Chapter 78

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I knew the second I met you
That there was something about you I needed.
Turns out it wasn't something about you at all.
It was just you.
- Jamie McGuire

Him- Chan (Kane)

"It taste amazing", I complimented her cooking. Her Italian shrimp pasta is officially on my list of favourite foods.

"Thank you very much", she replied.

"Wife material", I added.

"Once we get married, I hope you not expecting me to be a house wife and cook for you all the time".

"That's exactly what I was expecting".


"I don't want you working for someone else, over my dead body", hell the fuck no, I was not going to allow my wife to work for someone else, if it means that I have to work harder to fend for the both of us then so be it, she's not going to be an employee.

"I don't want to stay at home and do chores, I'll get bored of it and you know how I feel about my independence, I don't want to feel like I'm in debt", gosh, really i don't mind working for the both of us, but god no she will never agree to that.

"I love your independence and challenges but I'm sorry love I can't allow you to work for someone". I sighed deeply before coming to a conclusion.

"Fine, if you want to work then you can start your own company I'll assist you with that or you can work as my personal assistant, I wouldn't mind that at all".

"Absolutely not, I'll take the first option", ouch that one stung.

"As you wish. Tell me what are you interested in".

"Drugs", I choked on my shrimp, I must be dreaming,

"Excuse me, I don't think I heard you correctly, your interested in what?" I pray I heard that wrong.

"Drugs, D.R.U.G.S , drugs", the fuck she say.

"Yah! dangsin michyeoss-eo?"

Translation: Are you out of your mind?

"Aniyo", remember when I said she would be the death of me, this is what I was talking about.

Translation: No.

"Absolutely not, Imani no you are not getting involved in the drug world, for fuck sake, I almost lost you because of drug lords and drugs. Love, I'm sorry... but fuck no the drug industry is very dangerous, I'm not having you involved in this. You are already in to deep just by being my wife, it would be sexy as fuck to have a wife as a drug lord I won't lie, but it's to risky, you'll have people trying to kill you every day from different parts of the world. I can't live with that. Please understand I fucking love you... I almost lost you twice, I won't make the same mistake", I was dead serious at this moment, this is some straight up bullshit. I know how this world is, I won't put her in danger just coz I think it's sexy to have a drug lord wife. Drug lord wife, sexy, no Kane snap out of it.

"I was playing, I want nothing to do with drugs, the fact that you are a Mafia king already annoys the shit out of me. But anyways, I'm into tech and stocks, think you could help", what the fuck. I'm so confused right now, one minute she's dead serious and talking bout drugs, now she's just all chilled and acting like nothing happened. I know women are confusing but mine makes me feel dumb, I swear I have the most confusing woman on the planet.

"What?... slow down, so you're not into drugs?"

"I ain't into drugs, I was just messing with you".

"You had me going mad".

"I know. Now Mr. Kim, I'm into tech and stocks can you help me?"

"Mrs. Kim, I can help you but right now you have more important things to be worried about".


"Wedding planning".

"Oh, I sorted everything out. I'm just waiting for you to tell me when you want the wedding to be, that way we can book the venue that Violet found for us. The designer of my dress, Violet's sister had business in Dubai, so since we will get married there, I decided that me mama and the girls would fly over there to check the dresses and the venue out. Catering will also take place in Dubai, I had Violet sort that out for me, the guest list on my side is complete mama helped out. I also got one of the best tailor's in Italy to make your suit and your brothers suits, it will be moved to Dubai as well so y'all also need to fly out to Dubai, where you will have your fitting. All I need is your side of the guest list, the date of the wedding and we can fly to Dubai as soon as that's done", she said proudly with an adorable smile on her beautiful chocolate face.

"Wow, you have it all figured out. Well ok, I'll get started with the guest list and about the wedding date, I said you could pick it out", she shook her head in disapproval.

"I've already done much, it's up to you now to choose the date", this is going to be a long night.


"Great, so stocks and tech", very persistent.

"My little chocolate bun, let's get you into bed and we'll discuss this properly tomorrow morning", I smiled at her facial expression.

"No I'm not even tired".

"Then why are you yawning".

"I'm not", she defends herself.

"Of course you're not. Come it's bed time".

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