Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up to an empty tree house, I quickly got out of bed and got dressed, putting my hair in a braid, before heading to the campfire to meet with Pan and the other Lost Boys. When I got to the campfire everyone had already eaten breakfast and was now either training or play fighting, I walked up to Pan who was talking to Felix. "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked annoyed "aw, I'm sorry love, you just looked so peaceful" Pan said grinning "stop calling me that" I said rolling my eyes before walking away, before I could get very far Pan stopped me "where do you think you're going?" he asked "to look around the island, if I'm going to be staying here shouldn't I know more about my surroundings?" I asked crossing my arms "yes, but you aren't going alone, Felix will go with you" Pan said looking at Felix. The blonde boy nodded and stood up from the tree stump he was sitting on. Felix and I both grabbed a weapon before walking out of the camp.

Felix and I had been walking around for hours. Felix kept pointing out different parts of the island and telling me the names of each cliff, cove, and beach. "And this is Mermaid Cove" he said as we stopped in front of another small body of water "well then were are all the mermaids?" I asked getting closer to the water. My feet were almost touching the water before Felix grabbed my arm and pulled me back, I looked at him confused "just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there" he said "the mermaids don't like others intruding in there home, so just stay away from here so you don't get hurt" Felix said letting go of my wrist. I continued to look at Felix for a few second before a grin formed on my face "what?" he asked "you care about me" I said in a teasing tone, Felix's face went bright red "n-no I don't! it's because Pan would be pissed if anything happened to you" the boy said and I started to chuckle "sure, whatever you say" I said before walking away from Mermaid Cove and back in the direction of the camp.

When Felix and I arrived back at camp Pan was sitting on a log playing his Pan flute while the Lost Boys were dancing around the fire. Felix and I walked over to Pan and we sat on either side of him. Pan looked at me confused "why aren't you dancing with the others? you can hear the flute can't you?" he asked "of course I can, I just don't feel like dancing" I said picking up a plate of pork and mixed vegetables and eating it "don't be ridiculous! go have fun!" Pan said before playing his flute again, I shake my head and finish my food before getting up and walking towards mine and Pan's tree house. Before I could get very far Pan called me back to the fire. "What?" I asked standing next to him "I never told you what I needed you for did I?" Pan said, I just shook my head no "I need your help getting a boy, a very special boy" Pan continued "what's so special about him?" I asked "un-important, just help me get him and make him trust me and I'll send you back to your brother" Pan said "alright, who is this boy anyway" I asked "all I have is this picture" Pan said handing me a rolled up piece of parchment. I unrolled the parchment and looked at the picture on it. I had a shocked look on my face that was then replaced with a small evil smirk which quickly vanished when I remembered who was standing in front of me. I looked back up at Pan quickly "do you know him?" Pan asked "yes of course, what do you need him for?" I asked "like I said, that is un-important right now" Pan said "now you should get to bed, I'm going to be training you early in the morning tomorrow" Pan continued before starting to walk to the tree house "train me for what? did you forget who my father is, who raised me? I know how to fight and hunt" I said now walking next to Pan "I'm not talking about weapons, I've watched you for a while now I know how good you are with a bow, sword, dagger and other weapons" Pan said "then what are you training me for?" I said very curious now.

Pan and I had just arrived to the tree house when he turned to look at me "I'm going to be teaching you how to control your powers" he said with a smirk "excuse me!?" I said shocked. "What powers!? since when did I have powers!?" I said freaking out "since the day you were born obviously" Pan said before climbing the rope ladder to the balcony of the tree house "then how come I never knew about them?" I asked following him up the ladder "because your parents were scared of them so they asked Rumpelstiltskin to cast a spell to stop you from being able to use your powers" Pan said "then how am I supposed to learn how to control them if I can't use them" I asked "because the spell Rumpelstiltskin used is able to be broken by anyone who is blood related to him" Pan said "is that why you need Henry? since he is Rumple's grandson?" I asked "no, Henry has no magic of his own so he wouldn't be able to break it, and neither can Rumpelstiltskin's son Baelfire who you might know as Neil" Pan said "wait then how do I get my powers back?" I asked even more confused than before "I'll be breaking the spell" Pan said, I stared at him shocked "y-you're related to Rumple!?" I asked "he doesn't talk about me at all does he?" Pan asked I shook my head "he's never mentioned you at all" I said, Pan sighed "makes sense, we don't get along very well" Pan said sitting down on his bed, "what do you mean?" I asked "I'm Rumpelstiltskin's father" Pan said. My eyes grew wide at this news "w-what!?" I said "but how is that possible!?" I asked still very shocked "a very long time ago I traded Rumple for my youth" Pan said, he showed no emotion at all when saying that " the Lost Boys know?" I asked "no, only Felix and now you of course" Pan said " when are you going to reverse Rumple's spell?" I asked. Instead of answering Pan just looked at me shocked and slightly intrigued by what I said "what?" I asked "I just shared something that others would see as awful and you don't seem fazed by it at all" Pan said a slight smirk forming on his face. I thought for a second, he was right I wasn't fazed by the fact that Pan just admitted to abandoning his son, to be honest I was more surprised to learn that the Dark One's father was Peter Pan. I looked at Pan "so what?" I asked "oh nothing, just realizing how you're nothing like your family" Pan said "what is that supposed to mean!?" I asked slightly offended "let me show you" Pan said getting up from his bed and walking towards me, he put his hand on my chest and pushed it into my chest. It only hurt for a second but then I felt his hand wrapped around my heart trying to pull it out, but something was stopping him. Pan took his hand out of my chest and looked at me shocked "what? what's wrong" I asked confused "your heart seems to be protected by your powers, no one is able to remove it" Pan said looking at his hand then back at you, you smirked to yourself "wicked" you thought. I looked back at Pan who still looked very confused but intrigued at the same time. "Pan?" I asked, he came back from his thoughts and looked at me "sorry, uhm I was thinking of breaking the spell tomorrow so you should get some rest" Pan said before walking into the closet to change for bed. After he came back I went to change next then went to bed "night Pan" I said "night Fern" Pan said before blowing out the candle on his nightstand and falling asleep.

 After he came back I went to change next then went to bed "night Pan" I said "night Fern" Pan said before blowing out the candle on his nightstand and falling asleep

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