Heather and ukyo: How they met, become friends ,and a team

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It has been 3,500 years sense the human race was mysteriously petrified now a few of the humans have been unpetrified and revived, there are 2 different kingdoms the kingdom of science, and the Tsukasa empire, Heather (pic above but with different Bow) was revived by Tsukasa because Tsukasa knows she has hypersensitive hearing, and an intuition that is always correct, she also was good friends with Tsukasa in the modern world before everyone turned to stone, but what no one knew was her intuition is so great because she has psychic abilities, and that her and Tsukasa were actually half siblings. Ukyo was also revived by Tsukasa because he is also known for having ultra sensitive hearing, intelligence, and is good with bows and arrows, but had no idea of the psychic connection he and Heather would have, both Ukyo and Heather are part of the Tsukasa empire, Ukyo is Tsukasa's right hand man, and look out due to his ultra sensitive Hearing, and archery skills, Heather is a look out as well, due to her great intuition, and hypersensitive hearing as well. Today was a normal day like any other, everyone going about there business and role in this new stone world as part of the Tsukasa empire, as Heather was sitting at the edge of the woods watching and admiring the scenery, keeping watch, and Ukyo in the tree across from her as always, the scenery is beautiful isn't it "  a sudden voice from behind her mentioned startling her, " my apologies I didn't mean to frighten you "  the mysteries voice said again, " its ok  " Heather replied as she turned to see who it was to her surprise it was Ukyo who she had never met, or knew, that always set in The tree across from her " your the guy always sitting in that tree there " Heather said pointing to the tree Ukyo always sits in " yeah thats were I was assigned to watch from " Ukyo said putting his hand on the back of his neck as Heather listened to him " and indeed the scenery is beautiful, being a look out can get quite boring sometimes, sense nothing ever happens in this world, but at least the scenery is nice to look at " Heather said to Ukyo who was now sitting next to her " mind if I join you " Ukyo asked " not at all, its nice to have company " Heather replied with a smile " may I ask your name," Heather continued " of course, I'm Ukyo the other look out, whats your name " Ukyo asked and replied " Im Heather, its nice to finally meet you Ukyo " Heather replied " nice to meet you as well " Ukyo responded " so I see you talking to and around Tsukasa all the time if your not busy being look out, do you know him " Ukyo continued with a laugh " yes I do know him, in the modern world we were good friends, and sense he's the only one I know in this new stone world thats not petrified, when he revived me, I joined his empire, so I wouldn't be alone " Heather replied " I see thats understandable, I wish there was someone I knew not petrified in this stone world, your lucky " Ukyo replied in response, with sadness in his voice " its ok, I understand, I am lucky to have someone I know in this world, but you will find someone I'm sure, in fact you just did, ill be your friend " Heather replied putting a hand on Ukyo's shoulder with a smile and sincerity in her voice " thank you, and really were friends now, I'm so grateful " Ukyo replied happily with a bright smile " Of course, in this stone world, no one should be completely alone, without friends " Heather then responded with a smile, " may I ask tho why did Tsukasa revive you " Heather continued questionably " ah yes that, well it's because I'm intelligent, good at archery, and have ultra sensitive Hearing due to a career I had before this nightmare " Ukyo replied shocking Heather a bit " is everything ok, why do you look shocked " Ukyo then asked Heather " oh no no sorry about that I'm fine, I didn't mean to worry you " Heather then replied " is there another reason Tsukasa revived you, other then the fact he knew you " Ukyo replied surprising Heather " Actually yeah there is another reason, it's because I have a great intuition that always has the correct answer, and because I also have hypersensitive Hearing, he told me once he revived me, and that us knowing each other was just a bonus " Heather replied shocking Ukyo " who's shocked now, hehe, but are you ok tho " Heather then questioned Ukyo with a giggle " oh yes Im fine, sorry, I just didn't expect us to have something in common, but its nice to know Im not the only one with special talents that Tsukasa revived, and also that I'm not alone anymore thanks to you Heather " Ukyo replied with a smile slightly blushing causing Heather to blush a little " it's ok I understand, thats why I seemed shocked earlier as well when you told me haha, but Im glad were friends now, its nice to have another friend in this nightmare world " Heather replied " I couldn't agree more " Ukyo agreed with a smile. " ah my 2 look outs hanging out as friends, how interesting " Heather and Ukyo were suddenly interrupted by a voice from behind, they both knew far to well shocking them " Oh Tsukasa, hi, were sorry, will get back to our correct posts " Heather and Ukyo immediately replied standing up hurriedly " no please, its quite alright I don't mind the 2 of you being friends, its nice knowing Heather has another friend other then me in this new stone world, sense Im busy watching over the empire, and Ukyo be greatful you have a friend like Heather in this world, I know her well, and shes a great friend, besides I think you 2 would make a great team, especially sense you seem to get along so well " Tsukasa interrupted as Ukyo was about to head back to a tree " I am indeed greatful to have found a friend in Heather " Ukyo then replied to Tsukasa as they both smiled "thank you both " Heather then said to Ukyo and Tsukasa with a smile while looking at them " so what do you say, do you 2 want to be a team " Tsukasa said interrupting the moment happily with a smile to Heather and Ukyos shock " I mean sure if Ukyo is ok, but if I do I'd like a weapon as well, because I don't want ukyo to have to fight alone, if it comes to that " Heather replied " nah I don't mind at all " Ukyo interrupted in response to Heathers question " and I can help with the weapon " Tsukasa then said in Response to Heather as well " alrighty then me and Ukyo shall become a team, after I get my weapon " Heather replied to them both enthusiastically, then looking back at Tsukasa as they all smiled at each other. But what weapon will Heather choose, find out in the next part.
To be continued

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