Chapter 9

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We arrive in Storybrooke, the entire town gathered around the docks to greet their "heroes" home. I prepare to run the second the ship lands in the water and head to the woods before Regina and the others can tell the Merry Men their side of the story. I make sure to be the first off the ship, and run to the Merry Men's camp.
The first person to see me when arrive is my brother, jumping from the rock he was sitting on and running towards me to give me a tight hug, then he calls out to the Merry Men announcing my return.
"Where have you been, Fern!? It's been months!" Little John asks after each of the group made sure I was okay, "I know I'm sorry, I wasn't planning on being away for so long, I just needed some space" I respond
"Where did you go?" My brother asks
"Neverland" I reply honestly
"Neverland!? Isn't that where those people took Henry?" Little John says
I nod
"Did anyone hurt you?"
"If 'anyone' is meant to be Peter Pan or his Lost Boys, no. They made sure I was safe, actually" I say "When I found out Henry was also on Neverland Pan and the Lost Boys agreed to keep him safe till his family came for him" I lie
"So they're all back now then?"
"Yes, everyone is at the docks"
"Maybe we should go as well, make sure they're all okay" Little John suggests
Little John looks at me confused so I elaborate, "We should let Henry get settled back home, and I was hoping we could do something together to celebrate my return"
The Merry Men think about it for a second before agreeing.
"Alright, what were you thinking?" Little John asks


It has been a few hours since I returned to the Merry Men. We decided to have a special dinner to celebrate my return, first going out to hunt and forage, then while some of the Merry Men were preparing dinner, Roland and I decided to play a game we made up a few years ago, along with those of the group who weren't helping with dinner. After we ate Roland and I decided to go out on a walk so we could have time alone to talk.
"You scared us you know" He says looking at the ground as we walk
"I'm sorry"
"I thought at first I did something wrong" Roland looks up at me
My heart breaks when I see the look on his face
"You could never do anything wrong, Roland" I try to reassure "I was just going through a lot and needed to get away"
"About dad right?" My brother questions
I nod
"I miss him too, but we were supposed to be there for each other"
I stay silent, looking at the ground so I didn't have to see the look of betrayal in his eyes anymore.
"I'm so sorry bud"
"You abandoned me, I woke up and you were gone"
"I know"
"You didn't even leave a note explaining where you went"
"I said I was sorry Roland! I'm back now, let it go!" I snap, then immediate regret rushes over me as I see the tears form in my younger brother's eyes, a hurt expression to match.
"Roland I'm sorry" I try to comfort him, but he turns and runs back to camp. I try calling after him but he ignores me, then he's out of sight.
"You could have handled that better" Said a voice behind me
I turn and see Pan/Henry leaning against a tree.
"I thought you'd be at Regina's house or something" I say walking up to him
"She and the others are dealing with "Pan" so I decided to go for a walk" Pan says, putting air quotes around his name
"Is Felix with you?"
"No, he's with the other Lost Boys still on Hook's ship. But forget about that, you look like you need someone to talk to"
"I'm fine, just my brother being annoying" I kick a rock across the forest floor
"I saw the whole thing, Fern" Pan says "And he isn't exactly wrong, you did abandon him"
"You sent your shadow to bring me to you on Neverland" I correct "Pretty sure I even asked to bring my brother and Shadow said no"
"You're right, I'm sorry. But you can't just snap at him like that"
"I know that!" I raise my voice, Pan raises a brow at me. "Sorry"
"It's alright"
I move next to Pan, leaning on the same tree he is. "Have any of them mentioned talking with the Merry Men?" I ask
"Not that I've heard, what did you end up telling them?"
"That I needed space for a while and that we and the Lost Boys helped Henry's family get him back after he was taken by the people who were working for you. As far as they're concerned you're the good guy"
"Good, what's the plan if Henry's family does decide to talk to your group?"
"Not sure, hopefully you'll take care of what you need before then"
"I have almost everything I need, just one more thing"
"And that is?"
"You'll see in a bit, meet Felix and I at the well in a few hours. Make sure everyone at your camp is asleep"
I nod before saying goodbye, then walk back to camp.

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