Final part: Stone Wars and what happens

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Ukyo and Heather have decided to join the kingdom of science, after having a vision of why Tsukasa dislikes Senku, and they don't agree with Tsukasas ideal, he wants to save only the young, But Ukyo and Heather and the kingdom of science want to save everyone. Everyone just woke up from there slumber for the night as the sun begins, except for Heather and Ukyo. Meanwhile back at the Tsukasa empire " that Senku, he found out they were spies, is too smart for his own good, there probably holding them hostage to lure me, I have no choice " Tsukasa thinks to himself angrily as he calls out to the rest of the empire standing up " Everyone Ukyo and Heather have been found out, the kingdom of science knows thy were spying for us, we have no choice, the war begins now, so get ready " Tsukasa commands everyone as they comply. Meanwhile back at the kingdom of science " what was the light we saw, before we all fell unconscious " Chrome "  asks Senku " that light was the power of a daughter of Apollo " Senku answered shocking Chrome and everyone else present " the daughter of apollo, in this world, how " Kohaku asks " and why was someone related to Apollo here " Kinro then also asks " they aren't still here are they, and who's side are they on " Ginro asks afraid " one question at a time, but yes she is still here, well her and her boyfriend, who's fated to marry her one day, but " Senku is interrupted by Gen " they both spies from the Tsukasa empire, I should know, I once was myself, but I decided to join the kingdom of science " Gen says slightly scaring everyone " Relax everyone, they are on our side now as well, but we still can't fully trust them, because we don't know for sure " Senku says calming everyone down. Its been half a day and Heather and Ukyo finally wake up, and hear Senku talking to the others " do you hear that, we should investigate " Heather suggests to Ukyo " yes it sounds like they are talking about us " Ukyo says as he agrees Heather and Ukyo quickly and quietly run closer as they hear another sound that sounds like running toward them " impossible, there already here " Ukyo says to Heather " we knew they would come for us, but this is too fast " Heathers says to Ukyo a they both quickly grab their weapons, and make themselves known to Senku, and the others  " Everyone its beginning, the Tsukasa Empire is here " Heather calls out to the others shocking them " Right, get ready everyone " Kinro says " Its a good thing were already prepared, Heather, Ukyo, you will be our long distance fighters " Senku quickly say to them and everyone gets ready, as Heather and Ukyo climb into nearby trees hidden, next to each other . " Senku, where are they " Tsukasa screams to him getting ready to fight as Hyoga  appears beside him as well, getting ready for a fight " ready to die twice Senku " Hyoga says to Senku threatening him " Now lets all just calm down, couldn't we just talk about this, I don't want to hurt any of you " Senku says, " save it, give me back my sister and Ukyo " Tsukasa says angrily shocking Senku as he is about to attack as Heather prepares to shoot an arrow ready to protect Senku " As daughter of Apollo let this arrow not make anyone fall unconscious, but by the power of light, stop them " Heather finishes chanting as she lets the arrow fly, and it lands right in the middle of Senku and Tsukasa glowing softly in yellow, " this light its " Tsukasa thinks to himself as Senku and him look up confused, and Hyoga tries to attack Senku again " Not so fast " Ukyo says as he shoots an arrow hitting Hyoga in the arm distracting him, and Heather and Ukyo make themselves known to everyone " no ones going to hurt Senku " Heather screams as she climbs down from the tree " and no one else is going to get hurt either, this fighting ends now " Ukyo adds commandly as he climbs down from his tree and Heather and Ukyo look at everyone coldly and sternly scaring everyone, as they stop " impossible, how " Tsukasa thinks to himself again " your both ok I'm glad, but why did you join them " Tsukasa asks them " well brother, thats because me and Ukyo had a vision and now we know why your doing this " Heather says To Tsukasa sternly " and we don't agree with what you plan to do, thats why " Ukyo also says to Tsukasa sternly " I see, so thats why, very well, I suppose we can try talking this out first " Tsukasa says calmly to Heather and Ukyo as the 3 of them hear whispering all around, slightly annoying them "  a vision, what do they mean " they hear Ginro asking Kinro " whats up with these 3 they all know each other, as if there family, and its hard to tell who's side Those 2 are on " They hear Chorme ask Gen pointing to Ukyo and Heather, as Tsukasa, Heather, and Ukyo look around at everyone sternly, and annoyed, silencing them " ok everyone, you  will get answers in time, just wait " Senku says to everyone " and we really don't want to anger these 3 " Gen says adding to the sentence a bit afraid as everyone agrees " we will tell you everything soon we promise " Heather says looking around at everyone with a smile calming them down " first lets talk about all this, and make a decision " Ukyo then says " so brother, you wanting to kill Senku just because you have different ideals, it honestly really stupid " Heather says to Tsukasa sternly " how dare you speak to me like that " Tsukasa says before being interrupted by Ukyo " we will ask the questions here " Ukyo then says to Tsukasa as he complies " How Senku wants to restore the world back to the way it was I understand, but I also understand why you only want to save the young, still I can't agree with your ideal " Heather says to Tsukasa bluntly but with compassion in her voice " we are sorry Tsukasa, but while a world with only the young, and no responsibilities would be nice, if that were to happen the world would be worse for many reasons " Ukyo tells Tsukasa " for an example without adults kids would never learn true responsibility, witch perhaps you wouldn't need that in your ideal world, but no matter how or where you live, you always need to have true responsibily " Heather explains to Tsukasa " and what would happen if everyone died, no one would be left, and even tho freedom is a good thing to have you can never have true freedom, until you have learned what true restraint is " Ukyo continued explaining to Tsukasa but he still wasn't convinced. * time skip * after explaining to Tsukasa the pros and cons of each Kingdom ideals Tsukasa finally agreed " we know you don't truly hate science, and that you just want more freedom for the young, and you can still do that in the same world we have always known, theres many careers were you can help them " Heather says to Tsukasa " but if anyone only knows freedom, they will never realize the importance of life, or become mature adults, so what do you say, will you join us " Ukyo asks Tsukasa as he smiles " very well ill join your cause " Tsukasa replies to everyone's surprise as Heather and Ukyo quickly hug him.p, and begin walking away. " we did Ukyo we stopped Tsukasa and, he even joined us " Heather said happily smiling as she hugged Ukyo " yes we did, but what about the vision we saw were Tsukasa preparing to get petrified again " Ukyo asked with a smile then concerned " Perhaps we prevented it from happening " Heather replied as they heard a slash and Heather and Ukyo felt a pulse of energy in there head " oh no " they replied in unison as they quickly turned around to see Tsukasa on the grond bleeding and Hyoga in front of him with a bloody spear " Tsukasa no, this can't be, what did you do you masked villain " Heather screamed running to Tsukasas side, with tears in her eyes, and looking at Hyoga. " simple, I was using him this whole time, to see who's  side he would truly choose, sense he chose the enemies side, I killed him, he will slowly die of blood loss " Hyoga replied " How could you, it was my friend, no actually my family " Ukyo yelled at hyoga angrily, with tears in his eyes " Its too late for me go save everyone, I love you both Heather and Ukyo " Tsukasa said through the pain, before falling unconscious " Senku, isn't there a way to save him, or is he dead " Heather asked Senku as he kneeled down and listened to Tsukasa heart " he is still alive, but almost dead because he's bleeding internally, but yes we can save him " Senku answered Heather " really, how " Ukyo asked Senku " by freezing him solid and petrifying him again, ill get on it immediately, you don't need Anastasia right Tsukasa " Senku asked Tsukasa as Gen put him in the freezer " of course not, I'm still the strongest man from the modern world " Tsukasa replied to Senku both of them with a creepy glare as Heather, gen, and Ukyo quickly backed away afraid, shocked, and confused, and Tsukasa began freezing . " He is the strongest man in our world, so I'm sure its fine " Heather said no longer surprised and a bit nervous " So that was the vision we saw then " Ukyo replied still shocked and nervous, as Heather agreed. As Senku, Gen, Heather, and Ukyo were busy taking care of Tsukasa, Kinro, and Kohaku managed to capture Hyoga. " You will be our prisoner, until we can turn you in " Senku said to Hyoga and also put him in a freezer to petrify him again as well. " now we will travel the seas, to everywhere on earth, and save everyone, once we build a ship.

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