Chapter 8

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So I know the GIF isn't from OUaT but there isn't any scenes of mermaids messing with Wendy, so Disney's Peter Pan will just have to do. Anyways enjoy!


A few hours after we arrived at the temporary camp, Wendy started waking up from the sleeping powder. When she opened her eyes she was met with Pan, Felix and I surrounding her. She looked at each of us with horror and tried scooting away from us as much as she could.
"I-I'm so sorry Pan" she started as the leader of the Lost Boys walked closer to the girl
"You helped them" is all Pan said as he crouched down in front of Wendy
"They said they'd protect my brothers! I only did it for them!"
"Even though you knew I was the only one keeping them young?"
"Please, Pan, I-I'll make it up to you! I swear!" Wendy begged
"Hmm" Pan hummed, then he turned to look at Felix and I "What do you two think?" he asked
"I think you should throw her to the mermaids, maybe she'll get lucky and they'll pity her" I said scowling
"I don't care, as long as we don't have to worry about her betraying us again" Felix answered
Pan looked back at Wendy and studied her face, she was very obviously terrified, not like I cared.
"Mermaids it is" Pan finally said picking Wendy up by her arm
"No! Please! I'll do anything I swear! I-I'll help you get rid of Neal and his friends! Please Pan I'm begging you don't do this!" Wendy had started sobbing as Pan started dragging her out of camp
"Felix watch over the boys, and make sure to punish any who betrayed me and told Emma and the Evil Queen about my tree" Pan said as he continued walking away.
I decided to follow him, I wanted to see this, plus Wendy's sobs and begging filled me with so much joy and I wanted to savor it. We got to Mermaid Lagoon and Pan let me use my magic to hold Wendy a little over the edge of the cliff we were standing on. God I was enjoying this!
"Any last words Wendy?" Pan asked as he stood beside me on the cliff
"Please! I won't betray you again! Just give me one more chance!" Wendy begged, her face was stained with tears and new ones formed in her eyes
"You've used up all your chances" Pan said staring at the girl
"Then at least let me say goodbye to my brothers, PLEASE!" Wendy was sobbing again, honestly it was starting to get annoying
"Don't worry, you'll see them soon enough" Pan said before turning and nodding his head at me, giving me the okay to drop the girl. An evil grin formed on my face as I looked at the girl before dropping my hand to my side and watched as Wendy fell into the deep water below. Almost immediately a swarm of mermaids circled Wendy and started dragging her further under water, slowly drowning her, and I continued standing there with the biggest grin on my face as I watched. Pan walked closer to my side and grabbed my hand.
"Enjoying this are we?" he asked looking at me
I turned to him, the grin still on my face, "Absolutely" I said before looking back down at the water "Look at her struggle to swim back up, she continues to fight even though she knows she'll lose any second" I say and giggle
"I love when you look all evil" Pan said as he grabbed my chin in between his thumb and index finger, making me look up at him "My perfect Lost Girl" he said with a smirk, then he cupped my face in his hand and pulled me closer to kiss me. We stayed like that for a few minutes before Pan pulled away.
"We could find a place to be alone for a while if you want?" Pan suggested looking in my eyes, his arms now wrapped around my waist to hold me even closer. I thought about it for a second before deciding it'd be best to head back to camp, didn't want to leave the Lost Boys unattended for too long while we still had enemies wondering around. Pan agreed, although with slight disappointment in his tone, and I teleported us back to the camp. Everything seemed fine, except for a couple boys missing, which Felix explained that they had shared mine and Pan's location so they were in cages for the night.
"Okay, thank you for dealing with them Felix" Pan said
Felix nodded then went to sit down by the fire and started sharpening his dagger. Pan and I sat next to him, Pan pulling out his flute to play, and I resting my head on Pan's shoulder. I prepared to hear the beautiful melody of the flute, but once Pan started blowing into it nothing came out. I lifted my head and looked at Pan and the flute with a confused look on my face. Pan must have felt me watching him because he lowered the flute away from his lips and looked at me.
"What's wrong love?" Pan asked
"I can't hear it" I said
Pan looked confused "Hear what?" he asked
"The flute, I can't hear it anymore" I said
This must've caught Felix's attention, cause now is eyes were on Pan and I. Felix looked just as confused as me and Pan.
"Interesting" Pan said
He decided to test it and started playing the flute again while looking at me, but I still didn't hear it. I shook my head to say as much. Then Felix looked like he realized something.
"What is it?" I asked looking at him
"Are you happy here? Like genuinely happy here?" Felix asked
I nodded "Yeah, this is the first place that has actually felt like a home to me in a long time" I answered
"And that's why you can't hear the flute anymore, only those who feel lost can hear it. If you feel like you've found your way home, then you aren't lost anymore" Felix said
Pan just looked at me. He enchanted his flute to continue playing for the others while he took my hand and walked me away from camp. When he felt we were far enough away we stopped and Pan turned me to look at him.
"Is what Felix saying true? You truly feel at home here?" he asked
I nodded, "I wouldn't have asked to stay if I didn't" I said
Pan continued to look at me for a few more seconds before pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss. When Pan pulled away we were both out of breath.
"Let's go somewhere more private, I don't want anyone disturbing us" Pan said looking at me intensely. All I could do was nod before teleporting us to a secret cove that I found months ago shortly after arriving to Neverland. Once there Pan pinned me against the wall of the cave and went back to kissing me. We stopped again, but only long enough to take our clothes off, Pan signaled for me to jump and I did. He held me up against the wall and started kissing down my body then going back to my lips before deciding to lay me on the ground and continuing to kiss every inch of my body.

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