Chapter 1

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Hurry up, we have to make this operation successful, she said shouting at the other nurses that were helping her in the operation.

Oh no, it seems he can't make it, he is dying, one of the nurses said.

He can't die, am about to remove the bullet, hung in there, she said removing the bullet from her patient's body

Unfortunately, he couldn't make it. He was already dead. She could only recall how his parents outside were requesting her to save their son. But he died within the operation. She looked shocked and a tears dropped out of her eyes. She couldn't believe that she couldn't be able to save him.

Please record his time of death, she said softly walking out from the operation room.

His parents were outside pacing around waiting for the news of the doctor and suddenly she came out with a shocked face and tearly eyes.

Doctor, doctor.... Please tell me, how is my son's condition, his mother almost fell on her.

We managed to remove the bullet but  sorry, he couldn't make it, she said sadly.

What do you mean doctor? His father was shaking Erica terribly.

He.... is.... dead, she said.

What? No, he can't die, his mother broke in tears.

How could you let this happen doctor. I heard you are the best doctor in operations.  How could he die, his father said shaking her violently.

Sorry sir, we really tried our best but he couldn't make it. Am sorry, she said and walked away.

She also cried because she couldn't save her patient. She sat on the chair besides her and faced down crying.
After a while, she saw someone giving her a handkerchief to wipe away  her tears. She slowly looked up.

It's you Patrick, she said.

Patrick then sat next to her and she fell on his shoulders and started crying. Patrick kept patting her hair to calm her down. After she had calmed down, she rubbed her tears and sat up looking at Patrick who was now smiling at her.

Won't you ask me why am crying? She asked.

I just wanted you to calm down first. And when you are ok, then you can tell me. So now tell me, why are you crying? He asked.

My operation wasn't successful. The patient died before the operation was done. It hurts to see people entrusting me with someone to save but instead he dies, she cried again.

Comeon, stop crying, it's ok. People die and you can't control over death. If it was his time then he had to go, Patrick said.

Patrick, you know among all my patients that I have operated, he is the first one to die. Ofcourse I have to feel down, she said.

He is dead already, don't be like this. Just cheer up ok. Smile for me, Patrick said

Erica sighned and put up a fake smile.

That's more like it. Don't feel down because of this. Now tell me, how many people have died since I had started operating. They are many and it's not just because we want them dead, it's because we really try our best to save them but if God wants them dead then we can't control that, Patrick said.

Fine, fine. I was just emotional because he is my first patient to die. But i will be ok. I have to go see the director, she said.

Why do you want to see te director? He asked.

I don't feel well. I want to go home and rest.
Am dropping there to tell him so he doesn't assign me any more patients today, she said.
I can go with you. Am also passing to the eye department. Let's go, he said.

Eye department???... oh I know, you are going to see that lady you told me about, she said teasingly.

You know me better, he said holding her hand and walking away.
Erica was an ordinary doctor who always wanted to do her work perfectly. She was dedicated to saving people and worked in a very big hospital which had very many departments. For eyes, delivery and many more. She was good at operations and was always in good terms with all the workers and directors of the hospital.
Patrick was Erica's best friend. He was also a doctor at the same hospital. He had tried pursuing a nurse at the eye department but he still failed.


Erica moved to the director's office and Patrick continued to the eye department. She  knocked and she was allowed in. She found Louis in the directo's office. Louis was a respected scientist that was introduced to all of them by the director and he was highly respected in the hospital.

Good evening director, good evening Louis, she greeted humbly giving a little bow.

Good evening, they all said.

I just heard that you were crying because you have not saved your patient, the director smiled.

Erica smiled and looked away.

It's ok for you to cry, it was your first patient to die in your history, he director said.
Erica smiled in embarrassment. Louis laughed instead.

What's funny? Erica asked

It seems you are devoted to saving people. Keep up the spirit, Louis said patting Erica's shoulders.

Thank you sir, she said.

So why are you here, he asked.

I would like to go home for sometime. I will come back tomorrow, she said.

It's ok, you can go and relax, remember to come back tomorrow early, he said.

Thank you sir, she said and walked away happily.

This is the first chapter of this story. Hope you like it.
See u in the next chapter.

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