Kim Mother

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I was completely frozen and Coco came and liked my hand making me come back to my senses. I grabbed the dagger and observed it. It came back to the normal old dagger and I switched on the lights.

I sat on my bed and observed the dagger if there was any change and Coco suddenly went under the bed and pulled out what looked like a long old ancient scroll. I took it and opened it and started to read and was surprised like hell.

I stared at the message and thought it was like some prank but even though I thought that I went and faced a plan wall in my washroom because my room had photo frames

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I stared at the message and thought it was like some prank but even though I thought that I went and faced a plan wall in my washroom because my room had photo frames. Holding the dagger I traced a huge oval which was bigger than me.

A gold outlined black thick like appeared on the wall as though it was burning the wall like a paper burning and when it was connected the inside suddenly turned black and gulping I took a step inside with Coco who jumped to my hands and surprisingly could feel the ground.

I stepped in and gasped when everything turned black and the entrance disappeared. Gold letters appeared in front of me. 

"Do you want to visit at night or day?"

There were two options and before I could do anything Coco jumped and launched himself to the night button. I luckily caught him before falling. Suddenly another opening appeared and I myself got it.

I was in a room, an ancient room filled with paintings of different scenarios. I could see that it was an ancient style of painting. I was amazed by all the mesmerizing paintings, little sculptures, a table full of ink brushes, and many more when I didn't notice a lying figure on bed and a girl my age who stood petrified.

I slowly turned and saw the girl and both our jaws dropped. She was in a traditional hanbok and stood looking at me with a confused and shocked face. I was mainly shocked because there were two people looking exactly the same but wearing different clothes.

I slowly gained my senses and now understood that I traveled back time for about more than 100 FUCKING YEARS(I swear if Jin heard this he would kill me). I can't believe I am staring into myself.

(Author-So ya there are two Chos, to clear the confusion I will use Cho normally for the present main lead and will use Chi for the old Cho as it was a nickname given to her by her parents and there is a reason)

Chi: Who are you?

She asked and slowly took out a sharp-edged sward and straightening looked at me.

Cho: Woah calm down there I don't want to die yet

Chi: Who are you? How dare you speak to the princess without bowi-

??: Chi let her in

Chi: But mother

??: Do as I say

I looked curiously to the other side and I instantly dropped to the floor on my knees. It was my mom or more like Chi's mom. She was lying down on the bed weak. Tears fell out of my eyes without knowing it and I soon ran and hugged her crying in her embrace. She let my cry until I was satisfied and stood behind wiping my tears.

Mrs.Kim: So your from the future right dear

I nodded.

Mrs.Kim: I know the time would come where I had to reveal our secrets. We are a family of good. It means we don't or anyone in our family doesn't have any bad intentions. For example, when you are in violence you just injure the guards but do not kill them. This here proves the good in you

To be honest she was true. My brothers only killed people who deserved by just hurt the men the other had bought. Mrs.Kim now gestured me to sit down and I did. She caressed mine and Chi's hair and continued.

Mrs.Kim: There is a bad spirit lurking around and it has powers. He can travel in time like you. You have to destroy him and to do that the Great dagger is needed. How to kill him is unknown as he is immortal. His son is also a bad spirit and his whole family is but only he in his family line can live forever. I know that history is repeating in the future because here Kim Cho-Hee has come. I was waiting for your arrival. Let me tell you my story. I am her *pointing at Chi* mother and her father died two years ago due to a disease. I have seven more sons named Kim Seokjin the eldest, Kim Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Kim Hoseok, Kim Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Kim Jungkook. They are the brothers of Cho-hee. She is involved in criminal activities around here but outside her brothers including her are heroes in the huge village. Kim Namjoon is controlling the throne but all the seven brothers are equally respected. The Jeon family is the which protects our family no matter what. I have not visited the future but got to know that my sons spread out with their family and are again born but in different families

Cho: So are you my great great great great great and much more great grandmothers right

I asked pointing at Chi and Mrs.Kim. Mrs.Kim nodding and soon Chi too. I tried processing everything so basically, the dagger is a time machine that helps me travel back and forth in time due to a reason. There is some sort of a bad spirit in a human form who can travel like me in time who wants to destroy our family.

Cho: But why is this happening?

Mrs.Kim: It's because he is from the hell who hunts down good. We have the most good in our hearts so he is trying to kill us. And most importantly he choose our family and you two. Now it's time to sleep and you Cho will be staying here till tomorrow evening. I will order my trusted man to protect you guys and make sure you do not show your face as it may create a big mess. Chi don't leave without Cho until she goes back to her time and leave only if it's necessary and make sure she is guarded at all time

Chi: Yes mother

She said and bowed respectfully, I nodded and bowed too and left outside to see a man in his thirties standing and looking at both of us without getting shocked.

Jae: Good evening. I am Jae-Myeong Yoo, the queen's right hand. I will be in charge of protecting you

He said a bit seriously but I could see the excitement in his tone. Chi rolled her eyes and grabbing my hand took me to her room.


Author- IDK much of Korean history so if you find any wrong information please notify me.

Sorry for any mistakes.


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