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It was nearing the end of the party, by this point a lot of people had left and there were around ten of us left in the house. Apart from Sapnap, we were all pretty much sober at this point. Dream didn't drink anything since he was driving us home.

We were getting up to leave, Sapnap clinging onto Dream while Niki and I walked closely behind.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, "Hey, y/n. I think you were joking but I'd love to give you my number just incase you're ever interested. If not, I think we'd still make great friends." She said with a nervous laugh. I gave her my phone and let her put her number in. I gave her a quick hug before catching up with the rest of them.

I could see Dream watching from ahead with his eyebrows scrunched together slightly. "Do you like her?" He said with a slight frown you could tell he was trying to hide.

"As a friend yeah. Nothing more though." I placed a hand on his chest.

"Dreams on his jealous arc." Sapnap mumbled from Dreams side.

"Hey guys I don't really wanna be alone with this idiot," Dream said referring to Sapnap slouched in the passenger seat of the car. "Do you guys wanna come over and maybe watch a movie or play minecraft or something?"

Niki and I both nodded enthusiastically.

"We could maybe even give the fans some content while we're together." Niki suggested.

We arrived back to Dream and Sapnap's house. We had to carry Sapnap to the front door since he fell asleep in the car and was too stubborn to get up. He walked over to the big couch and flopped onto it, grumbling a goodnight before falling asleep again.

"So are we going to stream?" Dream said.

"Yeah, who's channel should we stream on though? And what are we going to do on there?" Niki said.

We all stood in silence thinking of ideas when Dream suddenly thought of something, "Oh I know! What if I stream on my pc and Niki you could log in on Sapnap's pc. We could teach y/n how to play minecraft! See if anyone's on the smp while we're there." He said excitedly.

"That sounds like a great idea, I'll go see if Sapnap's awake to help set his pc up." Niki left to go see him on the sofa sitting up instead of asleep. She followed him into his room and I could hear them setting things up together.

Dream took my hand and took me to the familiar room where his set up and fan art shelves were.

"Oh shoot. I don't have another chair. Okay it's fine I'll just like hover behind you." He said as he turned on his pc.

"I'll just sit on your lap." I said as a joke but I wanted to see how he would react.

"Really? Okay." He jumped onto the chair and patted his thighs, looking up at me with a hopeful smile.

"Oh. I was saying it as a joke but I mean.." I said while blushing so much with a laugh.

"Oh come on, y/n. Nothing weird, it'll be easier for me to help you anyway." He said smiling. "Pleaaseee. Or I'll have to go and bring a chair from downstairs."

I shook my head hesitantly sat on him, scared I'd hurt him. "I feel bad, does it hurt?" I said trying to readjust.

He put his hands on my waist and stopped me from fidgeting. "Sit still. I'm comfy."

I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach and the heat that had rushed to my face. I didn't want to turn around and give him the satisfaction of seeing me so red.

He set up his stream and started his intro, joining the call with Sapnap and Niki in the other room.

"Okay so as you can see, Sapnap's character is infront of me. But I'm not the one who's controlling my character today. Welcome our special guest, y/n.. she's uh.."

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