Part -27 💙

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"Wove you-- bun bun--"
-Tae giggled and blushed after their kissing.

Jungkook just pulled Tae in a tight hug in happiness.

( JK's thought:
"Is it a dream?--" )

"Haaaachoooooo (sneez)--"
- Tae sneezed while rubbing his nose against Jungkook's shirt.

Let's go home-
You will definitely catch cold-"
-Jungkook immidiately broke the hug & carried Tae in a piggy bag style on his back.

"Ughmmm- hach - haccho-"
-Tae nodded & climbed up Jungkook's back while holding his 'honey bear'.

They came near to Namjoon's car.

"Namoonieeee?-- (sniff)
You are here?-"
-Tae smiled at him.

"Yes- come inside quickly-"
-Namjoon also smiled at Tae.

Tae happily got in the car with his doll & Jungkook also.

Namjoon started the car.

"Are you happy now?--
You got your boyfie?-
-Namjoon asked while looking at Tae via the reflection of front mirror.

-Tae nodded his head, while blushing & leaning towards Jungkook's body.

Jungkook pulled Tae closer by wrapping his arm around Tae's body.

Tae burried his face on Jungkook's shirt to hide his embarrassment.

"You have to give us a treat-
Jungkook ssi--"
-Namjoon said to Jungkook.

-Jungkook asked in confusion.

"Yes me & Jimin- -
I am your boyfriend's ex boyfriend-
That's why you will not give me treat??-"
-Namjoon teased Jungkook.

"Aniyo- I didn't say that-
Also, thank you for helping today-"
-Jungkook said while caressing Tae's back who was rubbing his face against Jungkook's chest like a cute baby.

-Namjoon again smiled and his dimple appeared.

Finally, Namjoon dropped them at their apartment.

Tae jumped out from car with his doll happily.

"Thank you-
Can I ask you something? -"
-Jungkook said before getting out of car.

But, Tae was busy in catching a rain drop while jumping like a kid.

"I know what do you
want ask!-
Don't worry, I am really hapy that Tae got you finally-
Tae only loves you & no matter what he will choose you over any person in this world-
So, please don't misunderstand him in future-
He really loves you-
Don't scold him all the time-"
-Namjoon said his all thoughts woth a genuine smile.

"Meanieeeeeee--- come-"
-Tae screamed in a cute tone with a pout.

( NM's thought:
"Tae also helped me to realise my own feelings--
Angry bird, I am coming soon to you--" )

"Thank you again-"
-Jungkook  said & got out from car.

"Byeeeeee namjoonieeee-"
-Tae happily waved his hand to Namjoon who smiled at him & left.

Let's go honey bunny-"
-Tae happily interwined his fingers with Jungkook's fingers & they started walking towards  inside.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeee--- honey bunny is my boyfieeeeee now--haaaachooooo-- hehegege😁--"

Tae entered inside the home & started running here & there with his doll.

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