Chapter 36

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        I don't have a plan B
             It's do or die

                                 - Joker

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked the man standing in front of me.

"Ahh you don't know who I am?" he replied. Was hw dumb.

"Would I ask if I knew?"

"I guess it's true what they say about you miss Abbas".

"Excuse me, did I miss a part of my life".

"What do you mean?" the man asked, squatting in front of me. 

"I asked who you are not what people say about me".

"Smart mouth, but watch it. I'm Erik", he said, wiping the blood of my head with his handkerchief.

"What do you want from me Erik?" I said in a seductive voice. I wanted to play mind games with him so I can try to get out of this place. He leaned in closer to my face as if he were to kiss me, once he was close enough, I smashed my head right into his. Bad idea, I felt my head scream in pain and the blood drip even more than it had done before. I thought this would be easy like in movies, but this hurts like a bitch. I wouldn't let Erik see that I felt the pain though, so I just laughed through the whole thing.

"Ahh you fucking bitch!!" Erik said with his hands on his forehead.

"Having fun, love", an elderly voice echoed from the door, I turned my face to look at the man standing by the door and I was shocked. The man looked like and old image of Kane, his eyes were exactly like Kane's, this must be his father.

"This bitch is crazy, let's just finish her now and get it over with", Erik hissed from where he was standing.

"Not until the wedding", the man who I assume is Kane's father said.

"Yeah whatever", Erik said as he walked out of the room.

"I'm Mr. Kim my dear, please forgive me for Erik, he is not used to being around many females", he said, squatting down to my level. I wasn't fooled by his kind words though, I knew he was Kane's father and I knew he was a monster.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked wit an attitude.

"I want you away from my son for a little while, just until the wedding is over you are a distraction towards him". Those words hit me like a rock, the pain I was feeling in my heart, hurt me more than when I slammed my head into Erik's.

"You don't have to worry about that, Kane has no interest in me and I have no interest in him, so you can let me go and continue with the wedding". That was partially true, Kane didn't have any feelings for me. As much as it pains me to say, Kane's father is right, I am or I was just a distraction to him. 

"Is that what you think, my dear", as he said, he raised his voice and laughed right in my face. I didn't pay much attention to his sudden mood swing and words though.

"I don't think, I know".

"You have a smart mouth miss Abbas, but watch it, that little mouth of yours could get you killed". He said, as he harshly grabbed my cheeks with his hand.

"So I've heard, now will you let me go?"

"I'm afraid not, see Erik wants to have a little fun with you and I have to make sure Kane gets married without having you around", he said, as he let go of my cheeks and walked out of the cold room.

After a few minutes of me struggling to get these ropes off of my hands, the metal door swung open and Erik walked in holding some tools and chains.

"Let's let the real fun begin, shall we love", he said and a smirk overruled his face. 

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