Ukyo and Heather: There fated true love, and final chocie before battle

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Heather and Ukyo have fulfilled finally, may a light signifying this attract unwanted attention tho. As this light shines so bright the kingdom of science, and the tsukasa empire notice it as the Kingdom of science see it " whats that light " Gin says " that must be the Tsukasa empire is, still whats that light tho, I don't see a fire or gunpowder " Senku adds. Meanwhile back at the Tsukasa empire everyone sees the light, as Tsukasa just sits in his throne smiling he thinks to himself " there fate has finally been fullfilllled " the light fades, and Tsukasa suddenly gets up from his throne, heading to were the light came from, as everyone watches, and try's to follow " no you can all stay here everything is fine, I know what caused that, I'm just going to check on something " Tsukasa commands everyone looking at him as they all begin muttering and one of them says " you know the cause, tell us " the mystery person asks " I'm sorry but thats none of your business " Tauskasa replies sternly as everyone falls silent. Meanwhile back were Ukyo and Heather are they awake " what happened " they say in unison " I think after we kissed, something happened causing us to fall asleep, interesting, I wonder what that means " Heather say to Ukyo as he agrees and Tsukasa arrives " what happened was, when you guys fullfilled your fate, it caused a bright light aura everyone could see, witch probably attracted some unwanted attention " Tsukasa answered Heathers question " witch means, The kingdom of science will probably come, we need to get ready for battle " Tsukasa continued thinking to himself as Heather interrupted his thoughts " You already knew all this didn't you " Heather finished " if you knew why didn't you tell us " Ukyo then added to the conversation " because you guys had to find out for yourself, but I wouldn't say I knew, but I could feel it, I planned all of this so you guys would meet, but now we need to prepare for battle " Tsukasa said to them shocking them " b - battle, what are you talking about, I don't to fight anyone " Ukyo asked worried " yeah what are you talking about, neither me nor Ukyo are good fighters " Heather said to Tsukasa also worried, as she comforted Ukyo " I'm afraid so the light that your fate caused, it most likely attracted the attention of our enemies in this stone world, the kingdom of science " Tsukasa replied sternly and seriously " but no worries, you 2 want fight, you will first start off by keeping close watch on the kingdom of science to spy on them, so we know there plan, and then when the battle starts, you both will just watch from above far enough away, so that they can't see you and warn us about something or someone secretly trying to hurt us during the battle, so you both want have to actually fight, just watch, in less theres no choice, even then you will be our long distance fighters " Tsukasa explained to them " thats a relief, that we can do " Ukyo said to as Heather agreed " I trust your relationship want get in the way, meaning you will focus on the task at hand " Tsukasa asked them " of course, we will protect each other id we have to tho " Heather and Ukyo said in unison, as Tsukasa shakes his head in agreement " good, and of course I wouldn't want you to abandon each other for a mission, and if one of you were about to get hurt " Tsukasa says reassuring them " so when do we begin " Ukyo asks Tsukasa " its almost spring, when spring begins so will your mission, thats Tomorrow, so enjoy your time, because your task begin then, for now make the most of this last day of winter " Tsukasa answered them " thank you " they both said in unison again " sense spring doesn't begin till tomarow, and we don't have to worry about an attack right now, want to do something, like tsukasa suggested " Heather asked Ukyo as Taukasa walked away " like a date, sure, but what is there to do in this crazy world " Ukyo replies asking Heather " thats true perhaps take a walk and admire the snow before it melts tomorrow " Heather suggests " great Idea lets do it " Ukyo agrees as they both put there bows and arrows on there backs, hold hands, and begin their walk smiling at each other. " any ideas of what to talk about " Heather asks Ukyo " not really, but what about our visions we had " Ukyo replies " well we already figured out what it means, but perhaps we talk about what we do once our double vision come true " Heather replies to Ukyo " thats true, its a good Idea but I prefer to improvise, I never follow through with my plans " Ukyo replies back " true, I'm the same way, in that case lets talk about your vision " Heather said finishing her sentence, before Ukyo interrupts her looking around while still holding hands " I don't know how long we have been walking, but this place, It was In my vision " Heather and ukyo both look around and they are at a small pond, surrounded by gorgeous flowers " this place is beautiful, it feels fermilier somehow  " that's because you've been here before in a past life Heather, and Ukyo has seen it in his vision " they both hear a loud and stern but kind voice from somewhere in the sky, causing them to clutch there Ears  its so loud " who are you " Heather says " and could you please talk quieter, your hurting our ears, but your voice, I recognize it from somewhere  " Ukyo adds to the conversation " my apologies Im used to speaking loud, and Ukyo my son in law, that's because I'm who you saw in your vision, that gave you your power " A man in a golden chariot pulled by a pegasus with golden hair and nows and arrows on his back comes flying out of the sky, as Ukyo and Heather uncover their ears " your " Heather says " Apollo " Ukyo then adds, both amazed " Yes it is I, apollo greek god of the sun, prophecy, music, and light, your true father Heather, and father in law Ukyo " Apollo says boldly and happily " So this bow was originally yours " Heather asks Apollo about to hand the bow back to him, on her knee " indeed it is my daughter, but its yours now, please keep it " Apollo replies pushing the bow back to Heather with a smile as she stands back up " but why have you come to us we thought you were " Heather says but is interrupted by Apollo " long gone, no I'm a god, I'm immortal, so I can't die, But I don't belong in this now stone world " Apollo says finishing Heathers sentence " I'm here because I knew you would find each other one day, I also predicted the world coming to this, but Heather my daughter I have a propation for you " Apollo continues as he looks at Ukyo and Heather then around looking at any stone statues in sight " what is this propation you have for her sir " Ukyo then asks " well sense she is my daughter she could join me on Olympus, and of course you could come to Ukyo, but if you both wish to stay and save everyone in this world, ill take my leave' what do you say " Apollo explains to them as he looks at Ukyo and then back At Heather " father I appreciate the choice, but I think both Ukyo and I wish to stay on earth and help save the world, what about you Ukyo " Heather tells Apollo and then asks Ukyo " well it would be cool to live on Olympus, but Heathers right, I want to stay here and help save this world " Ukyo answers Heathers question " I see I already knew this would happen, I forsaw it, but still wanted to ask myself, so I could see you both myself, and see if fate played out, and it did, I will be going now, oh and my daughter, my bow will naturally adapt to you using it the powers it has that is, you already know archery, so I have nothing I can teach you, and Ukyo sense your My son in law, it will naturally adapt to you if you ever need it as well, and I will always be here to guide you, just call my name " Apollo says as he hugs Heather and Ukyo goodbye and flys back to Olympus. " well that was something " Heather told Ukyo after Apollo vanished " indeed, it was a very unexpected something " Ukyo adds " so the vision I had was from the past, that explains why in it you didn't seem to recognize me " Ukyo continued " I see so thats what your vision was " Heather replied " oh my, its almost sundown we should head back " Heather continued and started walking back as Ukyo followed, in a short time they were back. But what will happen at The start of this stone war, find out in next part .

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