Chapter 2 - Finding Myself And Someone Else

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Words can't describe all the emotions I felt after Ian's disapperance. I was lonely, and scared. Waiting for somebody, anybody to come back with good news. But no one ever did. I was a sitting duck, waiting for her ducklings. But they had kidnapped. Taken from under her feet. They were gone forever.


Christmas holiday was just coming to an end for the family. It was New's Years Eve. Everyone sat on the couch, staring at the TV, watching the ball in New York fall. Everyone, except for Anthony. Anthony was in his room, moping around like always. Conscience was the first to try and get him out, but failed miserably. Many attemps were made in getting Anthony out of his room for once. No one succeed. That was until Dave went. Dave was Anthony's best friend, and he helped him through a lot. 

Anthony came out of his room in his flannel pyjamas. He was holding Granger in his arms as he walked. He was fast asleep. The countdown had began and everyone in the living room was happy and smiling. All except for Anthony. When the ball dropped hugs and kisses were shared. They were eached asked what their New Years resolution was. It was then Anthony's turn.

"My New Years resolution is to get better. To stop letting love control my life."

That was all. No more words were said. They all sat and proccessed Anthony's wishes before one by one they went up and hugged him. Until he was all hugged out, and ready to sleep. 


My life had changed dramactically in the first couple weeks of January, for once I was happy. I could see the future and it was bright. Granger and I were playing around in the living room on Valentines day. Kalel and Dave were on their dinner date, and Conscience was treating himself to a night out in the town. Granger was chasing my hand around the carpet floor when the house phone rang. No body called our house phone, and I was surprised when it did ring. I got up off the floor and walked to the kitchen where the phone hung on the wall. 

The other end was all staticy. Then there was a nosie, almost a groan, a whimper. I was startled and confused by this noise, and almost hung up before someone finally said something.

"Anthony...." Their voice slurring and slow. It was deep and hoarse, and Anthony could not recgonize it at first.

"Who is this?" Anthony asked curiously, almost with a tinge of anger in his voice. Deep down he already knew who it was.

"Anthony please............forgive me." There was lots of crying, and an obvious amount of alcohol. Anthony first filled with anger.

"Do you just expect me to come crawling back to you? I....I....I hate you." Anthony spat back at him. Regretting it almost at once. Anthony quickly hung the phone back up. He turned around, his back to the wall, and slowly slid down to the ground. Bringing his knees to his chest.

"Come on strong." I whispered to myself. Then, almost all to quickly there was relief. I stood, smiled, and actually chuckled. Because for once, I was stronger the he was. I felt almost invinsible.


Sunday morning breakfast was my favourite time of the week. The whole family would gather around the table in the living room. I would cook everyone a hearty, healthy breakfast and we would sit and eat and talk for hours. One Sunday we spent the whole day at the table, just talking, from breakfast to dinner, to dessert. This Sunday was one of those days. Everyone was so exhausted from all the work we had been doing that week that we just sat at the table and talked. We talked of our busy lives and how just yesterday everything had seemed so different. A lot had changed, Conscience becoming human, getting a dog, Penelope growing up and becoming a teenager, and Ian and Is finally goodbye. It was all the news this Sunday. 

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