Ukyo and Heather meet Senku and join the kingdom of science

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" So are you or are you not from the Tsukasa empire " The mysterious voice says as Heather and Ukyo look nervously and see its Senku, wearing an interesting pair of goggles, and point their arrows at him in defense " introductions can wait, how are you not unconscious, my magic should of made you unconscious as well " Heather says demanding Senku to answer " oh that, it's because of these, they kept your power from blinding me " Senku replies bluntly, not caring " This guy really is a problem, and how is he so chill about this " Ukyo thinks to himself angrily " now lets all just calm down, I don't want trouble, I can't fight anyway " Senku say to them both, as they lower their weapons " we want hurt you, we just want information, what do you plan on doing to this Tsukasa you mentioned " Ukyo asks Senku sternly confusing Senku a bit " so your not from the Tsukasa Empire, you don't seem to know what I'm talking about " Senku guesses " what an idiot, he doesn't have any idea that were just manipulating him, guess he's not so smart after all " Heather thinks to herself  " yes please tell us more about this Tsukasa empire you mentioned " Heather then asks Senku with a smile as the sun begins to set " that will have to wait till tomorrow, we all need some rest, the ones unconscious will be fine here " Senku tells Heather and Ukyo " but first what are your names I'm Senku, I'll introduce the others once they are not unconscious " Senku asks them " Im Heather, and this is my boyfriend Ukyo, also you asked who's related to Apollo here, thats me, in a way I'm his daughter " Heather tells Senku " yes and if you or anyone try to hurt Heather, you will have me to answer too, I want let anyone hurt here " Ukyo says protectively " Aw thanks, same to you Ukyo " Heather adds " I see, nice to meet you both then " Senku replies " so were can we sleep, this is a nice village here " Heather asks " if we have to will sleep outside, and we want it to just be me and her " Ukyo adds " no I want make you sleep outside even tho its quite nice, you can sleep here " Senku points a small hut next to the same river as they slept next to the night before " thank you " Heather and Ukyo say in unison as Senku walks away, once Senkus out of sight " we did it, were in, good job to us both " Heather says grabbing Ukyos hand excitedly " go to the river, there's something you both should know " Ukyo and Heather suddenly hear a disembodied voice, scaring and confusing them " what in the stone world " Ukyo questions " not a clue, that was weird, and freaky " Heather replies " it is I Apollo, now go to the river " They suddenly hear the disembodied voice again " oh so thats who it was but why, I guess we can trust it " Ukyo say to Heather " perhaps another prophecy, but I don't understand why we have to go to the river for it " Heather replies both unable to fight this force Her and Ukyo walk to the river as if in a trance. " ok where here father, why did you want us to come here " Heather asks aloud, causing Senku to cheak, as he sees Heather and Ukyo " what is this, it feels dark " Senku thinks to himself as he listens " I asked you both to come to the river because of this, stick your hands in the water, and see for yourself, you first my daughter " The disembodied voice says Senku hears this and realizes it is a trap and starts running toward them " don't listen to it, thats not who you think it is " Senku tries to call out, causing Ukyo to snap out of the trance, but its too late for Heather, she sticks her hands in the water, and suddenly freezes as if in a paralysis, in her mind horrid visions start flashing, and she collapses Ukyo comes back to reality and catches her just in time " shes so cold, what is this dirty trick " Ukyo thinks to himself " Heather, wake up, can you hear me " Ukyo tries calling to her but she doesn't respond as Senku arrives " you have to get her away from the river now, thats no regular ghost, its a demon trying to possesses her, sense she is the daughter of Apollo its easy for any demon to posses her, sense she has a connection with the spirit world, with her gift of prophecy " Senku tells Ukyo as he pulls Heather away from the river, meanwhile in Heathers mind, the horrific visions stop, and a vision of Tsukasa starts to form back in reality " what, I thought it would be the other way around " Ukyo asks Senku " I'm afraid not, it makes her more vulnerable, but what about you Ukyo, you were able to fight the dark force, but still almost got possessed too, why is that " Senku asks Ukyo " well see we were fated lovers and long ago in our past lives, while we didn't know each other, sense we were brought together by destiny, Apollo gifted me with the power of prophecy as well " Ukyo explains before he also collapses to Senku confusion " I see so sense they both have the gift of prophecy they have shared visions thats why Ukyo also just collapsed " Seku realizes while thinking to himself. Meanwhile right when Ukyo collapses the vision that Heather was having he has at the same time, this doesn't surprise them anymore, and they know they can't talk to anything but each other " your here to aren't you Ukyo " Heather calls out " To Ukyo " yes it me, I'll explain later, but I'm glad your ok, now what will this vision be about " Ukyo replies as the vision begins they see Tsukasa talking to a guy with white hair and a mask " Hyoga you know why I want to kill Senku " Tsukasa says to Hyoga " why is that sir " Hyoga replies as Tsukasa begins to explain " I want to make  this world into a place, only for the youth and young, with no adults, I want the children to be free to do as they please, and not be held back by adults and responsibilities, I will only save the young, youth, and those that are useful to me p, Senku wants to use science to save everyone, and restore the world back to the way it was " Tsukasa finishes as Hyoga just nods and the vision ends. Its the middle of the night Heather and Ukyo have been collapsed for several hours but are woke up by a phone ringing " what is that its so loud " Ukyo says covering his ears " I don't know but I agree its hurting my ears too " Heather wake up and replies " oh wait, its this " Ukyo says holding up the phone laughing " oh of course, but thats Tsukasa what do we say we haven't found out anything yet " Heather replies and laughs then sounding serious again " um Ukyo, I think after what we saw, I don't want to be a part of the Tsukasa empire anymore " Heather then tells Ukyo reassuring him a bit " honestly I have to agree, I want to save everyone not just the young " Ukyo replies " but what do we tell tsukasa " Heather asks Ukyo " will figure out something " Ukyo says as he answers the phone. " about time, I've been trying to call for hours now, where have you 2 been " Tsukasa screams on the other end of the phone at them hurting there ears " well that its a long story " Ukyo replies and giggles nervously " well no matter, any information yet " Tsukasa say on the other end " well uh no we don't, we haven't had time yet, wait actually yes, they plan " Heather is cut of by Senku destroying the phone " I knew you guys were trouble, I was playing dumb before, but I know the both of you are from the Taukasa Empire " Senku replied bluntly but sternly " we can explain " Ukyo manages to say even tho he's afraid " yes its true we were originally here to spy and get info, we are sorry, but after a vision we had " Heather says calmly " we have decided to join you, because now we know why Tsukasa wants to kill you, and we don't agree with what he wants to make this world into " Ukyo says adding to the conversation " so please let us join you " Heather asks Senku " fine, but we still can't trust you completely, all of us here want to save everyone as well, so you may join us, but 1 wrong move and your out " Senku says reassuring them as they smile " thank you " Heather and Ukyo say in unison " your welcome, now get some rest, because tomorrow the battle is on " Senku says to them again. But what will happen in this stone war, and were there be a happy ending, find out in next part .

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