed so I decided to go out for a walk. I sat up in my cot and put my boots on before leaving the the tent. I had been walking in the forest for only a few minutes when I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw my brother, "Roland what are you doing out here!?" I whispered "I heard you leave, I wanted to see where you were going" my brother said. I sighed and walked towards him "you shouldn't be out here, it's dark and you could get lost" I said "then why are you out here?" Roland asked "because I'm older and know how to defend myself, now let's get you back to camp before one of the adults knows we're missing" I said grabbing my brother's hand and walking him back to camp.

After tucking Roland back into bed and making sure he was asleep I walked outside again and sat on one of the logs around the fire pit. I looked down at the ground and sighed, then I looked at the silver locket around my neck and opened it, there was a picture of me, Roland and our parents inside. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek as I was staring at the picture. All of a sudden I felt a gust of wind and a pair of eyes watching me. I looked up and saw a shadow looking at me with its glowing eyes. It held out it's hand for me to grab. I knew what the shadow was and who it worked for. I was hesitant at first, looking behind me at the tent where Roland was asleep, I looked back at the shadow "can I bring my brother?" I asked whispering, the shadow shook its head. I sighed, the shadow would only take kids who feel lost or lonely and I knew Roland was happy here with the Merry Men. I took the shadow's hand and flew of into the night, leaving the camp and Storybrooke, behind.

In Neverland

As soon as my feet hit the sand of a beach the shadow flew off, probably to let it's owner know I was here. I decided to sit on the ground and wait, I knew if I ventured into the forest I would get lost. After what felt like hours I heard footsteps walking towards me, four boys appeared from the forest, one of them holding a torch and wearing a cloak. "Welcome to Neverland!" the boy holding the torch said "what's your name, girl?" he asked walking towards me "Fern, Fern Hood, you?" I said "Felix, and this is Devin, Thomas and Dean" the boy said "we are-" Felix started "I know who you are, let's just get going already it's late and I'm tired" I said walking towards the forest and passed the group of boys. 

As we were walking I could hear the boys whisper behind me "she's got fire" one of them said "Pan's going to like that" said another. Finally we arrived at a camp where there were more Lost Boys sitting around a fire or play fighting. The five of us walked into the camp and I saw a boy sitting on a log playing a pan flute, three of the boys walked away to join the others while Felix and I walked towards the boy playing the flute. He looked up as we approached him "ah Felix, you've brought me a gift I see" the boy said with a smirk "this is Fern" Felix said, the boy stood up and looked at me, "nice to meet you Fern, I'm-" the boy started "I know who you are, Peter Pan" I said rolling my eyes, but at the same time I couldn't help but smile to myself. This boy was extremely attractive, but he was also evil and enjoyed playing games and tricks so I quickly wiped the smile off my face. "So you've heard of me?" Pan questioned "I live in the same town as Captain Hook, what do you think" I said crossing my arms. Pan looked at Felix "she's got one heck of an attitude" he said and the two boys chuckled, I rolled my eyes "why'd you bring me here? I thought you usually only took boys" I asked, Pan looked back at me with his annoying smirk "because you're special, and I need your help with something" Pan said "what makes you think I'd help you?" I scoffed "if you help me, then I might let you see your brother again" Pan said. I looked at his face, trying to sense if he was being honest or not, Hook always told me not to trust Pan if I were to encounter him. "Well?" the boy asked raising an eyebrow, I let out a sigh not being able to find any hint of dishonesty "fine, I'll help you" I said "what do you want me to do?" I stared at him "we will discuss that in the morning, right now it's getting late and you're probably very tired" Pan said. He wasn't wrong I was tired, but I would also like to know what the "demon", which is what Hook liked to call him, was planning. I didn't argue, however, and followed Pan to a tree house. I climbed up the rope ladder and entered a big room with a bed, a desk, a dresser and a full length mirror.

"Woah!" I said in awe, "is this mine?" I asked turning to look at Peter, "actually it's ours, we will be sharing this tree house while you're staying here" Pan said. I looked at him shocked "excuse me!?" I said "I am not sharing a bed with you Pan" I spat "you don't have much of a choice, love, don't worry I'll stay on my side" Pan said with a wink before walking towards the other side of the room. "First of all don't call me that" I said, Pan looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything so I continued speaking "and second, I am not sleeping in the same bed as you, why can't I just have my own tent like the other Lost Boys" I asked crossing my arms "because, you're not like the other Lost Boys, and this way I can keep an eye on you, in case you decide to run off, love" Pan said with a smirk. I glared at him for a few seconds before speaking again "fine, what am I going to wear though?" I questioned "there are already clothes for you in the dresser" Pan said before disappearing into a small closet. He came back in just a t-shirt and sweatpants and sat down on the bed, I was looking in the dresser for something to change into but all there was for sleep wear was nightgowns, "you know not all girls like dresses and nightgowns, is there anything else I can wear?" I asked looking at the leader of the Lost Boys, Pan rolled his eyes at me before speaking "this is Neverland, darling, if you believe enough you can have anything you want" he said. I can't believe I forgot that, I  thought to myself. I closed my eyes and pictured a wooden wardrobe filled with an unlimited amount of clothing that matched my style better. When I opened my eyes I saw the wardrobe against a previously empty wall, I opened the doors and saw a bunch of day outfits hanging on hangers, underneath the hanging clothes were drawers that had over sized t-shirts, shorts and other articles of clothing that I would need, there was also a shoe rack under the drawers with different types of boots on it. I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts and went into the closet that Pan was in earlier and got changed. I walked out and looked at Pan, he was waiting for me to get in bed and just before I did I thought of something. I closed my eyes again and pictured a bed big enough for one person, and when I opened my eyes I saw it against the same wall as my wardrobe. I looked at Pan, who was glaring at me annoyed, and gave him a quick smile before say "goodnight" and getting into bed. Pan just rolled his eyes, scuffed and turned his back to me before falling asleep.

Pan's Bed:

Fern's Bed:

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Fern's Bed:

Fern's Bed:

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