11 - No Hospitals!

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My head his pounding as the sharp pain in my stomach grows. It's too much. "I'm gonna take it out." I groan into the phone. I hear Red telling me something, but I can't hear her over the ringing in my ears. I decide to ignore whatever she's saying.

I clasp the handle of the knife and immediate pain stabs my body. I try to hold in a scream as I pull out the piece of steel.

"I've taken it out..." I look down at the pooling blood gushing out of my wound. It's soaking my suit and spilling onto the ground, "Wow that's a lot of blood." I force out the words. I hear Red yelling but it's barley audible. I can't make out what she's saying. More dark spots cloud my vision as I try and sit up.

"Hello? Red? Red are you still there? I can't really hear you." My breathing becomes shallow and I'm gasping for air.

A wave of fatigue it's my like a ton of bricks making my headache worse. Everything hurts.

"I think I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second." I breath heavily and drop the phone. An inky black wave wraps around my mind as a dark void consumes my body. I fall for eternity into an abyss of nothingness. Of peace.

No. No I need to wake up. It's not over, people still need Spider-Man. Wake up. Wake up! I force myself to open my eyes. I can't die, I won't die. I try to move but my body refuses. I'm paralysed. All I can do is watch myself bleed out. Thank god I have enhanced healing or I would have died by now.

I hear a sudden screech as a Black Audi r8 pulls up in front of the alley. I begin to panic. What if that man came back!? He said we would! The door opens and I reach for my mask and try to scramble away; this time my body moves. I'm slowly crawling away, leaving a trail of blood behind me.

"Peter!" A voice yells out. I flinch and turn around at the sound of my name. A young woman with fiery red hair runs up to me. "Peter, it's me, are you hurt!? I told you not to pull out the knife!" She applies pressure to my wound.

"Who- who are you?" I don't know what's going. I don't understand. Why can't I understand?

"Peter, it's me. It's Red."

"Red?" I ask, my voice raspy. I think straight. The woman looks up at me and smirks.

"Nice to meet you kid. Can you tell me what happened?"

I try and recall what happened but I'm so confused. How did I get stabbed? "I only remember trying to save little girl. Then I got attacked by a man. He said he was with HYDRA." Red visibly tenses at the mention of HYDRA. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no nothing's wrong. Can you describe him Pete? The guy?" She lifts me up and leads me to the car. I nod my head.

"I can try. Ummm," I keep dropping in and out of consciousness. My memory fuzzy. "He was tall and had red hair. His eyes were blue and he was super strong. Almost as strong as Captain America. He also had an accent."

"Do you know what accent?"

"Yeah. It was Russian."

Red stops in her tracks. She looks like she had just seen a ghost. There's something she isn't telling me. The more I look at her face the more I feel like I've seen her before. I just can't remember. I can't really remember anything. "Do you know him?" I question. She looks at me and resumes walking.

"No. No I don't." Nat waves it off. Weird. She opens the passenger seat and helps me in. "I need you to keep pressure on your abdomen, ok? I need you to stay awake."

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