Is it the right choice?

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Cho: Grandma, I mean mom, no I mean aigo never mind.*taking her hand* Grandma tell me whatever it is. I don't care if it hurts

Mrs.Kim:*Deep breath when Coco escapes from Jae grips and sits in front of Chi* I want you to stay here for a day and think about the thing I am going to tell you. You have to make distance from your family in the future. I don't mean you to completely ignore them, just stay away from them as much as you can. Because the good spirit in the whole family only comes from one person that is you two. Yes Chi you will also distance yourself from your brothers. It may hurt even though they have good in them they are not in danger as you are in. They have good in them but you are let's say the main person who will spread the goodness

I was shocked but not surprised. Yes, I can sense that I am the main for this good spirit cause I am the main reason why my brothers are not swallowed by the dark yet but that means I will have to ignore them.

Cho: Ugh! Why is God so cruel?

Mrs.Kim chuckled and looked at the two of us before standing up and leading us outside. Jae followed us with Coco on my heels.

Mrs.Kim: I think the next time she comes you should start practicing with sword and teach her fighting

Jae bowed and took Coco in his hands and signaled us to the stable We took our horses and went to a nearby lake that had a house near its deck. I went and slept. Coco cuddled with me. 

What should I do? I don't wanna break up with Chan, tears are already rolling down my eyes. Why are you so cruel God? Should I completely avoid them? I guess everything is for the good. I said and closed my eyes.


I woke to the birds chirping and Coco snoring. He woke up with my jerk and yawned sleepily like me. I wrapped the cloth around my face and woke chi up. We did our stuff and I with Jae went to explore around the town. It was wonderful.

I enjoyed each moment there. The children living their happy childhood with nature's breeze hitting me once in a while. I met Sooho and got to know that he isn't that bad of a guy. His sister was very cute and we chatted for a while.

The day came to an end and I had to go back to the future. I walked towards a wall and holding Coco looked back. There stood Chi and Jae smiling and as I saw them, waving their hands saying their bye's. I took out my dagger and cut a huge rectangle and glancing back once and smiling went in. Soon it became dark and another message popped up.

"Do you want to go back to the same time or add the time you spent"

I clicked at the same time as I didn't want to yet tell my family. I stepped outside the now appeared portal and now was in my room with ancient hanbok and Coco in my hands. The time was still three past midnight. I smiled and placed Coco down and inserted the dagger in its mold when Coco jumped and turned the place where I hold and it suddenly became small.

I gasped but then smiled at the intelligent but suspicious dog now giving me his innocent look. I sighed at the thought of what I am going to do from tomorrow. A tear escaped my eyes and I wiped it and nodded as it was for my family's good. I then changed into the clothes I wore when I went to the past.


It was morning already. Today was the day I had to bring my brothers with Chan and Jiho back. I sighed and wore something simple after showering. I came down as Seo had prepared pancakes. 

Seo: Why are you moody today? Is it your period?

I gave her a 'WTF' look and she turned to the other side thinking of another way which made me cold today. Oh boy if she knew. We arrived at the airport to pick up the others. Chan hugged me and I just patted him on his back. Should I do this to my lovely handsome boyfriend? I thought.

But God was cruel. We reached home and on the way of course my brothers noticed me being cold.

Jin: Something happened when we were gone?

Asked with a worried look as I was going back to my room. I shook my head and headed up. Everybody came inside my room. I was on my bed scrolling through my phone but Chan took it away and held my chin up. I slapped his handoff and went to the terrace. Everybody was shocked especially Chan and my brothers as they have never seen me like this. 

I sighed, Coco ran towards me with a box that had a keychain that held a small dagger. That was the Great Dagger. 

Cho: You sure know how what to bring at the right time

I said as I laid myself on the sofa and looked at the sky. The stars were happier than me shining brightly. Chan slowly came towards me and slept beside me. I wanted to enjoy our last moments together. I couldn't control myself and hugged him and started to cry.

Chan: I know there is a reason for you to cry like this, tell me

To this, I shook my head harshly and sat up. He slowly sat up and cupped my face with both of his hands. I leaned to a kiss, it was comfortable and protective mixed with my tears of agony and pain. I pulled away and gazed forwards but I couldn't do it. I hugged him again and cried harder. He patted my back assuringly. I nodded and came to my decision. I should save them, they will be in danger because of me. I don't want that to happen.

I stood up and others emerged and saw my tears and instantly ran towards me to comfort me but I stepped back taking them off guard. I held Chan's hands and pulled him forward. I couldn't look him in his warm chocolate brown eyes. I left his hand and-

Cho: I think we should break up


Author- ;)


Sorry for any mistakes.


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