Chapter 7 - The Open House

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Ian's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning still in my clothes from the night before. My shirt had a barbecue sauce stain across the front, and one of my socks was missing. What happened last night? All I could remember was the restaurant. I got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen. Everything still looked to be intact, so nothing happened here....still very confused I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed the Captain Crunch from the top shelf. Pouring myself a bowl. I tried to think about what had happened, where did this stain come from and where was my other sock. I remember cleaning the apartment and going out for dinner but nothing was coming from after that. After thinking for a good 5 minutes about my eventful night, I retired and heading over to the couch. I grabbed the remote from the table before quickly sitting out on the couch in front of the TV, sitting on something hard. I was confused until it moved. I jumped up, throwing my bowl of cereal in the air, screaming.

"What the hell, why are you screaming?!" Anthony shouted at me. I grabbed my heart feeling it pound against my palm. 

"You scared the shit out of me! Why are you sleeping on my couch? Shouldn't you be at home???? What the hell happened last night?" The last part I said to myself almost as an afterthought. 

"Well, we went out for dinner with Matt and Nick, you fell asleep at the restaurant, and I drove us all home, minus me. I was too tired to drive myself all the way back." Anthony's expression didn't change once.

"Oh, so I didn't get drunk and have a party with a whole bunch of naked women?" I chuckled.

"I wasn't aware that you were still fantasizes about women." Anthony smirked.

"You know what I mean." We laughed and talked a bit more about our eventful night. It was fun remembering all the details, but soon Anthony decided it would be best to head home and get some work done. I didn't want him to leave because we were having such fun, but I guess he had to leave sometime.

"Thanks for having me over yesterday, it was a lot of fun! Hopefully we can do it again sometime?" Anthony gave me a friendly hug before leaving. The feeling of his touch lingered for a few minutes. His smell still engulfed the couch.

I was still in love with him.

I needed to try to get him back. I needed to try to make him see that I made a mistake and that I want to fix it, so that we can be together again. But how.....I know that he's broken too, but he has just temporarily fixed the cracks. The same cracks that I need to break open once again.

My plan was set.......


Anthony's P.O.V

I was woken suddenly the next morning by Ian casually sitting on my rib cage, forcing the air out of my lungs, and squishing my diaphragm. He then proceeded the throw the contents of his cereal bowl all over me. I can honestly say that I have never experienced this before. I laughed it off with him and we began to recollect our memories from last night. I could tell that Ian didn't remember much about what happened after he had dozed off so I refreshed his mind and we talked for a little while longer. After I had realized that it was nearing lunch time,  I decided it be best to head home. I was worried about Granger, and was missing my little family. Ian would understand.

"Listen, I really love talking with you, but I should really be heading home. Thanks for having me over yesterday, it was a lot of fun! Hopefully we can do it again sometime?" I hugged him before I made my way over to my car in the front of the house. I turned to look in the window where Ian stand and wave good bye before hoping into my car and driving down the Pacific Coast Highway home. It was a relatively far drive from Ian's, but I loved this highway. I wasn't sure why, but it relaxed me. My phone began to ring throughout the car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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