Chapter 8

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The room is still and silent except for the light taps of the rain hitting the window. I nervously play with my hands sitting in my lap, not knowing what to do with myself. I hate moments like these when I feel nothing but nerves.

"Alright," dr. Johnson announces while sitting in the seat directly across from me. "How are you doing today, Demi?"

"Alright, thanks." I reply automatically with a slight smile.

"Are you sure?" I nod, not wanting to have to describe my feelings in detail. I stay silent, trying to fight the urge to walk out of the room like I've done in the past, and wait for the next question.

"This is the fifth time we've met, Ms. Lovato. Do you feel as if you're making any progress so far in this treatment program?" Dr. Johnson watches me intently as I fiddle around with my hands, thinking. Have I? I guess I've managed to eat meals under the watch of Amy, but that's because I have no other choice. It doesn't help the fact that I still feel terrible about myself after eating and the urges to harm myself still occupy my thoughts quite frequently.

"I don't know." I answer quite honestly with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Well, from your records it seems like you're making small improvements. And that's a good thing." She says, flipping through a few records before setting them down on the small coffee table in the center of the room. "I can assure you, recovery isn't easy. But it's worth it in the end."

I try not to roll my eyes after hearing the same statement that is repeated to me practically everyday. A brief moment of silence fills the space between us.

"Were you in a relationship before you came here, Ms. Lovato?" I nearly laugh at the question, but her overwhelming calm composure assures me that she is not kidding.

"No." I answer flatly. Why is she asking me something like this anyways?

"Oh, it seems like you're missing someone... Is that true?" I shake my head once again. I don't have anyone to miss. Everyone has left. As she continues to ask me questions I keep replying with simple answers, too distracted by my thoughts to focus. It's not like I miss Zayn... Do I?
"I've got to say," Amy begins, as she looks at me wide-eyed with a huge smile plastered across her face, "I knew you had it in you, Demi. God, I'm so proud!"

I smile back at her, for real this time. I could now finally say that I've finished an entire meal. I don't know what got into me after I left that therapy room, but I was determined to do something right for a change... And I did.

"I couldn't have done this without you nagging me all the time." I reply jokingly. She laughs. I forgot how good it feels to make someone happy.

Not having much time left, I briskly take my empty plate back up to the workers at the dining hall and throw my water bottle away in the garbage bin.

I feel a brush against my side, instantly switching me into high-alert mode. I some-what relax as I realize it's only Zayn, who I don't really want to talk to right now.

"Hey," He awkwardly greets, "Can we talk?" I notice the dark patches under his eyes, signaling that he hasn't been getting much sleep. The bandage on his hand is still there, although a bit smaller than before. He looks utterly exhausted. I wanted to be upset with him for the way he treated me, but I couldn't find it in me.

"Quickly." I reply and take a seat next to where we are standing. He does the same.

"Demi, I'm sorry. I was a total asshole for getting upset with you. I don't even know why I was upset in the first place and I understand if you don't want to talk to me again." He rambles, "I know you're struggling and it's not easy for you. I shouldn't even have made the freaking cupcakes in the first place. There was no excuse for the way I treated you the other day. It was stupid and conceited."

"No, you were just trying to be nice. I'm the one who lied. It's okay." I automatically assure him. I'm not one to hold a grudge and it's weird seeing Zayn so upset. I don't like it.

"Can I ask you a question?" I wonder aloud, my curiosity getting the best of me. He nods silently in response.

"What happened to your hand?" I already know most of the answer from what Amy had told me, but I want to know if he's willing to open up to me about something and tell me the truth. Zayn slightly panics before letting out a sigh.

"I've been switching medications for my anger control problems and I tend to get upset easily. I may have punched the wall a few times..." He shrugs, "But don't worry, I'm getting better. And it wasn't your fault, Demi." The corner of his lips turns up into a smile. I smile back, satisfied with his answer.

It felt good to talk to him again.

A/N: After what has gone down, I honestly have lost lots of respect for Zayn... But no matter what happens, I plan on finishing this fanfic. I hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading. X

Gone in an Instant. (Demi Lovato/Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now