Chapter 7

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We flew to Pan's thinking tree and hid in the branches while we waited for him to absorb the power from Henry's heart. Pan and I just sat and held each other while we waited, then I remembered his arm.
"Is your arm okay? I know I healed it but it doesn't hurt still does it?" I asked looking up at Pan
"I'm fine, love. See all good" Pan said showing me his arm
"And Rumple? What are we going to do with him?" I asked looking at the box Pan was holding
"He'll stay in here for a while, he was due for a time out anyways" Pan half joked
I chuckled a little then leaned back more and rested my head into Pan's chest while he played with my hair with is free hand.
After a few hours Pan and I could hear someone coming, I conjured up a mirror and cast a looking glass spell on it to see who it was. I saw Emma, Snow and Regina coming in our direction.
"Heads up" I said showing Pan the mirror
"Yay, more fun! I was getting bored of waiting around anyway" Pan said
He let me go and hopped down from the tree to place the box on a rock as a way to draw the three women in, then he climbed back up and waited as we both watched them approach.
When they reached the bottom of the tree Regina was the first to spot the box
"Look" she said getting the other two's attention
Emma drew her sword while Snow placed her things on the ground to grab the box.
"Careful!" Regina warned "Pan wouldn't have just left it behind for no reason"
"It's David's only way home. Without Gold we're stuck here" Snow said stepping forward
Then Pan controlled the vines at the base of the tree to wrap around the three women before Snow could grab the box, pinning them against the tree. Pan and I hopped down from our hiding spot to confront them.
"Are you still at it? Don't you know? Peter Pan never fails" Pan tuants "I didn't expect you to find us, then again I shouldn't be surprised. You're mothers, quite tenacious about your offspring. Believe it or not I understand that. But if you're looking to see Henry again, I have to tell you there's only one place you'll be reunited. In death" Pan continues
Regina starts struggling against the vines, which only made Pan and I chuckle. I moved to sit on the rock where the box is, holding it tightly in my hands.
"Having trouble moving?" I chuckle, now also taunting the three ladies in front of me
"Not a surprise, given where you are" Pan says "You see, what's hastening your demise is your regret" Pan once again starts to taunt
"What are you talking about?" Emma asks
"This tree is the site of a very important event for me" Pan says looking up at the tall tree "I abandoned my boy here" he finishes
"You have a son?" Regina says in disbelief
"I'm older than I look" Pan scowls
"If you have a child, you must regret losing him too" Emma thought out loud
"But I don't! Quite the opposite actually" Pan says walking towards me and I hand him the box "You see, I have him all boxed up so I don't lose him again" Pan says walking back towards the tree
"Rumplestiltskin is your son?" Regina says, once again in disbelief
"That he is" Pan answers
"How's that possible? You're-" Snow started
"Younger than him?" Pan cuts her off "Not really, just like you and your daughter" Pan says walking closer to Snow
"You're a fraud, your magic is weakened" Regina cuts in "You can't even hurt us, let alone Rumplestiltskin"
"You're right. But that's why she's here" Pan points to me with the sword he picked up earlier "She can protect me until my powers are restored"
"So that's why you're still keeping her around? You don't love her, you're using her" Regina snarls
I glare at her and am about to make her wish she never learned to speak, but Pan stops me
"I know this might be hard for you to believe, Evil Queen, but I do care for others beside myself" Pan says also glaring at Regina
"Now, once my powers have been restored, and then?" Pan scoffs "Then we get to have some real fun. And I won't have to ever worry about my child again, something else we will all soon have in common" Pan says
The three women again start to struggle against the tree before once again giving up.
"There has to be another way" Emma says
"Well you're not going to get to us. You see this tree attacks the regret inside anyone who comes here, and you? You've got plenty" Pan says
"I regret not taking a better shot at you when I had the chance" Emma spat
"Well that's not all, is it Savior? No, I have your son's heart inside me. I can feel just how much you let him down, time and time again"
"Leave her alone" Snow spoke up
"Perhaps I should. After all, what chance did she have of being a good mother? Look at the example you set, abandoning her for 28 years" Pan says moving on
"Are you finished?" Regina interrupts with a bored tone, and it took all my strength to stop myself from using my powers against her for even daring to breath.
"Last words from the Queen?" Pan says now moving on to Regina "Perhaps a deathbed confession from the one who has the most regret of all?"
"Yeah, there's one problem with that" Regina starts "I did cast a curse that devastated an entire population, I have tortured and murdered , I've done some terrible things. Including killing your mother" she says the last bit looking at me as I continue to glare at her with all the hatred in my body "I should be overflowing with regret" Regina continues "But, I'm not" she finishes and forces her way out of the vines. Pan and I watch as they fall to the ground freeing Regina, Emma and Snow. "Because it got me my son!" Regina says then lunges at Pan to rip his heart out but instead I jump in his way, and instead of ripping Pan's heart out, Regina's hand goes into my chest and I can feel the quick motion of her attempting to pull it out. I looked down at where Regina's hand is shocked, to be honest I forgot about that special ability I had due to being the product of true love, then I looked up at Regina who shared the same shocked expression until an evil grin formed on my face. Then before any of them had time to react I threw them back against the tree with my powers, the blow knocking them all unconscious while I just stand there laughing. Pan grabs my hand from behind me and turns me around, he had a very impressed and proud look on his face when he looked at me.
"That's my strong Lost Girl" he said pulling me into a hug and planting a kiss on my lips "Now let's get out of here before they wake up, and deal with those at camp"
I nodded and teleported us just outside of the camp.

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