Part- 36 💙

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In the next day, Jimin and Tae were reading books in library.

But actually they were whispering and giggli g with each other.

"I am proud of Taetaeeee-"
-Jimin happily exclaimed while squeezing him in a tight hug.

"But- bunny scolded me-"
-Tae pouted.

"Uhmmm- Rude Rabbit!!-
Don't mind him-
You did absolutely right!-
That Lisa is a b*tch!!-"
-Jimin said like a matured person.

-Tae giggled to hear out Jimin's cursing words and then Jimin joined him in giggling.

"By the way,  how's your date with your Honey Bunny?-"
-Jimin broke the hug and whispered.

-Tae continued a long humming sound which made Jimin sigh.

"I understand-
It was brilliant-
-Jimin sighed.

-Tae giggled like kid.


But this time, their giggling was too loud for the atmosphere of Library so they got sn warning from Library Assistant.

"Let's go from here-"
-Jimin whispered and then they left together the Library.

Tae and Jimin wandering inside the college campus while holding hands.

"Look at the bird-"

"It's so pretty-"

"Yes, pretty like my Taetae-"

They were just chatting some random topics while roaming together.

But, then a familiar face caught Jimin's attention.

"Look??- isn't that Doctor Hyung?-"
-Jimin said to Tae and dragged him towards The person.

Tae just followed him happily.

"Hyungggg??-- Doctor hyung?-"
-Jimin waved his left hand with a bright smile and the person turned his head towards them.

"Ohh- you are here?-"
-Suga came near to Jimin and Tae.

Why are you here?-"
-Jimi n happily asked but Suga's eyes became narrowed to see the intertwined hands of Tae and Jimin.

"Hi!- Doctor Ajjhussi-"
-Tae slightly bowed to Suga.

"I - I actually came here bcz one of your Professor had become sick suddenly-"
-Siga said in a normal tone.

-Jimin nodded his head.

Suga's eyes were fixed st the intertwined hands and Tae was just smiling.

"Let's go to our canteen-
We can eat there-
I will give you a Treat-"
-Jimin continued.

"Yes! Ajjhussi-- come with us-"
-Tae showed his wide smile.

Don't call him Ajjhusii-
Call him Hyung-"
-Jimin said to Tae and Tae immidiately nodded his head.

"No- it's fine-"
-but Suga interrupted Jimin.

(Jimin's thought:
But, didn't he say that I should call him Hyung?
Then why is he now~~~)

"Let's go then-"
-Suga's words cut off Jimin's thoughts.

Tae and Jimin followed Suga towards the canteen.

Tae and Jimin sat down together and Suga just let out s sigh.

"Let's order Taetaeee-"
-Jimin gave the menu card on Tae's hand.

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