Chapter 5

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I was back at camp with an unconscious Henry, sitting near the campfire eating while waiting for Pan and the Lost Boys to get back from confronting Henry's family. After a few hours Pan and the Lost Boys return and Pan decides to wake Henry up. "Cuckoo!" He calls out "Wake up! Catch" He then throws an apple towards Henry "I don't like apples" Henry says glaring at Pan "Who doesn't like apples?"
"It's a family thing"
Pan chuckles before speaking again. "Well, don't worry. They're not for eating, it's for a kind of game. A really fun game. I call it, target practice"
Henry got up and started walking towards the rest of us with Pan. I handed Pan a bottle of Dreamshade which he used to coat an arrow. "What's that?" Henry asked "Dreamshade, it's a nasty poison. We have a story here about a man, who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow. Let's find out if it's possible" Pan said
"If you're shooting at the apple, what's the poison for?" Henry asked
"Motivation not to miss" Pan responded, he then turned to Felix. "Felix! Get over here!"
"Is Felix good? Is his aim good?" Henry asked, scared
"Doesn't matter, you're the one doing the shooting" Pan said
"I-I don't want to shoot" Henry says
At this all the Lost Boys started chanting "Shoot! Shoot!" egging Henry on. "You won't hit him. Trust yourself, go on! It's exhilarating!" Pan said. Henry aimed the crossbow in his hands towards Felix while the second-in-command placed the apple on his hand while also chanting "Shoot! Shoot" along with the others. I just sat on a rock next to Pan watching the show intrigued but also worried for Felix. As Henry was preparing to shoot, Pan raises his arm as a way to stop the Lost Boys from chanting. Henry aimed the crossbow towards Felix, then just before shooting it, he turned to Pan and pulled the trigger. I quickly stood up preparing to push Pan out of the way but he caught the arrow just in time then smirked at Henry, "Told you it was exhilarating" He said dropping the arrow on the ground and walking towards Henry. He took the crossbow out of Henry's hands and handed it to me. "Come on, I've got something to show you" Pan said walking away with Henry. 

Pan was showing Henry around camp while I stayed with Felix, who was sharpening a dagger. I was watching Henry and Pan, but decided to turn to Felix and ask him a question. "Hey Felix, has Pan ever acted strangely towards any of the Lost Boys?" I asked "What do you mean?" Felix said without looking up from the dagger "I'm not actually sure, but he was looking at Henry weird anytime he was near me. I've never seen that look before that he had" I said. Felix finally looked up at me, he looked like he was thinking about something then shook his head. "Nope, don't recall" Felix said then he turned his attention back to his dagger.
Later that night Pan and I were sitting together watching the boys dance around the fire and playing drums while Pan played his flute, Felix was away running an errand for Pan. I looked away from the boys and saw Henry sitting alone, I nudged Pan's arm with my elbow and nodded in the direction where Henry was. "You should go talk thim" Pan said looking at me "He'll listen to you more"
I nodded and got up to sit with Henry.
"Hey" I said sitting next to him "Why not join the celebration?" I asked
"There's nothing to celebrate" Henry answered
"What do you mean by that? We're celebrating you!"
"Why me?"
"Because you're here to save everyone"
"What do you mean?" Henry asked
"Here, I found this a while ago" I said handing Henry a parchment
He opened it to reveal a picture of him
"What does it mean?" he asked
"You might not know this but magic is dying, every where, I believe this means you're meant to save it" I said
"How do I save magic? I have no special abilities, no powers" Henry said
"I'm not sure but Pan might know, we could ask him"
"No, I don't trust him"
"Why do you?" Henry asked "He brought you here, away from your brother"
"Yes, but he's showed me nothing but trust and kindness since. We can trust him, Henry, YOU can trust him" I said, I was about to say something else when I saw Felix walk back into camp and he didn't look too happy. Pan saw him too and walked towards him,
"I'll be right back Henry" I said getting up to walk to Felix and Pan.
"What's wrong?" I asked when I reached the two boys
"Baelfire, he got away" Felix said
"Then why don't you find him and get him back!?" Pan said, anger in his voice, I placed my hand on his arm to try and calm him which worked a little. "I tried. I followed his trail and found two of our boys knocked out by a sleeping spell" Felix said
"The Dark One!?" I said shocked
Felix nodded to confirm
"So father and son have reunited" Pan said with an amused smirk
"They'll be coming for the boy" Felix said looking over at Henry
"Should we move him somewhere?" I asked
"Now, now, you two. Where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin"
Pan had decided to continue the celebration, to wait for the Dark One and Bae to arrive for Henry. As everyone was dancing a gust of wind went passed causing everyone to collapse to the ground, everyone except for Pan and I.
"We have a guest!" Pan said as he stood from the tree stump he was sitting on, and I stood from the rock I was sitting on and stood next to Pan.
"No doubt someone who knows how much I like guessing games. Who could it be? I guess the Dark One" Pan relit one of the torches with his hand to reveal his son standing in the shadows.
"Come to save Henry, have you, laddie?" Pan said "The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family..." Pan lit another torch "You can come out now Baelfire"
Bae came out from where he was hiding, holding a crossbow pointed at Pan, in response I lifted my bow and directed it towards Bae. "Fern, what an unexpected surprise" Rumple said turning his attention towards me,
"Hello, Dark One" I said coldly not moving from my position
"It's heartwarming to see father and son working together, especially after you abandoned him Rumple. This is a real family reunion" Pan taunted
"What are you waiting for" Rumple asked Bae
"I got this" Bae responded then he shot his arrow and I mine, Pan caught it in time but my arrow grazed Bae's arm causing him to drop the crossbow and grab his wound.
"Clever, but we've been through this before Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?" Pan said as we watched Rumple heal Bae's wound.
"I remembered plenty" Bae said "That's why I didn't coat the tip"
Pan looked at the hand that had touched the arrow and saw squid ink covering it, he quickly started to freeze in place. I tried to help wipe the ink off but Pan stopped me, "Don't or it'll effect you to" he said
"Grab Henry" Rumple said to Bae and the two ran passed us
"I'm impressed. Are you sure you're really saving him, Bae?"
"What could be worse than leaving him with you?" Bae said
"Why don't you ask your father" Pan said "Sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us"
"What is he talking about?"
"Don't listen to him" Rumple said quickly
"You mean you haven't told him?" Pan said
"Told me what?"
"About the prophecy of course"
"What prophecy? What's he mean?" Bae continued asking
"The prophecy that says you've been tricked" Pan announced "Your father isn't here to rescue your son, he's here to murder him"
"Ignore him, we need to go before the ink wears off" Rumple said before turning to walk away. Bae followed close behind and soon they disappeared into the jungle with Henry.
A few hour after the Dark One and his son left the ink finally wore off so Pan could move again and the Lost Boys slowly started to wake up,
"What's the plan now?" I asked after all the boys were awake
"I'm going to take some of the boys and get Henry back, you will stay here with the others and keep an eye one camp" Pan said
I nodded in agreement and helped those leaving with Pan get ready.

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