Chapter 4

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A/N: I decided to put a song in this one for y'all to listen to while reading

Fern's Outfit:

Fern's Outfit:

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I've been living in Neverland for a month now. Peter has started sharing more of his plan with me and Felix. The leader of the Lost Boys is dying and he needs the heart of the truest believer to save himself, that's what Henry is for. My job is to make Henry trust Peter and the Lost Boys, since I know him so well he will trust whatever I tell him. And if that doesn't work I could always use my powers to make him trust us. Peter and I have also grown pretty close, him, Felix and I have become best friends and are extremely protective of each other. And I was also thinking of staying on Neverland after we save him since I've felt the most at home in a while on Neverland.

"Fern!" Peter called my name from the bottom of the tree house, I just finished getting ready for the arrival of our new "Lost Boy". I walked out onto the balcony and climbed down the ladder, "is he here?" I asked "not yet, the people I sent to get him have just arrived" Peter said "okay, then what's up?" I asked "I have a plan, incase Henry runs" Peter said "what's the plan?" I asked "we will be going with the group and hide, close enough to watch but so we aren't seen" Peter started to explain, I nodded to show I understood "if Henry tries to run we will grab him, tell him we've been running from myself because we stole some pixie dust" Peter continued "why pixie dust?" I asked "it's a test, to see if he actually is the truest believer" Peter said "once he's proven he's the truest believer and I've gained his trust, we will bring him back to camp" Pan finished explaining "got it" I said "good, now let's meet up with the others" Peter said and the two of us started walking to the center of camp.

 We got to camp and saw the group of Lost Boys meant to get Henry sitting around the unlit fire. "Almost ready?" Peter asked as him and I walked towards Felix "yeah, we will be leaving shortly" Felix said turning to us "what's she doing here?" he asked when he realized I was with Peter "wow, nice to see you too" I said rolling my eyes "I didn't mean it like that, I thought she was meant to stay in the tree house till we came back with the boy?" Felix said "just a precaution in case he runs" Peter said, Felix nodded "you should get going now, it's going to be a long walk to where our visitors are" Peter said. The group of Lost Boys left camp with Felix leading the way to where Henry should be. "Okay, lets go, I have the perfect spot for us to hide and watch" Peter said putting on his cloak and pulling the hood over his head, I also put my hood on and followed Peter out of camp to where we would be hiding.

Peter and I were now hiding behind some bushes and trees, watching everything going on between the Lost Boys and the people who brought Henry. "Now the boy, hand him over" Felix said "not until you tell us the plan" a women said "for magic, for getting home" she continued, Felix smirked and walked closer to a man "you're not getting home" he said the smirk disappearing "then you're not getting the boy" the man said, Felix chuckled and his smirk came back "of course we are" he said. As soon as he said that Peter's shadow swooped down and rips the man's shadow away, killing him, before flying off again. "Run!" the women said and her and Henry both ran out of there, "get the boy" Felix said and some of the Lost Boys started chasing Henry into the forest. One of the Lost Boys who stayed behind shot the woman with an arrow, killing her as well, before also chasing after Henry. Peter nudged my arm "come on, get ready to grab him when he runs past" he whispered, I nodded my head. We watched as Henry ran closer, then he tripped and fell right in front of where Peter and I were hiding, Peter grabbed Henry by his coat and pulled him into our hiding spot "come on" he said. Peter sat Henry down in front of us and the three of us watched as the Lost Boys ran passed.

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