Time to prepare for the stone wars, Heather and Ukyo become Spies

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" We should get some sleep, because tomorrow our mission begins " Ukyo said to Heather as they went to find a place to rest for the night " yes, I agree, is this place ok, in this crazy world, the only place we have to sleep is outside " Heather asked Ukyo with a giggle, as they arrived at a spot next to a river " yes this should be fine, I love being near water  " Ukyo said to Heather as the sunset and they layed down next to each other, and fell asleep holding hands * time skip to sunrise *. As the sun began to rise, Heather and Ukyo, were awakened by Tsukasa asking to speak with them " Oh Tsukasa, good morning, how did you know where we were " Heather asked getting up, and rubbing her eyes, as Ukyo did the same " I had a feeling you lovebirds would be here, both of you like being near water it seems " Yeah we do " Ukyo said as Heather agreed " Now, time for your mission, as I said both of you will be spy's in the kingdom of science, so we know what they are planning, after you have enough information, you will text me " Tsukasa said shocking Ukyo and Heather, as he handed them a cell phone " a cell phone, in this world, how, there want be cell service " Ukyo and Heather asked in unison wide eyed " No need to worry, this is a special phone, that will allow us to communicate without service in this world, they were given to me as a reward, after A fight I won, before this became of the world " Tsukasa reassured them with a laugth, as he looked around pointing at all the stone statues, and holding up another phone he had the looked like the one he gave Heather and Ukyo . " Ok then interesting, at least its something we know how to use " Heather replied " Thank you, we will be sure to inform you of there plan " Ukyo said thanking Tsukasa as Heather and Ukyo walked in the direction of the kingdom of science to begin there mission " are you worried, you seem nervous " Ukyo looked and asked Heather " Well a bit, I mean what if they figure out were spies " Heather replied " it ok will be fine, Im nervous too, but will have each other's backs " Ukyo reassured Heather as she shook her head in agreement ", and they continued walking to there destination. *time skip to when they arrive at the kingdom of science * After a walk that took almost half a day they arrived at the bridge to ishigami village " so uh how do we do this, we can't just enter can we " Heather whispered to Ukyo " no it would be rude to just walk in, perhaps we " Ukyo whispered back to Heather as they both Heard footsteps, and looked up to see Gen walking toward them on the bridge " shoot what do we do, you don't think he spotted us do you " Heather whispered anxiously to Ukyo " not a clue, and I'm not sure if he saw us or not, either way we need to find a place to hide " Ukyo whispered back to Heather hurriedly and anxious, as he looked around for a hiding spot " there " Heather whispered to Ukyo as she pointed to 2 tall trees about 60 feet high with leaves spread out enough to hide them " we could hide behind them, or try to climb up fast enough to get a good view of the kingdom of science " Heather continued " gotcha, will each climb up one " Ukyo replied as they both immediately climbed up separate trees, as fast as they could, just getting to the top when Gen arrived, out of breath Heather and Ukyo sat on a branch on each tree close enough to talk to each other if they had to " I saw you both, were did you go, its alright I want tell " Gen called from below smiling with a laugth of mischievousness, scaring Heather and Ukyo " heck no, this guy is crazy we can't trust him " Heather whispered to Ukyo who was next too her " I couldn't agree more, is everyone here like him, and unfortunately I think he knows were here, but will stay here for now " Ukyo whispered back to Heather " hey Ukyo dear, I just had an idea " Heather whispered telling Ukyo " Whats that my darling " Ukyo whispered asking Heather, with a mischievous grin " my bow has the power of light and the sun remember, perhaps we can blind Gen with it, because clearly we are going to have to force our way in there, its not just Gen, but there are 2 guards there as well " Heather whispered back to Ukyo pointing to all the ones below With a mischievous smile, " a very good idea my love, but how do we use it " Ukyo whispers asking Heather " I have an idea " Heather replied whispering to Ukyo, as she lifted her bow and gets ready to shoot an arrow in the middle of Gen and the 2 guards below, and she began a chant  " As daughter of Apollo with this magical bow, I call upon the power of the sun, to blind my enemies with this arrow once it stabs into the ground " she finished the chat as the arrow glowed with a yellow aura and the arrow went flying stabbing the ground right were she aimed it, blinding everyone except her and Ukyo, once the light faded the guards below and Gen were all unconscious " haha it worked, I really am Apollos daughter " Heather said aloud to Ukyo with a laugth, and excitement as Ukyo joined in " great job, but surly everyone saw that, so what do we do about them " Ukyo replied pointing at the rest of the kingdom of science coming running over the bridge, and looking around for anything suspicious, and checking on their friends " its no use, they will be out for 24 hours, this was the power of Apollo or someone related to him, but this arrow wouldn't have killed them even if it hit them " Ukyo and Heather suddenly hear a voice, shocking them and look down to see Senku " This guys to smart for his own good, how did he figure it out " Heather said to Ukyo frustrated " That would be Senku, the science user Tsukasa is after " Ukyo replied to Heather " this Senku is no match for Tsukasa, he depends only on science, I can already tell that " Heather say back to Ukyo " but anyway what shall we do with them " Heather then asks Ukyo " I'll handle them, I'll distract them by shooting an arrow, and you can use your power to make them think they are under attack, then we head into the village together " Ukyo reassures Heather " got it, in that case, its your turn, go ahead my dear " Heather says as Ukyo prepares to fire an arrow in the middle of everyone below, " let her fly " Heather says as Ukyo shoots the arrow " quick use your power so we can knock the others out to " Ukyo tells Heather hurriedly " with pleasure, as daughter of Apollo bless this arrow with the power of light a light bright as the sun, to blind our enemies, when it lands on its target " Heather finishes chanting, as the arrow glow bright yellow, and hits its target, causing the rest of the people to fall unconscious and Heather and Ukyo climb down from the trees they were in " that was awesome "  Heather and Ukyo say to each other, as they high five and smile to each other, and the light fades " indeed, it was awesome, are you both from the Tsukasa empire sent here to kill me, and witch one of you is related to Apollo " Ukyo and Heather are suddenly interrupted by a voice, and turn around nervously. But who is this person speaking to them, and what will happen next, find out in part 7

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