Is it your first time?

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up and answered with a sleepy voice.

"God Y/n, don't tell me you're still asleep" Brie whispered-yelled through the phone.

"What time is it?" I groaned as I stood up.

"Oh gosh! Just get up and bring your ass here!" she sternly ordered.

"You don't have to yell at me. I'll be there as soon as I can" I said as I placed my phone down on my bed. Lizzie was still asleep, which wasn't that surprising after what happened last night... I gently put my hand on her shoulder.

"Lizzie, it's time to wake up". After a few attempts, she finally opened her eyes. She looked beautiful. How could she look so beautiful? I asked myself. "I was thinking, maybe you could stay here today. Watch Tv, sleep, take a bath... do whatever could help you feel better" I suggested as I didn't really want her to go to work.

"I have to go to work" she stated as she got up.

"Lizzie, as your work psychologist, I order you to stay home" I spoke sternly, only making her laugh.

"My work psychologist? Is that what you are?" she chuckled.

"As your friend, just stay home please" I suggested as I grabbed my clothes. As an old reflex, I kissed her forehead, before going to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then, I realised what I had just done. "Shit" I mumbled to myself. When I got out of the shower, she was making breakfast downstairs.

"You really don't have to do that, Lizzie" I said as I smiled at her.

"I want to. I mean, you're allowing me to stay here after what happen when we were-"

"We were just kids, Lizzie. It doesn't matter" I reassured her, faking a smile. "I'm glad you're here. I mean, I'm definitely not glad that you're suffering, and all that... but I missed you, and I'm happy that you're here" I admitted, earning a warm smile from the brunette.

"I missed you too" she said as she handed me a plate. We ate breakfast in silence, a comfortable silence. Lizzie insisted on going to work, so I drove her there. When we arrived, Brie came up to me, and told me that the Jimmy Fallon was there.

"What the fuck is Jimmy Fallon doing here?" I whispered.

"We have an interview with him. I knew it would make you nervous so-"

"Why would it make me nervous?" I cut her off, wondering what she would think that, since I had no reason to be a part of the interview.

"The directors want you to participate, because you're the one who knows us best" she explained, avoiding my gaze.

The interview started, and after asking a lot of questions to the cast, Jimmy turned to me. I still didn't understand what I was doing there.

"So, you're Y/n Y/l/n right?" he asked with a large smile on his face. I simply nodded and waited for him to ask another question. "I've been told this is your very first interview so tell us, what exactly is your job here?"

"Well, to be honest I do not know. I try to help as much as I can, to make everyone feel comfortable at work, but I wish I could do more" I honestly answered.

"You're helping, a lot" Lizzie spoke up. "I've never been so happy to go to work. I used to always be anxious about it, but since you got here, it's just... easier" she admitted. I blushed a bit as Lizzie wasn't the type of person to open up about her feelings, especially not in public. Scarlett and Brie shared a look and started giggling.

"That's very sweet. Y/n, as I can see you get along well with the cast. Did you know some of them before you started working here?" Jimmy asked, his gaze moving from one of us to the other.

"Yeah, I knew Brie, we met a few years ago. I also knew Scarlett, and Tom Hiddleston. Elizabeth and I were in the same class in high school" I explained, not giving too much details.

The interview lasted for a few more minutes. Honestly, it was an interesting new experience. I liked trying new things, even though it scared me a lot. Lizzie and I went home, and when we arrived there, there was a large pile of suitcases in the hall, and bags on the couch. Caity ran down the stairs, yelling my name, before jumping in my arms.

"Oh god, I missed you!" she smiled as she pulled away.

"I missed you too! Why didn't you tell me that you were coming home?" I excitedly asked.

"I wanted to surprise you" she smirked. Caity's my roommate, we've been living together for a while now. I met her a few years ago, at a movie premiere Brie invited me to. "Who's she?" Caity whispered as she nodded towards Lizzie.

"Right, Lizzie this is Caity, Caity this is Li-" I tried to introduce them to each other, but the blonde one cut me off.

"Like, your ex Lizzie?" she asked raising an eyebrow, I simply nodded. "And what the hell is she doing here?" she made it clear that she wasn't happy about it. Caity wasn't mean, but she could appear that way as she was very protective.

"She needed a place to stay for a while" I vaguely explained, not wanting to tell her what happened, because it wasn't my story to tell.

"Right, and you offered her to stay here, after she treated you like garbage. Nice move Y/n" Caity rolled her eyes at me.

"I'll move out as soon as I can, I just didn't know where else to-" Lizzie tried to defend herself.

"Stop, Lizzie you don't have to justify yourself, and Caity, please, stop being an ass" I cut her off, giving my roommate a slightly disappointed look.

"I'll try my best" she faked a smile. "I guess you also gave her your room, so what? You'll be sleeping with me?"

"Oh no, I'll take the couch, you snore too much" I mocked her, earning a playfully hit on my shoulder.

Caity Lotz was one of my best friends. She became one of the most important people in my life not long after we met. We decide to move in together a few years ago, but most of the time she isn't home, because she's filming, or directing a TV show. I knew she wouldn't be delighted to hear that Lizzie's going to be living with us, but she'll get over it. She's a very friendly person, she just knows how much my relationship with Lizzie destroyed me in the past. When she met me, I was heartbroken, and she didn't want to see me like this again.

𝐈𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑, Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now