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We arrived home and I decided to stay at Dreams house until the hate died down. Niki was going to visit Wilbur and her new house in England for a week therefore I'd be completely alone in our apartment. With all the hate that I'd been receiving, I didn't feel safe being all alone.

Today Dream was helping me take some of my things to his house since I would be staying there until Niki came back.

Dream walked over and sat on my bed, kicking his legs back and forth like a child and smiling up at me. "I can't wait for this week, it's gonna be so fun." He said, reaching to grab my waist and pull me towards him. I tripped slightly and landed with my arms on my shoulders, towering over him on the bed. He smiled up at me, the purest smile ever.

"I can't wait to wake up to you for a week straight." He laughed, "maybe that was a bit cheesy but I'm being honest."

I laughed and ruffled up his hair. "I know, me neither. Cheesy idiot." I gave him a kiss on his cheek before I walked over to my wardrobe and haphazardly threw some clothes in my bags. A bunch of hoodies and sweats since it was slightly colder now. I also brought some nice clothes incase we went out anywhere.

I knew the boys would be doing a lot of streaming and gaming so I made sure to pack my laptop and all my work notes so I could work on that whenever they were busy. I also brought books, lots of them to keep me company.

Dream and I headed back to his house, hand in hand while he was driving. His fingers tracing circles on my knuckles.

"We're home!" Dream said, taking my bags and putting them in the living room.

The two ran into the living room with suspicious smiles tracing their faces. "Hey y/n! Hey dream!" Sapnap said, panting.

"Why are you guys being weird." Dream said slowly.

They looked at each other and laughed. "We got you a small gift now that y/n is joining us for the week." Sapnap said. "It's on your bed."

We walked into Dreams room and George and Sapnap followed us, slightly behind. On his bed was a small wrapped present, Dream picked it up and shook it a little. He opened it to reveal.. condoms. The two started hysterically laughing behind us. "What? WHAT?!" Dream started wheezing. "What the hell guys! You're such idiots oh my god." He shook his head with a stupid grin on his face.

Mine was most likely completely red although it was quite funny. These guys were so dumb I can't believe I had to live with them for two weeks straight.

"All I'm saying is.. not while we're home please." Sapnap said, pushing Dream slightly.

"Oh my god dude." Dream pushed them both out the room, "Go get y/n's bags please." He laughed. They went off to get my bags and I sat on the bed.

We both looked at the box of condoms and then slowly at each other, he had a stupid smirk plastered on his face. I picked up the box and threw them at him with a laugh.

"I'll put these here for later." He put them in the top drawer next to our bed. I deadpanned. "I'm joking I'm joking!" He wheezed and put his arms up in surrender.

He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and sat by me until the boys came up with my bags.

"Thanks guys." I smiled at them. Dream left me to put away some of my things and so he could make us dinner. I put on one of the hoodies Dream had given me a few weeks ago and headed downstairs. It was always so much colder in Dreams house because he was always warm. George and I had complained hundreds of time about him turning up the heat a little bit but he just told us to put a hoodie on and deal with it.

I could hear Dreams phone going off every two seconds on the bedside table, I initially assumed it was fans but then I realised it was the text tone. I didn't want to betray his trust but I was so curious. I went over to see it and I saw the name Georgia. Dream had it so you can't see the actual message, only the name. She had sent almost ten messages in the space of two minutes.

My heart dropped but I trusted Dream and I knew he would tell me if something was going on.

I headed downstairs and flopped onto the sofa, laying across it on my back. I rested my eyes for a second, from how tired I was from everything that happened on the trip. The hate was still going, at this point there was more love and support than hate so I felt okay about it all. I still muted my notifications because the buzzing was doing my head in. I wanted to be able to talk to my friends without being reminded of it.

I felt someone lift my legs up and sit down, putting my legs back down on their lap. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my eyes to see Sapnap sat at the end of the sofa. "What? You were taking up all the space." He grinned, tapping a tune on my legs.

"You're so annoying." I laughed and picked up my phone. My smile instantly faded as soon as I did so, it was open on Twitter and I regretted it instantly. I turned my phone off and threw it lower on the sofa, out of hands reach.

"Hey, it'll die down soon. I'm sorry y/n I know it's hard to deal with. We're all here for you though." He smiled and stopped the tapping, instead comfortingly rubbing my shin and using his thumb to run semicircles on my leg.

"Thanks Sap." I sighed and went back to my initial aim of resting my eyes.

He took my phone and put it in his pocket, "I don't think it's a good idea to go on it right now. Come back to me if you need it." He smiled.

I was so grateful for being with these guys while this was happening. I didn't want to be alone at my apartment without Niki and they were all so comforting.


"It's movie night!" I heard Dream shout. I jumped and opened my eyes, I must've fallen asleep on the sofa. Sapnap had moved from under my legs and all three boys were in the kitchen messing around attempting to make popcorn.

"Hey sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?" Dream crouched on the floor next to me so he was in line with my face.

"Less tired. Ready for movie night!" I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "Stay here, we'll be two seconds." He said before wrapping me in a blanket and entering the kitchen again.

The three came out with four bowls of popcorn and some bags of chocolate and sweets. George handed me a can of coke as well and we all sat with our snacks while Sapnap controlled the remote.

I was sat in the corner with Dream sat on my left. Sapnap was next to Dream and George was in the other corner. Sapnap put on a film that I hadn't heard of and pressed play. The lights were off and we all snuggled into eachother and enjoyed the movie.

As the movie went on I got more and more exhausted so I led my head down in Dreams lap. His hands immediately started playing with my hair and it made me even more sleepy. I smiled as I could feel my eyes start to close and I fell asleep in the warmth of his lap.

When I was almost asleep I could hear the boys talking about something, I stayed where I was so I could listen in.

"I think you should tell her." George said in a failed whisper.

"It's for the best dude, she'll understand." Sapnap added.


I woke up to movement underneath me. "Hey baby, we need to go upstairs to bed." He said while moving the hair out my face. I nodded and slowly got up, almost falling over as I did. I fell asleep straight away.

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