Chapter 7

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A/N: I realized the other day that it had been over a month since I last updated and I'm so sorry for the wait! Lots has been going on and for a while I was really upset about Zayn leaving the band. I've also been putting lots of thought into my other fanfic, so if you ship Larry, you should definitely check it out! Anyways, thanks for reading! Xx

"Demi, you have to cooperate with these people. We are here to help you get better and we don't want to make this any more difficult for you than it already is. The other staff members and I can't do that if you aren't willing to try. You have to want recovery or else-" I continue to stare blankly out the window as Amy lectures me. I am listening to what she's saying, but it's the same thing every time.

You have to want to get better.

Nothing will happen unless you try.

I am trying, I really am. But half of the people here just don't understand.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I announce once she's done babbling, and quickly leave the room before she can say anything else. It is free-period anyways, so I'm not missing much. I start aimlessly wandering around the halls of the building. I don't care that I'm probably not supposed to be in most of the places I go, walking helps distract me.

In all honesty, the last couple of days have been very tough. I've wanted nothing more than to get my hands on any kind of sharp object, needing to feel some kind of release. Everyone always says it gets easier the longer you stay strong, but I find it to be the exact opposite. The urges to purge and self-harm grow stronger and stronger every second that I'm trapped here.

I hear muffled talking once I near the corner of the hall, bringing me back to reality. The voices are coming from outside the art-room. I keep my head down and continue walking, not wanting anyone to notice me. I've almost completed the loop and plan on going back to my therapist's room where Amy will be looking for me shortly.

My pulse quickens as I near the voices, instantly recognizing Zayn's thick accent. The figures soon come into view and I notice him talking to a few other people that seem to be around our age. The two other guys disappear into the art-room, just in time for Zayn to spot me. So much for going unnoticed.

"Hey?" I say quizzically, not knowing if he'll respond or not. I can see that he still has a bandage on his left hand, resting gently by his side. Zayn and I haven't spoken in 5 days, ever since he angrily stormed out of the dining hall. He's been purposefully avoiding me in every class that we have together. It didn't surprise me though. I knew this friendship was too good to be true from the beginning and it was only a matter of time before he stopped talking to me...

My stomach drops when he rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed that I even tried to talk to him. I scoff in return, the nerves I had seconds ago turning into anger. What is he even mad about? He's the one who got all pissed off.

"Why are you being such an ass?" I wonder aloud, not knowing where I'm getting the confidence to say this. "You've been ignoring me for days... If it's because I lied to you, I didn't mean it. I would never lie to you intentionally, Zayn. Why are you avoiding me?"

He stays silent before mumbling, "It's none of your business, Demi. Would you just leave me the fuck alone?" I try to open my mouth to say something in return, but I wasn't fast enough. While shaking his head, he picks up one of his drawings and walks the opposite direction down the hallway.

"I thought you were different." I whisper under my breath as my eyes start to water. I should know by now to never trust anyone. Zayn has seen a side of me that I've kept hidden from everyone else. I finally thought I was excepted by someone and that I had a purpose again. I was so wrong.
He's just like everyone else. His name is just another I can add to the long list of people who have abandoned me. Once I open up to someone I care deeply about, they leave and take a part of me with them. That's exactly what Zayn did. And there's not much longer until I don't have anymore pieces left to give.

Gone in an Instant. (Demi Lovato/Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now