Chapter 5 - The Meetup

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When I walked into the door I saw Anthony. He was sitting at a table, He had a hot cup of coffee, in one hand, and his phone in the other. His face was still and somber, and he made little movements. Anyone could tell just by looking at him, that he was tense. His body was still, and hunched over. He didn't move often, and when he did it was only to bring his coffee cup to his mouth. The movement was slow, and rough.

I walked over to the front, and ordered my coffee. I was unsure of weather I wanted to get it in a to go cup. Was this meeting going to last minutes or hours? What was I even going to say to him? I mean.....we haven't seen each other in years, and the last time our eyes met, it was before he left to visit his parents......I was a horrible horrible person. I decided that my best option would be to just get it to go, even if we did sit in the cafe for longer then expected, it wouldn't really matter.

Anthony had yet to notice me, and I was relieved about that. It would give me some time to think about what I was going to say when I sat down and talked to him. I wanted so badly to tell him the truth about what had been happening with me, but at the same time I didn't want to scare him away. I wanted everything but that. I decided in the end that I would just apologize to him, and ask if we could still be "friends" even though we all I know, I will always be pushing for something more. They handed me my coffee, and I was thankful that they didn't call my name. I wouldn't want him to hear it.

I was hesitant to walk over to the table. His back was turned to me so I didn't want to scare him, imagine how rude of a first impression that would have been. I turned around so that I didn't have to stare at him, and took a deep breath. It must have been pretty loud because right after that I heard him.

"Ian?" Anthony turned in his seat, and I slowly turned on the balls of my heels.

"Anthony! didn't know you were here already!" That was total bullshit.

Anthony made an uncomfortable face...oh god. I've already scared him off! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I always beat myself up for the dumbest reason. I'm sure it was something else that made him uncomfortable.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask, my mouth apparently controls me now, because I did not think that one through. I again began to beat myself up over nothing.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that guy that just walked past me" Anthony points towards the man, now standing at the counter. "I'm pretty sure he just farted." Anthony lets out a laugh, and so do I. Anthony always knows how to break the ice. He was my comic relief. For once in a very long time, I felt happy. But I knew that it wouldn't last very long.

I sat down across from him. The tables were quite short, and now I could tell why Anthony was hunched over, he just wanted to be comfortable. This whole time I have been assuming the opposite of what was actually happening.

"Listen, the reason that I wanted to come and talk to you today-" I was interrupted when a girl came up to our table. It was the same girl from a couple of years ago, when Anthony and I first started seeing each other.

"Ian! Anthony!" She smiled with glee. "I haven't seen you guys in so long! I know that you both have separate YouTube channels, and I just wanted to ask what happened?! You guys had just started Smosh back! I thought things were going great?" I didn't want to be rude, but this girl was really annoying. She was just reminding me of things I already knew. Things that I didn't want to be reminded of.

"Um.....well, we will explain soon, now if you don't mind we are trying to have a private conversation here." Anthony was very upfront with her, but he spoke softly, and surprisingly he didn't sound as rude. I thought about what he said to her for a moment. Maybe this conversation was a lot more important for him than I thought. She smiled, and nodded.

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