The anger

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I went blank after hearing this statement. I felt as though the whole world stopped again as though the whole world is closing in on me. As though a huge rock was dropped into my stomach. Do they know my mother? How was she? Was she kind and happy and smiling? Did she look like me? I wanted to ask everything at once. Shake them until they answer. Ask them why they killed my mom and my dad. Why did they take them away from me? I wanted to cry shout scream my lungs out but no I won't do that, I have to hold myself up now.


Then two vehicles come and halt in front of the van and at the back of the van. I knew who they were.


J-Hope: guys she switched off her GPS! What should we do?

JK: I think they switched it off or she got to know that they want to kill us so she switched it off by herself.

RM: We should go in the same direction itself Jin Hyung it is better to go there than to wait

Jin continues driving in the same direction. And Jimin in his direction.

After a few minutes of silence as everybody is more focused on reaching and saving Cho than talking.

J-Hope: Wait what? She turned it on!

Yoongi: I think she wants us to come there. I think it's more than kidnapping

Jimin: What if they're using her as a trap to lure us in

V: I don't care until unless she's safe

They drive faster. they are near the GPS very near and now they spot a black van.

Jin: Can't see what's in the car

J-Hope: it is the car that has Cho. Get it

They drive faster now that they got their target. Jimin on the other hand parks the van across the road blocking any vehicles. He, JK, and V climb out.


The van suddenly stops. I can see Jimin, JK, and V standing there with their guns aimed at us. Their jaws are clenched, nostrils flaring as though they are ready to breathe out the fire. Their fists are clenched on the gun as though any second they can burst out and fire the van. Jimin is not at all looking away from the van with his wide-open eyes. I bet he didn't even blink once. JK is putting all his anger on the gun which he is holding tightly. It might suffocate and explode at any time. On the other hand V, omg he is angry, looking at his gaze can kill you. His jaw is clenched making it look sharp as ever.

Suddenly from behind, I can see another van parked across the road trapping us in between.

They stepped out holding a gun too. And omg were they furious. Their eyes were narrowed and I swear they are an inch away from turning into slits. Their eyes almost were about to shoot lasers. If they didn't have that patience, they would probably have exploded and taken out everyone and everything around here. J-Hope is looking like he could burn the van into ashes just looking into the van. I have never seen him at all. RM is calm but still, I can see the burning anger in his eyes. Jin is looking furious but searching for me. Suga is calm, calm as anyone can be. He is holding two guns clenched in his two hands stiffly standing and it seems as though he is looking right into my eyes.

The men in the car were calm.

MEN2: Just throw her outside and drive off don't care about the damage

Two of the men easily carried me and my bag and threw me out of the van. I fell hard. I had some scratches on my knees and palms. My brothers didn't expect this and were shocked when they threw me off. V, Jin, and J-Hope came running and hugged me while the others started shooting towards the van but it was no use as the van was bulletproof.

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