Chapter 12

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After two weeks, their song was released and it's Video. They were always busy and were given two months vacation. Theses boys were hard working. Erica always knew that idos would never be busy like doctors but staying with them made her believe that their was no rasy job.
Erica had not stopped to look for a doctor and by now, she was remaining with only three weeks. Taehyung was always with her searching and other members also helped her. Erica was moved by how Taehyung always sacrificed his free time to help her. He was always there for her and always gave her hope. Anther week passed and she was now remaining with two weeks.

One night, someone called Erica and told her that he knew where the doctor lived. The next morning, she went with Taehyung and Jimin to see the man who called her and they found him at his home. Jimin had reamined in the car, Erica and Taehyung went to talk to the old man.
He was an old man living in an isolated place.

Good morning old man, Taehyung said with so much respect.

Good morning old man, Erica also said.

Good morning, he said with a crooked old voice.

Are you the ones who were looking for the doctor? He asked.

Yeah, we are the one, Erica said.

First sit down, he said. We all sat down.

Are you two a couple? He asked smiling.

No, Erica said.

Yeah we are, Taehyung said putting his arms around Erica's shoulders.

Erica pinched Taehyung and he he groaned a little.

What are you saying? She whispered to him pulling his arms from her shoulders.

That's what he wants, maybe he can help us, Taehyung said with a smirk.

Such a young couple, the old man said. My beautiful wife died and left me alone. Please cherish your love.

Yes grandpa, please tell us where the doctor is? Erica Saud trying to ignore the old man's conversations.

The doctor is my neighbor right there, he said pointing at the house next to him.

They stood up immediately to leave but he called them back.
Wait a minute, he said.

What is it? They all said.

You first have to know something, he said.

What is it? They sat back.

That old doctor died yesterday. As i came from the bar, I saw alot o men in balck around his house. They were beating him so badly till he died. I was scared to go help him and when they left, I went to see how he was and I found out that he was already dead.

Erica felt like crying out loud a that time. He was het only hope.

Why were they beating him? Taehyung asked.

They were asking him someone but it seems that he never knew the person so they kept beating him until he died, he said shaking his head.


I can't remember the name, he said.

What did the men look like? Erica asked.

The men wore the face masks but I saw one. He was a short man with a somehow a big head and has a long moustache, he said.

Were they asking the name Erica? She asked.

Exactly, I remember now. It's Erica, he said.

Taehyung looked at Erica. He could sense the pain in Erica's eyes. He slowly hugged her.

Is he burried yet? She asked softly.

Not yet. Stil in the mortuary, he said.

Which hospital? She added.

Here, he said giving her a card with a name of the hospital.

Thank you for your help, Taehyung said and helped Erica to stand up and slowly they left together. She was so helpless. Taehyung saw how hard she was trying to hold her tears.

Just let the tears go. Cry out your pain. Don't pretend to be strong, he said.

She couldn't hold it anymore. Taehyung hugged her and she cried while Taehyung kept patting her back. After a while, she seemed to have calmed down. She slowly pulled her self from his hug.

It's all my fault that doctor was killed. I don't even know if he would ever forgive me, Erica said.

Erica its not your fault. Don't blame yourself, Taehyung said.

Erica tear up and slowly Taehyung rubbed her tears with Palm and hugged her again to comfort her.

Erica was thinking of what to do next.

Are you ok now? Taehyung asked.

Am ok. All because of you. Don't worry, am not do fragile, Erica said.

Don't worry, I will always be there for you, he said.

Thank you Taehyung. Am glad that you are my friend, she said smiling.

He smiled too.

So what next? Taehyung asked.

Lets go to the mortuary, I want to see the doctor's body? Erica said.

Aren't you scared of seeing a dead body? Taehyung asked.

Am a doctor. I always see dead bodies, Erica said.


Erica knew that he was the one scared of them. He looked scared already.

Are you scared? She asked.

Aaahhhhh... no ofcourse, he said.

Erica smiled at how he lied. He was a bad liar. His eyes already showed the truth.

Don't lie, she said smiling.

He looked away.

Don't worry, am there for you, she smiled and held his hand and the walked to the hospital. The hospital was so near and it seemed this is where the doctor worked.

Wait a minute, do you think they will just allow us to see his body? Taehyung asked.

We will sneak in. Don't worry. I know what to do, she said.

Wear this, she gave him the uniform and she lso wore the same. Taehyung removed his balck mask and put on the surgical mask as well as Erica.

Will this work? Taehyung was  a little bit nervous.

Yeah, trust me, she said.

They then walked in the hospital and Erica asked one of the health worker where the mortuary was. She claimed that she was now and had been transferred to that hospital and the health worker showed them the mortuary and they went in immediately.

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